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Ohaus 10-10 Scales on Amazon

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Mr. Zorg

Dec 7, 2019
I noticed Ohaus 10-10 scales have resurfaced on Amazon.com, and are Prime eligible. I have zero knowledge on these beyond what's posted on Amazon.com


Here's the prior Amazon.com listing, with a different ASIN, along with reviews from that listing.


I own a vintage preowned Ohaus 10-10 scale that works well for me. I have no idea on country of origin nor quality of these Ohaus 10-10 scales listed on Amazon.com but I thought some board members may be interested.
At some point, they moved production to China (despite using the same mold for the base, so they had “mfg by Ohaus Corp.....NJ USA” in the casting and next to that a made in China sticker stuck to the bottom).

They were of such bad quality RCBS had to drop the line and create a new line of scales, also made in China, but at least were not so poorly made.

I’m not saying they can’t fix a product line and the old ones were great but I would treat it like any new, to me, scale and give it a good look over and plenty of testing before I trusted it.
Big price difference between the listings. Reviews, not many but those are mixed. I pay attention to reviews on Amazon and personally I’d pass on this item.
EVERY Chinese 5-0-5 scale I've seen, has had rusty knife edge parts. Every one. As received from Amazon. I've personally gone though three! They were terrible, pitted, bent knive edges... not worth trying to restore.

OHAUS does not list these on their web pages at all. And, I suspect they are just... one of the great Far Eas knockoff cadre.

You can find LOTS of really nice used RCBS, Hornady, Redding on various online sites, or at gunshows, or even right here on THR on occasion. I'd
I fairly recently had one of these new light grey "RCBS 10/10's" across my desk. Did it work? Yes, not too bad. However, I really don't think these actually have anything to do with RCBS or Ohaus at all. Don't confuse these the Genuine Chinese made RCBS 10/10's that have been available for the last 8-10 years or so.

As you all may know, around 10 years ago RCBS/Ohaus moved their reloading scale manufacturing from USA to China and Mexico, I believe at that time they quietly dropped the 502 scale and continued with only the 505 and 10/10 scales. Most of these RCBS Chinese made scales worked well enough, some were just about Ok and some were real dogs. All these scales are cast in the base "Made by Ohaus, USA", many also have a small paper sticker in the base saying made in China. Many people are unaware their scale is made in China and assume because of the inscription in the base that it is a USA made scale. The only way to tell is if you have the original box where it actually states where it was manufactured.

Around 4 years ago RCBS suddenly dropped the 10/10 and the 505 from their catalogue, ( I believe because of the QC flack they were taking) and introduced the RCBS M500 and M1000 scales, again made in China. Whether these new scales have any connection with Ohaus I have no idea - they do have the same knife edge/floating agate bearing system but as these are now out of patent date I don't think that is any indication, they are certainly not marked on the base in any way. On the whole, I have found the M500's to work well and to be of a consistently higher quality than the Chinese produced 505 and 10/10's.

My feeling is, and it's only a guess, that these new RCBS 10/10 scales being offered are made in the same Chinese factory that had the contract/licence to produce the genuine Chinese RCBS 10/10's.. When RCBS pulled the plug and chose another manufacturer to produce the new M500/M1000 scales the original factory was left with a lot of unfinished stock and also the tooling to make the 10/10's and this is whats being sold now through Amazon.

If this is the case, I can't imagine that the QC would be better than when under the RCBS banner and probably not so good. If you took a gamble and got a good one I think you would be happy - if it was a dog it would only be fit for the bin.
Coupla years ago Midway had a sale on RCBS 5-0-5 scales....I think they were like $65. My old 5-0-5 was still working just fine and was all I ever needed, but I thought the idea of having a second/ backup just as nice for $65 was a no-brainer. What a disappointment. Unlike the older one that would reset to zero fairly quickly between measuring charges, the new one would take forever before it would stop bouncing. It is still in the box on the shelf above my bench. Even tho it may be fine and accurate enough for my needs, I hope I never need to use it.
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