New York to monitor diabetics

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allowed to opt out of the program

Yeah right.
How come they don't set these programs up so one could opt in rather than attempt to opt out?

It's just a start. They have bigger issues on the horizon if the gov can squeak this through without too much squealing from the sheeple. Then its on to bigger and better tracking database's, (databasi?).

Cholesterol, Cancer, lead poisoning, carpal tunnel etc.

Have to get on the gov nipple to ensure control.

Can'thavenuthingood said:
Yeah right.
How come they don't set these programs up so one could opt in rather than attempt to opt out?

It's just a start. They have bigger issues on the horizon if the gov can squeak this through without too much squealing from the sheeple. Then its on to bigger and better tracking database's, (databasi?).

Cholesterol, Cancer, lead poisoning, carpal tunnel etc.

Have to get on the gov nipple to ensure control.


At least the New York Assoication of Laboratories said collectively "we (or will not) can not comply with this" during the comment period.

There will be ~40,000+ reports PER DAY of A1C testing results in NYC... Note that YOUR DOCTOR is not required to report, just the laboratory doing the testing.

Also you getting ahead of yourself alittle Cholesterol has been "on the board" for NYC already. I first heard them talking about this in JUNE, the same time as the A1C testing.

Cancer, lead poisioning, (regardless of result) is already reportable at the national level. Not to mention they REQUIRE YOUR ADDRESS, PHONE NUMBER, DOB, RACE.... for lead testing.

Didn't know that.

As far as lead testing, do they want to know if one is associated with firearms in any way? Recreational or employed?

Too many things going on in gov we can't keep track of. Is there a gov agency to keep track of those keeping track?

i heard that being born had fatal consequences...

Citizen, drop that donut and step away from the counter.
We are from the Ministry of Health and we are here to help.
Do the health police get to wear the snazzy black tacticool uniforms like the SWAT guys? I wonder if they are going to carry their proctoscopes in a black nylon thigh holster?:barf:

Why the people of any city would put up with this kind of nonsense is puzzling to me, but then again these are the same people who elected Her Hillariness to the senate.
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Starting Next year

Mandatory blood test will be required of everyone purchasing a large package of high fat chips, commonly now as an "assault bag". Computerized records will be kept to track chip purchases. Later, other high fat foods will be added to the list. If the food police decide you're eating too much crap you will be sent to a "reeducation camp" for nutritional training. 400,000,000 people die annually in NYC from obesity. If we can save just one it will all be worth it. Remember, Is for the children!!

Mandatory blood test will be required of everyone purchasing a large package of high fat chips, commonly now as an "assault bag". Computerized records will be kept to track chip purchases. Later, other high fat foods will be added to the list. If the food police decide you're eating too much crap you will be sent to a "reeducation camp" for nutritional training. 400,000,000 people die annually in NYC from obesity. If we can save just one it will all be worth it. Remember, Is for the children!!


From my cold, dead hands!!!

/Man I love my digital camera.:D
//Self timer is handy as well.
Could be the beginning

of restricting diabetics drivers liscenses.
Antsi, they could add guns to your list.
Crosshair, soon you will only be allowed to buy one "assault" bag a month, with a background check and a seven day waiting period before you can pick it up.
More proof that the doctor-patient privilege is completely meaningless. You should assume ANYTHING you tell your doctor will become available to everyone from insurance companies to state health authorities and even the WHO. Guard your words carefully, and avoid giving too much information.

TheEgg said:
Do the health police get to wear the snazzy black tacticool uniforms like the SWAT guys? I wonder if they are going to carry their proctoscopes in a black nylon thigh holster?:barf:

Why the people of any city would put up with this kind of nonsense is puzzling to me, but then again these are the same people who elected Her Hillariness to the senate.

Don't you mean 'Herr Hillary"? ;)
Total BS man. I'm type 1, I would definitely OPT OUT! Whats incredibly DUMB about this whole thing, is that if a lab has your A1C results that means you went in and gave them your blood to test, which means you are probably seeing a doctor already and by taking the test you are monitoring your blood sugars! This is redundant! You'll get your results in the mail, you probably will get a comment from your Doc on those results saying "Good!" or "try and keep it a little more under control"! Why does the dang health dept. need to do the same thing? The diabetics who are going to have more problems are the ones who don't get their A1C taken, so the health dept. won't have their blood tests, no info, no way of "monitoring" them. So whats next, mandatory blood testing!? This will do NOTHING to help diabetics. bogus.

You want to help diabetics? Do more RESAERCH and find a way to safely give us new islet cells to produce our own insulin. Make blood testing supplies CHEAPER and not near $.75 every time we test our blood sugar so we test more often.
Mandatory blood test will be required of everyone purchasing a large package of high fat chips, commonly now as an "assault bag". Computerized records will be kept to track chip purchases. Later, other high fat foods will be added to the list. If the food police decide you're eating too much crap you will be sent to a "reeducation camp" for nutritional training. 400,000,000 people die annually in NYC from obesity. If we can save just one it will all be worth it. Remember, Is for the children!!

We need to close the quickie mart loophole and have 7 day waiting periods
for packages of 2 or more twinkies.
I'm type 1, I would definitely OPT OUT!

Opting out would mean a whole new regimen of hoop jumping. First ya gotta tell'em why you want out. That you don't want them to monitor your health and ensure a quality life for yourself and family isn't good enough.

Then your insurance company must be listed as they must be notified by the proper gov authorities that you refuse personal care for your condition. It's the law you know, we are required to inform your insurance company as well as the Dept. of Motor Vehicles, DHS,TSA, the Social Security Administration and your mother.

You seem to be getting agitated. I'm only trying to help you. Don't get mad, I'm just doing my job. You're scaring me now, calm down, I'm getting nervous. Sir, please calm down.

Paging security, paging security, please bring taser man STAT.

Yup, opting out oughta be a hoot.

Can'thavenuthingood said:
Then your insurance company ...

Haha, good luck getting insurance when you get type 1 while you're inbetween jobs and aren't covered. :rolleyes:
Cosmoline said:
More proof that the doctor-patient privilege is completely meaningless.

FYI your doctor is NOT required to report anything with hgb A1c testing, ONLY the laboratory doing the testing. Many doctors are completely unaware of this, though I heard NYCDOH will be sending a letter to doctors shortly...we will see.

Here is some more info on this topic:
Response from the clincal lab assoc, note the unwillingness to agree with the A1c reporting

NYC says REPORT A1c...


Very funny, BUT I am not laughing NYCDOH has already been thinking about having Cholesteral made reportable. Better buy those high capacity feeding devices asap before they are banned in NYC. I will take Cool Ranch 5# bag with speed feed stock...
Can'thavenuthingood said:
As far as lead testing, do they want to know if one is associated with firearms in any way? Recreational or employed?


Not in NY/NYC... in NJ if you are >=17 years old, they REQUIRE employment information.. Employer name, Address, and Phone #.
Ya know, opting out won't help any. The folks who opt out will probably still be tracked in the database of diabetic New Yorkers. The only difference is that they'll be listed as having opted out instead of cooperating fully.

You're screwed either way.
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