Not Quite a Convert But...


Mar 1, 2020
South central Ohio
My sister in law may have finally turned the corner. This is my wife's sister, entire family is pretty indifferent when it comes to firearms use and ownership. Took mama a while to come around but she finally did. SIL has shot with us once or twice but never really took to it.

(For those of you who may remember, this is the same woman who took a Nerf dart to the ear hole a few years back at Thanksgiving.)

She's a night shift hospital employee that routinely leaves work after midnight and before sun up. Some situations have come up that made her wonder if the key ring pepper spray is adequate, but status quo has won out so far.

Yesterday evening she went with my wife, kid and me running around. Her guy is out of town for the weekend and we dropped her off about 10:30pm to an empty house. Pretty rural area with neighbors a few hundred yards away. We helped carry her stuff in and came home, about 20 mins away. I literally had just changed into lounge wear when she called. FRANTIC.

Someone is banging on her door and yanking on the knob. They're banging on the window, then back to the door. She called 911. Someone is on the way, but can't say for sure how soon. Should be there within 15 minutes. She's scared to death and even apologized for calling but just thought maybe I could tell her what to do. Her guy has guns in the safe but she doesn't know how to open it or where any ammo is. I won't possibly get there in time to be useful but I'm heading out the door.

"Grab something you can swing hard enough to hurt somebody and lock yourself in the back bedroom. Don't hang up your phone unless the Sheriff's Dept calls" Trying to keep her calm the whole time...

She has a call coming in. It's her guy, so she answers. Turns out it's him out there even though he wasn't supposed to be home til Sunday. He came home early, then thought it would be hilarious to freak her out. It worked. She's going shooting with me tomorrow and going to seriously work on learning to be safe and proficient.
A guy’s daughter came i to town a day early —but at night— and as the daughter quietly crept down the hallway; the father didn’t ask who it was, and with No lights switched on he killed her.

A different guy, much younger had assumed that his fiancée simply Could Not be opening the door from the garage, as this Was Not Standard Procedure late at night, and with no light switched on he killed her.

What causes this mindless paranoia? Has this paranoia developed Separately from our "gun culture", or could Some of this type of hysteria be a self-propagating, direct result of our "gun culture" and its non-stop news ?
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Turns out it's him out there even though he wasn't supposed to be home til Sunday. He came home early, then thought it would be hilarious to freak her out. It worked. She's going shooting with me tomorrow and going to seriously work on learning to be safe and proficient.
Good deal. Next time she'll be able to shoot him through the door and resolve the emergency. I love a happy ending... :(

Seriously, before you teach her how to use guns, you need to have a sit-down and talk to both of them about trying to limit the stupid a little bit. Guns are very unforgiving and panicked people don't always think things through carefully.
Wasp Spray works in a pinch.
NO. It absolutely does NOT work.

My better half's theory of home defense is like the T1000 Terminator- "Knives and stabbing weapons." Her go-to is a Turk Mauser bayonet I bobbed and sharpened for her, and her back-up an assisted Kershaw.

She doesn't fear or hate guns, mind you, just has no interest or aptitude. She does know where the Glock is, and that all she has to do is point and squeeze- but frankly, she would probably have the bad guy chopped up pretty good before I could reach the pew-pew.....
My sister in law may have finally turned the corner. This is my wife's sister, entire family is pretty indifferent when it comes to firearms use and ownership. Took mama a while to come around but she finally did. SIL has shot with us once or twice but never really took to it.

(For those of you who may remember, this is the same woman who took a Nerf dart to the ear hole a few years back at Thanksgiving.)

She's a night shift hospital employee that routinely leaves work after midnight and before sun up. Some situations have come up that made her wonder if the key ring pepper spray is adequate, but status quo has won out so far.

Yesterday evening she went with my wife, kid and me running around. Her guy is out of town for the weekend and we dropped her off about 10:30pm to an empty house. Pretty rural area with neighbors a few hundred yards away. We helped carry her stuff in and came home, about 20 mins away. I literally had just changed into lounge wear when she called. FRANTIC.

Someone is banging on her door and yanking on the knob. They're banging on the window, then back to the door. She called 911. Someone is on the way, but can't say for sure how soon. Should be there within 15 minutes. She's scared to death and even apologized for calling but just thought maybe I could tell her what to do. Her guy has guns in the safe but she doesn't know how to open it or where any ammo is. I won't possibly get there in time to be useful but I'm heading out the door.

"Grab something you can swing hard enough to hurt somebody and lock yourself in the back bedroom. Don't hang up your phone unless the Sheriff's Dept calls" Trying to keep her calm the whole time...

She has a call coming in. It's her guy, so she answers. Turns out it's him out there even though he wasn't supposed to be home til Sunday. He came home early, then thought it would be hilarious to freak her out. It worked. She's going shooting with me tomorrow and going to seriously work on learning to be safe and proficient.

Man, that’s an idiotic prank to pull on someone these days. It’s a good way to get yourself shot through a door. People are scared and tuned up anymore.
Asking her guy to limit the stupid would be like asking the sun to dim it down a little.
If he's so stupid that you can't explain to him how his wife making him dead because he tries to scare her really bad and succeeds is a very bad thing for both of them, then I don't know what to say. You still need to talk to BOTH of them together and do your best to explain the concept.
The paranoia I brought up refers to people killing family members without asking "Is that you?" or even turning on a light by a hallway.

The guy's daughter was said to have walked very quietly down the dark hallway because she didn't want to wake anybody up.
One thing to keep in mind with chemical sprays is that it often gets in both people's eyes. That can be a problem if things escalate to deadly force and now you're blind.

Also, some people are completely impervious to pepper spray.
My sister in law may have finally turned the corner. This is my wife's sister, entire family is pretty indifferent when it comes to firearms use and ownership. Took mama a while to come around but she finally did. SIL has shot with us once or twice but never really took to it.

(For those of you who may remember, this is the same woman who took a Nerf dart to the ear hole a few years back at Thanksgiving.)

She's a night shift hospital employee that routinely leaves work after midnight and before sun up. Some situations have come up that made her wonder if the key ring pepper spray is adequate, but status quo has won out so far.

Yesterday evening she went with my wife, kid and me running around. Her guy is out of town for the weekend and we dropped her off about 10:30pm to an empty house. Pretty rural area with neighbors a few hundred yards away. We helped carry her stuff in and came home, about 20 mins away. I literally had just changed into lounge wear when she called. FRANTIC.

Someone is banging on her door and yanking on the knob. They're banging on the window, then back to the door. She called 911. Someone is on the way, but can't say for sure how soon. Should be there within 15 minutes. She's scared to death and even apologized for calling but just thought maybe I could tell her what to do. Her guy has guns in the safe but she doesn't know how to open it or where any ammo is. I won't possibly get there in time to be useful but I'm heading out the door.

"Grab something you can swing hard enough to hurt somebody and lock yourself in the back bedroom. Don't hang up your phone unless the Sheriff's Dept calls" Trying to keep her calm the whole time...

She has a call coming in. It's her guy, so she answers. Turns out it's him out there even though he wasn't supposed to be home til Sunday. He came home early, then thought it would be hilarious to freak her out. It worked. She's going shooting with me tomorrow and going to seriously work on learning to be safe and proficient.
What a jerk! It sounds like your SIL needs a new guy, one thats not a jerk!
What a jerk! It sounds like your SIL needs a new guy, one thats not a jerk!

Pretty sure her family has been telling her that for the better part of 30 years. I've only been around the last 15 or so, but I've known him since childhood. He's never had any sense.
This thread is not turning out as expected
I'm not sure what the expectation would be. My sister in law is in her mid-40's, spends a lot of time coming home late at night and a lot of time by herself at home. A situation occured that scared her badly enough to realize how truly helpless she'd be if a real attack happened.

She's always known there are risks...She works in the ER, so she sees what happens when people are attacked but she's always been ambivalent toward guns. She asked me to help her learn, which is a sight better than just going to the store and buying a pretty gun to throw in her purse.
I see vio9lations of one of The Iron Rules of Shooting-be sure of your target and its background.
My brother lives in a similar location. He had already gone to bed but wasn't asleep yet. His wife was still up when someone started knocking on their door around midnight. His wife freaks and is yelling for whoever it is to leave. Brother hears the commotion and walks into the living room while chambering a round in his shotgun.

The guy on the other side hears the gun being loaded and immediately starts crying out, "don't shoot, I'm leaving". They called 911 and LE picks up the guy walking down the road about a mile away from my brother's house.

Turns out he got drunk, got into a fight with his girlfriend who kicks him out of the car on a rural road. My brother's house is the only one in sight and he just wants to use the phone. (pre- cell phone days.) He was really harmless but was charged with public drunk.

A good example of why you wait to determine what is going on. A lot of people would panic and start shooting through the door.
There are few things more frightening than the sounds of someone trying to enter one's domicile late at night, and there is nothing worse than taking the life of an innocent. Bing killed ore injured by an intruder isn't a good thing, either.

Let the threat come to you.
There is a classic horrible case. Daughter is supposed to be away. She comes home early. She decides to 'scare' Dad by jumping out and saying BOO. Dad arrives, sees the front door open. He decides to 'clear' the house. He enters, she jumps out. He hits her COM with a 357 - she dies saying: Daddy I love you.

Saw him interviewed on TV (in those days) - breaks your heart. Take away - no surprises. Second, don't be a macho male. See the door open, call the cops. Don't 'clear'. Yeah, if it takes the cops a half hour to get there - well, that just fine.
Shoot, my wife gets scared during the daylight if she comes around a corner into a room that she didn’t expect me to be. I’m like, “honey, you live with a big, bearded, bald guy”. You know, one that you see multiple times a day. There’s weapons that are carried at home and/or stored close at hand. No WAY would I try to scare or prank my wife. Oh, and my wife would be a rich widow.
So, if y’all hear that she shoots me, please don’t dig too deep into it.
I see vio9lations of one of The Iron Rules of Shooting-be sure of your target and its background.

Let the threat come to you
A good example of why you wait to determine what is going on. A lot of people would panic and start shooting through the door
All of which is why I recommended she lock herself in the back bedroom with whatever weapon she could grab. My recommendation would be the same if she HAD access to a firearm. If she's sincere about learning to become safe, proficient and responsible with a gun, none of that will change.
A home defense plan should be a family affair.
And without getting into detail with her entire family dynamic, I'll just say that's why she asked me.