Obama to be 44th president, buy a 44 mag in honor

In honor of the 44th president, what should we buy?

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No matter what you think of him, celebrate the idea of America tonight. There's a lot to be proud of here. Anyone and anything is possible in this great land.

Hear, hear! Tonight (as always) I am North Dakotan first and an American always. Take pride in that which our forefathers have won, and bear no shame in having lost one election of many. If you disagree with the election results, take proper political recourse and better luck next time.
To all my fellow shooters who have not joined the N.R.A. till now; What have you been waiting for!?

I am very often ashamed of my fellow gun owners, who like to talk the talk, but have been too cheap to walk the walk, ever though its the only game in town for us. With over 50 million gunowners in America, its a d--m shame there is less than 4 million members of the N.R.A.

Didn't want the AWB? Too bad the reps for the N.R.A. couldn't walk into some senators office's and say they repressented 30 million people. Or 40 million people. Too bad it takes electing Obama to get gun owners off thier butts to start taking a more active stand on defending thier beloved guns.

Instead of buying another gun, take the money and put it where your mouth is. Go buy a plane ticket to Washington D.C. and go visit your representitive in the big white building with the dome on top. Go tell your reps that you'll be watching thier voting record very carefully, and if they vote for any of Brady's gun bills, they'll be a one term rep. It makes a heck of an impression when somebody from back hme turns up in D.C. for a cause they believe that strongly for. If two people do it, they may think some. If three in one week do it, it's going to get thier attention. If it becomes a regular happening, they will keep it in mind.

The only way the Brady's will get anything done is if you all just belly ach, talk big, buy more guns that you will have to hand over the black uniforms. Don't want to loose your rights? Then take a few days off of work, take the AR or AK money, and go take a plane ride.


The time has come to stop jacking your jaws with macho talk of "they'll have to pry it from your cold dead hands" and really do something. When they knock on your door,( that is if they knock instead of just bashing it down in well known ATF style) are you going to start fighting with your wife and kids right there? Remember what they did to the Weaver family on Ruby Ridge! No, what will happen is you'll hand over your guns like a good boy. Or maybe they'll just do what they did in England, and outright ban ownership and give a grace period to hand it in. After that, it will be 5 years in the house of many doors if cought with one. How many of you can afford to leave your wife and kids while spending some years in a federal pen? Think it can't happen? I know a couple of English guys who thought it couldn't. When it gets down to the wire, most gun owners will hand over the guns rather than risk prison.

Don't like that senario? Then go to Washinton and talk to your new reps and take a few of your fellow gun owners with you. If you have a gun club you're a member of, get a movenment going in to to have a field trip to Washinton with as many club members you can get to go.

Once upon a time in this land, some men left thier families and went to make stand at a bridge in Lexington Massachusetts. Well, it's time to make a trip again, and I wonder how many of you will do what it really will take to keep your guns.

Talk is cheap, time to do.

All you have to do is spend the price of a new AR for a cheap flight, and a motel room for one night.

Choice is yours.

Carl Levitian.
I say attempt to get 44 people to join the NRA. Not to mention buying every handgun you want, that will be the first gun type in him and joe the biden's sights.
a StGw44 maybe?

( i was in the Us, when Bill Clinton was elected, and i must remark, that
i was impressed by the way americans TEND to close the ranks behind their leader once the election is over. Impress me again. This is a chance for the country. The RKBA is just a micro-topic in the big picture)
Carl's REAL "High Road" response to the election

Carl Levitian: So very well put. I enjoy reading your posts, and mostly agree with you. Truly "High Road".

To those who prefer to grouse and complain: I case you've forgotten, we live in a society of laws, AND we have the greatest governmental document EVER written, the U.S. Constitution; it's time to remember that we CAN make it work for us.

Democratic societies (i.e. representative republics, as we have here) only function when the citizens participate. Your representatives and senators only know what you want them to do when you TELL them what to do. That means in your state legislatures as well as in Congress.

Get busy, write letters, make phone calls, send e-mail...participate, or be prepared to allow someone else's interpretation of the Constitution to render your opinions irrelevent.
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