Nuclear Emergency Preparedness

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Sep 20, 2005
I was going down my list of potential emergencies when it occurred to me that I live just outside the 50 mile radius “ingestion planning Zone” (whatever that means) of a nuclear plant. Visions of Chernobyl flashed through my mind followed by. . . . .OOOH CRAP I NEED A PLAN! Any thoughts on the subject?

Some neat pictures of Chernobyl.
Kiddofspeed - GHOST TOWN - Chernobyl Pictures -Elena's Motorcyle Ride through Chernobyl
Unrealated to nuclear, but still interesting.
60 years ago a Kiev's area witnessed some of the most severe battles of WW2.
Covered with earth from explosions the humans, arms and ammunitions were left on the battlefields.
Do a search for "Nuclear War Survival Skills" by Cresson H . Kearny

I think you can read the book on line but it's only $15 or so. It gives detailed directions on building a fallout shelter and how to build your own fallout meter for free.

In your situation, it would be prudent to have a shelter as a plan B, plan A being get out.
Thanks I'll look into to it. By the way do you know what the safe distance is? or what they mean by "ingestion planning Zone"?
We've got a nuke plant about 1 hour to the north, and a closer one to the south.
There is actually a large air horn mounted on a pole about 1 mile from our home.
It is tested at noon on the first Wed. of each month, and it will rattle the pictures on the walls.

If the horn ever went off during an actual emergency, we would have maybe 10 minutes before all roads would be gridlocked.
What if everyone's not home?
Leave or wait?

The most likely thing for us would be to hunker down at home and wait it out.
I have a below ground closet that would make a shelter for a few hours, but in reality, you'd need bathroom facilities at a bare minimum.

I think most of us believe that if the horn ever goes off, you need to bend way over, so you can kiss.... oh, never mind. :rolleyes:
From what I can tell Cresson H. Kearny makes the same suggestion. I think the biggest threat would be from the evacuees flooding my area. I’m still looking into the plan.
If any of the nuke-alert devices commonly available go off due to a nuclear event, you're already dead. At that point, only having been in a shelter or far away during the event would you survive.

Do keep in mind that even in a worst-case scenario, a light-water reactor can't produce the extreme radiation release that the Chernobyl reactor did. That one was graphite moderated (it was a dual-purpose reactor representing an awkward compromise between weapons production and power generation), and the upshot was that it had a HUGE reactor core moderated with flammable graphite, and no containment vessel to speak of (just a relatively flimsy building surrounding the reactor). When the idiots running the reactor caused the steam explosion that breached the flimsy building, the graphite in the core caught fire (oxygen + superheated carbon = sooty fire), and it was the smoke that caused most of the fallout.

The "ingestion zone" is the area where you might have a problem if you are EATING stuff from your garden or whatever, but I don't think prompt gamma exposure from fallout would be a consideration at all. Might want to look into that a bit further, but your main danger would probably be from people panicking and getting into car accidents, not from radiation issues.
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