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NRA asking people to contact Congress

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I do like how this latest NRA ILA webpage will send your email for you. Talk about making these attempts to contact our local legislators more convenient! Thank you, NRA ILA!

Thank You

Your email has been sent to the following recipient(s):
◾Rep. Maxine Waters (DEM)
◾Sen. Barbara Boxer (DEM)
◾Sen. Dianne Feinstein (DEM)

What I find frustrating are the names on the above-quoted list. We know where Boxer and Feinstein stand on these issues, and we know too that they're highly ignorant of firearms and of gun safety. I'm hoping Ms. Waters has a more-reasonable perspective on these very important issues.

Every single effort counts, though, so, jump onto that NRA ILA webpage link and fill out your form! You may wish as I did to add a paragraph in your own words as well.
I am hoping it sent it to all three of my reps because I had them all checked. The letterhead was only for one of them.

I kept it short and sweet.
"I am writing you to let you know that I do not support any form of gun control. If you vote for any such measure I will not vote for you in the future. I will donate to your opponents to expedite your removal from office."

The voting for part does not apply to the one democratic senator. But he(his office staff) doesn't read any emails anyway. All I've ever received from him is a standard cut and paste reply email that is full of political double speak and doesn't address the issue I contacted him about.
I have worked with former members of the staff of two different Congressmen. Both told me robo-emails - even the cumulative for/against count - is routinely ignored by the Member of Congress because they 1) may not actually be from people in their district and 2) require no effort on the constituent's part so they don't show any motivation to vote or work on a campaign. They both said the old fashioned typed or hand-written letter is MUCH more effective since they actually get read and the staff can see from the address that it's from a constituent who took the time and effort to write it and spent the money to put a stamp on it. Someone like that might get up and work on your opponent's campaign.

So, if you possibly can, skip the robo-letters and instead sit down and write a genuine letter to your Senators and Member of Congress and tell them what you think.
Done, but a heads-up. Your letter is going to ALL your reps, even though only the first one on the list shows up in the salutation above the text box. I thought I'd have to do them one at a time, so I included an individual message to my gun-friendly rep, telling him that I voted for him, etc.

I was going to compose a different letter to may anti-gun reps, but when I clicked "send" I realized the same message had gone to all of them.

Oh well ...
I have worked with former members of the staff of two different Congressmen. Both told me robo-emails - even the cumulative for/against count - is routinely ignored by the Member of Congress because they 1) may not actually be from people in their district and 2) require no effort on the constituent's part so they don't show any motivation to vote or work on a campaign. They both said the old fashioned typed or hand-written letter is MUCH more effective since they actually get read and the staff can see from the address that it's from a constituent who took the time and effort to write it and spent the money to put a stamp on it. Someone like that might get up and work on your opponent's campaign.

So, if you possibly can, skip the robo-letters and instead sit down and write a genuine letter to your Senators and Member of Congress and tell them what you think.

I know this is the case but it's stupid in this day and age. Sending an email should have the same weight as a written letter. The NRA link is not an automated canned response. You type in what you want to say. Ignoring emails is another case of them not doing their job.
NRA aking people to contact congress

I called both my senators and my congressman, plus that old rogue, Mitch MCconnell.
Already did.

Ted Cruz
John Cornyn
Sam Johnson

Only one I worry about a little is Cornyn. Not conservative enough for me.
I've recently relocated and haven't made it to the Voter Registration Office to update my Voter Registration. If I use my old address and send a letter to "My Congressman" from that address it would be James Clyburn. I think I can find a better way to spend my time and money than sending a letter to Clyburn axing him to vote no on any gun control issue.
I contacted my Senators and Congressional Representative:

I strongly oppose any legislative action on our Second Amendment Rights in reaction to the terrible ISIS inspired terrorist attack on US citizens in Orlando. I also oppose any attempt to circumvent Constitutionally required due process by denying rights to citizens who are on a so called watch list.
My composition emailed to Senators Blunt and McCaskill, and Congressman Billy Long:

"I am a retired Federal employee who held a security clearance while I was employed by the USDA. I have never been arrested or accused of a crime. I am a member of the NRA. I do not appreciate my President or any other politician saying that honest gun owners are a threat to anyone, and that the NRA rather than radical Islamic terrorists are responsible for mass shootings. None of the perpetrators have been NRA members. I will not support any politician, regardless of party affiliation, who takes Constitutional rights away from Americans who have committed no crime. As my elected Representative, I expect you to have the courage and integrity to publicly repudiate every person who states or infers that honest American citizens should have further restrictions on gun ownership, and to vote NO on any legislation that would do so."

Blunt and Long should be OK, but McCaskill is a lost cause.
There are major bills before the USA senate today that can seriously finish off RKBA and 2A.
1. Universal background check: Nobody wants criminals to have firearms. However, a universal background check where all citizens NEED to do a BG before selling a firearm to anyone, including a friend or family, can ONLY be monitored if all guns are registered.
How wold the controlling authority know that a BG was done if they don't even know that a sale took place? To know that a sal took place requires that they know who owned the firearm BEFORE and after the sale. This is registration. Registration has ALWAYS been a precursor to confiscation. There is NO other reason for it, and no other benefit to it. Criminals do NOT register their firearms.

2. Watch lists: Denying a God given right recognized in the Bill of Rights without ANY DUE process is a HUGe step forward in destroying our system. If you can be out on some secret list and then denied your God given right, then EVERY such right can be denied to you.

These bills MUST be opposed. I am CALLING the DC offices of both my senators today, as well as emailing them. Please consider dong so as well.
The contact page is at:
I am basically going to tell them that I will be watching their vote very carefully.
Honest, good citizens should NOT be punished for attacks by criminals or worse.
That was easy. Too bad this thread can't run in the general forums like it should. Why would a gun owners forum hide activism off in the corner of a subforum?

Perhaps it's out of their charter to defend the 2nd amendment?
Its hard to get through to DC today, the phone lines are no doubt melting. You can however reach their local offices easy.

I have Portman and Brown. Called their Columbus and Cleveland offices without an problem today. Here is a link to all US Senators.

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