O'Reilly on guns?

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Bill O'Reilly has little to no credibility on MOST of the subjects he talks about. I have never understood why people would care to listen to him in the first place. I guess it must be similar to the reason people slow down on the freeway to look at an accident.

As for me, I prefer Rush Limbaugh any day of the week. At least he's willing to do the research and supports his opinions with actual facts rather than pure attitude.
As for me, I prefer Rush Limbaugh any day of the week. At least he's willing to do the research and supports his opinions with actual facts rather than pure attitude.

You might want to try and look up some of the "facts" Limbaugh uses.

All pundits on both sides of the issue often use questionable "facts." Some are worse than others. O'Reilly might be the worst of all.
Well truthfully...when it comes to pundits, there's only ONE worth watching at all.


Stephen Cobert For President!!!!!!

"I don't let the facts get in the way of the truth.", Stephen Cobert

On how a water park could solve our immigration problem: "The top of the slide is in San Diego, but the catch pool is in Juarez."

On Jill Carroll's release: "She is safe and sound. Fantastic news. Proves Iraq has finally turned a corner. People may not be greeting us as liberators, but we are being greeted as we're liberated. Here she is this morning receiving a plaque from an Iraqi journalist -- I believe she was voted 'most likely not to return to Iraq.'

On a scientist winning the religious Templeton Prize: "Listen science, your attempts to discover the awesome, mysterious forces that formed and continue to shape our universe have nothing to do with religion. Keep your 'hard evidence' chocolate out of our 'personal faith' peanut butter. God found Adam under a cabbage leaf. Read the bible."

On marriage: "It is an accepted fact that if you're a single woman over 35, you're less likely to find a husband than you are to be devoured by a circus lion in a convenience store." Great news! Only 13 more years until it's statistically impossible for my idiot sister to marry and breed!

On bears: "For years, these ravenous brutes have had free reign to use our woods as their personal latrine, protected by their 'endangered' status. Now the government is wisely considering ending grizzlies' special treatment to protect our honey jars and Paddington Station." Plus maybe it's not too late to save that Grizzly Man guy!

On pre-union American factories: "Unlike today's sterile office towers, these old factories were a family-friendly environment. It wasn't uncommon to see a man working in a textile mill, with a child right there at his side. That's right, every day was take your daughter to work day."

On being a history buff: "I like to put the news in historical perspective. But history is more than battles and presidents and the contribution of enslaved peoples to the development of the banjo."

On advice for participants in the impending Iraqi civil war: "Do take lots of pictures of yourselves, to provide detailed historical documentation for future Iraqi civil war re-enactors. It may not seem like much fun now, bit in 150 years--if the war is over by then--it'll be a great thing to do on Saturdays."
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I was wondering if anyone here knows exactly what Bill O'Reilly's stance is on guns.
He's a media person. The answer is, "ignorant".

Like any other media person, he has the intellectual curiosity of Homer Simpson toward anything in which he does not personally have a direct interest.
O'Reilly thinks that HIS OPINION=FACT on just about any subject known to man.

I have never heard a more arrogant yet ignorant man.
i do remember that episode when he told everyone to get a rifle. i actually normally agree with what he says, except when he talks about the catholic church.
he is a total moron on that subject

joe scarborough on msnbc had a good show for a while, but hes gone down hill. ill only watch if buchanan is on now :D
Bill O'Reilly uses his show as a bully pulpit for causes he deems worthy and necessary, like protecting kids. He is a crusader for locking up child molesters and other malfeasants and I think he does a very admirable job. I often don't agree with his aggressive style, talking over his guests and such (I prefer Tim Russert as an interviewer; more polite and no snowball questions to controversial guests). I do remember the discussion he was having with former San Francisco Supervisor and perennial mayoral candidate Angela Alioto, and just as his show ran out of time he got in the "Buy a rifle" blurb. It was hilarious and surprising.
• Unresolved Problems Segment
Election Day
Guest: Angela Alioto, Former President of the City's Board of Supervisors
San Franciscans will vote Tuesday on an initiative to ban handguns, and another symbolic resolution opposing military recruiting in public schools. Politician and pundit Angela Alioto argued in favor of both measures. "We do not want to have guns in the city of San Francisco, period. You can protect your property and your family and your property without a gun." She also defended the anti- recruiting resolution. "That proposition says we will not go into schools and pinpoint low-income minorities so they can get a college education without telling them about going to war. There are other ways of helping people pay for college." The Factor forcefully challenged Alioto on both issues. "Once I saw what happened in Hurricane Katrina, I said every American household should have a firearm. If there's a tremendous earthquake in San Francisco and looting, you don't want your family protected? You don't want a firearm in your house? You're living in the world of Oz. And the military is a noble enterprise. Why should the rest of the country protect your butt if San Francisco is going to thumb your nose at the military by passing this resolution?"

Okay...We've got a veteran DEA agent...whose issue sidearm is the Glock...
and he was gonna disassemble the gun AFTER he chambered a round...knowing full well that the Glock's trigger has to be pulled to drop the striker before it can be disassembled...also knowing full well that the clearance drill for an autopistol is to remove the magazine FIRST and then clear the chamber, and at least LOOK into the chamber, if not DEA policy to lock the slide to the rear and feel inside the chamber to insure that the gun is clear...BEFORE the slide can be returned to battery and the trigger safely pulled for weapon disassambly.

He flat lied. I saw the video. He wasn't gonna take it apart. He was reholstering the pistol and it fired because he had his finger on the trigger.
Probably the number one cause of negligent discharge with the Glock.
(The trigger makes it go bang, genius.)

He not only knew these things..or at least had been trained to perform the clearance drill...but he did his demonstration for a group of kids with a loaded gun instead of clearing it before he entered the classroom...and now he's gonna sue because somebody caught him on film bein' a world-class dumbass
and had the unmitigated gall to let the public SEE that he was a world-class dumbass.

Let's have a show of hands from our LEOs. Would any of you guys have done that demonstration with a loaded gun? Nah. I didn't think so.

This macho moron was goin' for the OOH/AHH effect from a buncha kids with his real gun. Well...He got it. :rolleyes:
He flat lied. I saw the video. He wasn't gonna take it apart. He was reholstering the pistol and it fired because he had his finger on the trigger.
Probably the number one cause of negligent discharge with the Glock.
(The trigger makes it go bang, genius.)
Exactly the same thing happened to one of the contract security guards for NASA Lewis in Cleveland on the Fairview Park police range in the early '90s.

My dimwitted, Klansman boss at the NASA contractor where I worked, proceeded to wax ignorant about how the security company should get rid of the Glocks because they were "dangerous". I suggested that he do the same thing with a S&W Model 10 revolver. He dropped the subject.
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