OHSA vs Ammunition

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Jun 11, 2007
Bowling Green, KY
So I got an interesting email today. I'm not really loving the price of ammo and seems like this could not only make ammo/powder prices rise but also a lot harder to get. Not to mention the impact on suppliers/stores small and large. Below is the email with links you decide...
from [email protected]

ALERT - Protect Your Firearm Rights

The National Shooting Sports Foundation (NSSF) has issued a press release that details a proposed regulatory change by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) that could adversely affect small arms ammunition supplies, artificially drive the ever-rising cost of small arms ammunition and impose undue hardships on both retailers and consumers. For instance, one of the proposed changes states a customer could not be within 50 feet of ammunition unless he/she is searched for matches or lighters. See the release here: http://www.nssf.org/news/PR_idx.cfm?PRloc=common/PR/&PR=BP070207.cfm

TGSCOM, Inc, a family owned and operated firearms retailer, strongly opposes any regulation on the firearms industry, and its supporting industries, that threatens an American citizen's 2nd Amendment right to keep and bear arms. We believe such ill-advised regulation of ammunition manufacturers and retailers will result in price spikes in ammunition that will make pre-ban magazine prices look affordable. We encourage you all to add comments to this proposed regulation here: http://www.regulations.gov/fdmspublic/component/main?main=DocketDetail&d=OSHA-2007-0032

Remember, this is a proposed regulatory change. We have the right and responsibility as United States citizens to make comments and point out the shortcomings and potential consequences of these changes. It is important that we make our voices heard.


Eric Thompson
President, TGSCOM, Inc
TopGlock.com TheGunSource.com XDPistols.com
These proposed regulations are so awful that they may be the final straw. This is a very good time for us all to reread The Declaration of Independence very, very carefully.
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