Night Sights: your opinion

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Jan 6, 2006
East TN
I've been a reader of this bulletin board for quite some time and finally decided to sign up. Now, I come to you for advice. I have recently (after much research and testing out) purchased my first handgun: a Sig p220. For now this weapon is going to be for home defense, but once I get my carry permit it will be carried quite regularly. I have found a place to shoot and once my membership card comes back I will be going very often. The question I have is should I get night sights? I have searched through these forums looking for an answer, but just found posts about what types to get, no real discussion on whether anyone feels it necessary, so I apologize if there has already been a discussion and I missed it. Thanks everyone.
If this will be a gun you anticipate carrying and / or using for defense, then yes, I'd spend the money and invest in good night sights. They do make a difference--at least for me.

I personally like night sights because they create contrast in low light conditions. I have them on my Sig P226 and Springfield Champion.
All my Glock's have had the plastic sights replaced with steel night sights.Easier to sight and see in low light,and day light.
I have TruGlo TFO's (night sight/fiber optic combo's) and love them.

For a bedside gun, get the night sights. If the BG is outlined w/ backlight in the darkness (how many of our homes are pitch-dark??) , I'm guessing you could pinpoint him quite well w/ night sights. Add a nice tactical flashlight (and practice, practice) and you'll feel quite confident.

It's likely the best additional $100+ you'll spend in accessories on your gun.

Then, there's ammo, practice, range time, etc, etc.

Lex in NC
Thank you all very much for your opinions. I figure it will be a while before I actually get the sights put on my gun (seeing as I spent all my money on the pistol). Also, the way I see it, if I don't practice enough to hit what I can see, well night sights aren't going to help me too much.
Night sight are good for your carry weapon, but if you can't see the target, they don't do much good. I'd recommend looking at a weapon light for just a little more money, or a quality flashlight to keep with your gun for HD. if you purchase either one, practice with it.
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