Off to Iraq tonight!

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Good luck, stay low and don't forget that this was is about winning the people over, and killing the insurgence not killing insurgents.
I wish you the best of luck!

Take care of yourself and those around you. I will also offer up the advice given to my father from a WWI veteran as dad prepared to ship out for Europe in WWII...

"Hit 'em hard!"

As others have said, if you or your troops need anything, don't hesitate to let us know.
Thank you for fighting!

You will be in our prayers! Thank you so much for fighting for our country and freedom. May God be with you. Stay safe and on your toes. Take your Molon Labe hat with you!
Citadel, if your bird was just pushed 12 hours; it is the same bird I was going to be on and that means we work together. PM me when you get back up on line. I have a reprieve for the holidays so I'll see you in january. Jim
Godspeed Citadel99!

Don't get killed!
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