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Now is the time to step up to the plate

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Dec 24, 2002
We need your help NOW in MA. Scott Brown is running for Senator. Scott is rated as A+ by the MA Gun Owners' Action League. He has supported gun owners in MA for many years, at great cost.

He is running against Martha Coakley. Martha has never met a gun control bill that she didn't support. As Attorney General, she has ruled that Glocks are "unsafe" so we can't buy new Glocks in MA. She has threatened mail order ammunition dealers so that we can't buy ammunition or components via mail-order.

Amazingly, Scott is within striking distance. Martha's supporters have made huge media buys. At every commercial break, we see 3 negative ads from Martha.

Scott needs your help. I'm a life member of the NRA, a life member of the Gun Owners' Action League, an NRA certified firearms instructor, and the Vice President of a gun club in MA. I'm begging you: please help. I just gave $500. I'll be volunteering all weekend. Please give until it hurts, because now is your chance to make a difference.

Please donate to Scott Brown's campaign. Send a gun control politician to the sidelines: http://www.brownforussenate.com/
I'm not in MA, but certainly give my moral support to the cause of defeating Coakley. It's a big news item country wide, with some speculation that Obama might personally go to MA to support her. I hope Scott beats the crap out of her when and where it matters...in the polls. Good luck to you and all the good people of MA.
I'm not in MA, but certainly give my moral support to the cause of defeating Coakley.
Don't just give moral support. Give $$$. Scott Brown needs your donations to counter her allies (SEIU, Acorn, AFL-CIO, etc.).
Scott Brown may be the best that the state of MA can offer in the way of a politician who is not a totally rabid anti gunner. However, Brown comes with a lot of anti-gun baggage. A guy who wants me to have a license in order to possess a gun is not this Okies idea of a pro-gunner. I will not pay for my own destruction by contributing to Brown.


Rep. Brown indicated he supports the following principles concerning gun issues:

Allow citizens to carry concealed guns.
Require manufacturers to provide child-safety locks on guns.
Require background checks on gun sales between private citizens at gun shows.
Require a license for gun possession.
Yeah, I'm not sure that ontheissues is such a good source. Here's what they say about the Second Amendment:

Right to Bear Arms

The Supreme Court ruled in 1939, in a case called "US v. Miller," that the 2nd amendment only protects guns suitable for a well-regulated militia -- for example, sawed-off shotguns can be banned because they're not "ordinary military equipment".
Since 1939, the Supreme Court has not heard any further 2nd amendment cases; the most recent ruling, in 1997, overturned part of the 1993 Brady Bill, but did not address 2nd amendment rights.
Hence, gun control issues are primarily the subject of Congressional legislation.

They have an extreme anti-gun bias. And they are misinformed about the Second Amendment. I would take the opinion of the Mass. Gun Owner's Action League as more credible any day.

Regardless, Brown is clearly better for the Second Amendment than Coakley, who certainly will support so-called "common-sense" and "sensible" new gun control legislation, especially a new assault weapons ban that is favored by the likes of Obama and Pelosi.
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