Nothing is off the table to thuggish Baltimore City PD gun task force

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Annapolis isn't in Baltimore?
From way out west it seems that NYC to Tampa is just one big city.

I don't think anyone is giving us the full story... but that's nothing new.

The father was irresponsible for allowing his son who stole his guns back around guns. That said, they should be working on arresting the son instead of harassing the father.
Alif said that the guns used in crimes were all stolen from his home in two separate burglaries - one in the 1990s and another in 2006, when he told police that his son stole three additional weapons. One of the guns reported stolen in 2006 was used in the Jan. 9 killing of Officer Troy Chesley, according to police.

1) If the kid stole the weapons why aren’t the cops after him?
2) “Additional weapons” make s it sound like the kid stole the ones in ’99 as well.
3) If my son ever stole anything from me (most certainly guns) he would be 10 feet out the door before his butt hit the ground.
4) If he stole anything form me he would never be allowed back into the house.

In my case guns would not be an issue. They are locked in the safe and I’m the only one with the combination.
To me, this story sounds like 1.police could not stop either theft incident 2. the police cannot stop shootings 3. so why not go after the theft victim, he obeys the law, even turned in his own son for theft, so he must be an easy person to blame for a couple of the thousands of robberies, mugging and murders that take place in Baltimore.

Baltimore is a cespool of crime and violence, and the draconian gun laws that target law abiding citizens don't work, but most of the rest of the state are decent law abiding people held captive by Baltimore city/D.C. suburb politics with the Teflon Leprechaun at the helm
For those of you that are unfamiliar with Maryland its actually a very nice state. Mountains in the West bordering with Pa and West Va and Beaches/Fishing/Watersports on the eastern part of the state.

We have 3 urban areas that contain a large percentage of the population that are total cesspools of crime and liberalism....Baltimore, Price Georges County and Montgomery County (Monkey County).

These 3 counties are responsible for virtually all of the crime in the entire state.

Combined with a revolving door for a Judiciary the same criminals continue to be shuffled through our court systems time after time.

We have some good Politicians but the vast majority are inept asshats that continue to try to pass more laws that do nothing more than restrict the rights of law abiding citizens and fail to do anything to address the Criminal Problem and underlying issues that lead to crime.

The common theme is that Criminalizing otherwise law abiding citizens is about the only thing they can do.

Its definately the nanny state and we're fighting hard to maintain some semblance of sanity down here.....its really California Part II here in many regards with the Brady Bunch looking at Md as their back yard.

Baltimore is so bad that the City Gov't recently considered giving the Mayor the right to essentially declare Martial Law and confiscate firearms was rejected but the mere fact that it was even on the table should give you moment to pause and consider how bad the criminal situation is and how desperate the State and City Gov is......our jails are overflowing and crime is on the rise.....all they can do is keep shoving these criminals back onto the streets and criminalize law abiding citizens and impose higher fines and taxes in order to generate funds to offset their record spending and OMalley's attempt to provide Universal Healthcare.

We WERE in the black while we had a Republican we're something like 1.5 BILLION in the Red one year later.
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