"One of your students is bringing a gun to class today"

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Jan 5, 2007
MS and LA
I got an interesting call Friday from my sister.

She teaches at a local community college. Classes just began and she still does not know all of her students.

Just before class on Friday, a number of LEO's came to her at her office and asked if she had ______ in her class. They went on to explain that they have reason to believe that this person has a gun in class.

She later found out that they had this information because the student had been making telephone threats to someone the night before.

Sure enough, my sister had this female student in class. When asked how to handle it, they said they would get her out of class.

My sister called roll to get an idea of who this woman was, and once she knew who she was, my sister made an excuse to go to her office because of something she forgot. (as was instructed by the LEOs.)

She pointed out which student it was, and then went back into class.

A minute later, LEO's quietly and calmly walked into class and moved up the rows on either side of the student. I don't know if they immediately restrained her or not, but they did apprehend her.

As mentioned earlier, the LEO's were informed that she had a gun based upon threatening phone calls to someone. In the aftermath, the student did cooperate with the LEOs. She did NOT have a firearm on her, but admitted that she had one in her car. The car, however, was not on campus.

There is a point to all of this.

My sister called me because she assumes me to be some expert on firearms laws. (I'm not, and don't pretend to be.) She asked me about the laws about carrying guns on campus.

Knowing that my sister tends to lean towards a liberal point of view on most things (including gun control) I mistakenly assumed that she was wondering about what laws existed that would prevent a student from bringing a firearm to her class.

I pointed out to her the concept of "Gun Free Zones." She said that her college was one. I was all ready to trump what a percieved as yet another political debate with her. I pointed out that it seems that being a "Gun Free Zone" didn't seem to stop a person who was/is willing to break laws. I furthered with the point that the only people who feel constrained to obey laws are the ones you would not have a basis for not wanting to have a firearm.

Obviously, I furthered this with a reminder of VT. I pointed out that there are laws against murder. If a person has decided on a path of murder, what would make them decide to obey a "No Guns Policy" when "Thou Shalt Not Murder" isn't up there in his priorities.

Well.... My sister shocked me.

Her response was "Exactly."

She then explained that she wanted to know what she would have to do to be legal in carrying the handgun that she leaves in her car with her at all times.

I told her that the most simplistic answer is getting her CWP and she could carry within certain restrictions. I told her, however, that this would not enable her to carry in a "Gun Free Zone" such as her college and that doing so could get her in trouble.

Her response was classic.

"So what are we supposed to do in order to protect ourselves from these crazy people????"

I just said "Exactly. Now you know why I am a gun rights activist."

I never thought I would see my sister as a convert. From subsequent conversations I am now conviced that she has seen the "light."

She's already asked me to get her set up in a CWP class.

Thoughts? Comments?

-- John
Nothing works better than real-life experience for opening the eyes of a person to the necessity of self-defense wherever you are.

I think this is a great story and one you could use on other people to show them just how important it is to protect yourself and not to rely on things like "Gun Free Zones" to keep you safe.

Good job! :cool:
That's pretty cool. Since she can't carry her firearm at work and she's interested in defending herself, help her out with legal defense methods - sprays, batons, whatever she's comfortable with and can have with her in her class.
Great story. Good way to turn a frightening situation into an educational "reality check". Looks like you got a convert ;)
I don't know if you really changed your sister's mind, as she was already carrying a handgun in her car. What she wanted to know was what, if anything, she had too do to make this legal. This incident also points out that not everyone who has "progressive" political views has to also be anti-gun, although her attitude toward guns and self-protection is a bit unusual for someone who otherwise has her perspectives on different issues.

In any case she is probably a rare bird among the education establishment on her campus, and I wish her luck.
I don't know if you really changed your sister's mind, as she was already carrying a handgun in her car

I believe you misread, his sister was not carrying the gun in her car, the woman in question was.
I don't know if you really changed your sister's mind, as she was already carrying a handgun in her car.

This incident also points out that not everyone who has "progressive" political views has to also be anti-gun

I hear ya, Old Fluff. The fact that she had one in her car surprised me, too. I based my opinion on her views not from this incident, but from countless "dinner table" conversations we've had.

A number of years ago, we learned that it was probably best that we didn't breech certain subjects at the table. That's where we dropped it off.

I was reinforced with my opinon of her views about a year ago when she almost had heart failure to find out that I got my nephew a Daisy BB gun. She said she didn't want him to play with "War Toys."

Well, since then, the kid has gone nuts over guns. She broke down and got him a top-of-the-line Airsoft HK MP5 for his last birthday.

This 7 year old now watches the Military Channel religiously. And of course she always tells me that "This is all your fault." I laugh it off and say "No... it's in his genes. Remember, he and I DO share a few genes. Don't you remember me growing up?"

Kinda killed that whole Nature verses Nurture debate with us. :)

Still, my sister has gotten older and wiser. It helped GREATLY that her POS now-ex-husband is out of the picture. He was rapidly anti-gun, and I believe he influenced her views over time. I did a little dance when I learned that he ran off with some tramp.

Now, she is planning her marriage to a great guy whose family partnership owns investment interest in ... (gasp)... a Sporting Goods and Gun Store!

She gets a daily dose of the necessity of protecting one's self from him. I think we'll keep him around. :)

-- John
I believe you misread, his sister was not carrying the gun in her car, the woman in question was.

RS, actually, I may not have made it as clear as I could. The woman the LEO's were after was carrying a gun in her car and they thought she would have one in class.

But I found out that my sister ALSO carried one in her car. Never saw that one coming. I just assumed that she was comfortable wearing the "Victim" sign on her forehead. (I've lectured her in the past about not being careful-- not just about firearms)

-- John
Why didn't the police get the student's picture from the school computer and stop the student before she entered class? Asking the teacher and the other students to start class with a possibly dangerous student doesn't seem like very good procedure. I guess it's possible this school doesn't have pictures of its students, but every college I know of does.

p.s. I keep a 3 d cell maglite in my briefcase. Bulet proof briefcases are also available. Most schools will not mind if people carry pepper spray.
how long had your sister the teacher been carrying a gun in her car?

Had she just run out and aquired teh gun right after the incident witth police grabbing up the threatening student?

had she been carrying in her car for a while before that?

Actually, in my state it's not illegal to carry firearms into 'Gun free zones' or any buildings that say they don't allow guns. In fact, with a pistol permit you can also carry to your hearts content in K-12 schools. Of course, if you are a student of the school or university they can expel you for carrying, but that's about it.
Unfortunately it's illegal to carry in either Louisiana or Miss. (assume you sister is teaching in either state you have in your tag). Unfortunately both states list colleges and community colleges as places that are off limits. So carrying for her wouldn't be the best idea.
Here in PA it isn't illegal, just like in VA, but it would be against the schools policy most likely and subject you to punishment/termination from the school.
Some good OC spray and a really bright light (suggest a surefire) would be a good idea. I don't know what expandable baton laws are in these states, but those are very useful tools.

There is no Federal Gun Free Zone anymore. The 1990 was overturned in the USSP in 1995. It was reenacted in 1996 but is nothing more than writing on paper. It specifically now lists exemptions for CCW holders. It really doesn't matter if someone has or doesn't have a CCW because in the original case United States v. Lopez (93-1260), 514 U.S. 549 (1995) did not have a carry permit. No one has been charged with violating the 1996 law because it has already been overturned once and was no changed enough to stand up to any legal test. Have to love congress, they don't seem to understand the constitution much or even what the ussp says.
awesome..... simply awesome.

To see the light finally click on on in somebody when they "get it" as you obviously saw occur with your sister - the feeling is just great.

Makes you think, "Maybe there is hope left."

The problem of course is that the REASON most of us here have had the light click on with the BIG IDEA is that we were either victims of, or almost victims of a crime, or perceived ourselves at some point as having been in danger. Your sister's example is of this type.

It seems to be difficult to get many people to make the necessary alterations and connections in their set of core assumptions if they have not fallen into the aforementioned categories.
Sometimes there is hope.

My cardiologist often saw me reading gun-related material while waiting. There was usually a veiled anti-gun comment made - nothing major, just a subtle slight.
Until 9/11.
Practically his first words at my next checkup (a couple weeks after) were "what gun should I get?"
I am happy for your sister. Stories like this always bring me to my coming of age, which was not so long ago. After the breakdown of social order in New Orleans, I "woke up". First I purchased couple of firearms for protection, started going to the range, reading about the 2 Amendment, got into hunting, etc. I am a happy man now :)
Congratulations to your sister. In addition to the CWP, suggest that she take the classes the NRA offers on self defense. Her mindset and her awareness can help a whole lot too. As we say so often on this board, a gun is only one tool in the toolbox.

And if she ever comes to Texas, I'd be glad to go shooting with her.

this got me thinking.

I'd love to see a list of THRers who, as mentioned above 'got woken up' on how you can only really count on yourself if bad stuff happens. 9/11, Katrina, Robbery next door, etc.

I see this as a different catagory than people who finally get over their fear because someone brings you to a range, or through discourse shows you the error of your ways.

I think it would be a great resource to have, great stories to point to, and evidence/information to use for fencesitters who say stuff like 'I live in a good neighborhood, I don't need to worry about crime'
Get her to join THR!

Also, as was pointed out, in addition to setting up CWP lessons for her it would be a good idea to teach her the use of Mace.
Your response to your sister was great! I think that incident will do more to change her mind on the issue then any amount of debate or argument.
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