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Sean Dempsey said:
I am glad the Democrats won. I'm a liberal with a gun. That rhymes.

Sean, can you save your asinine, gloating, and mocking attitude for DU?


The person who started this thread didn't say anything about armed resistance, but rather a political fight.

But please, let's get real. This isn't the 18th century. Wars aren't won with guns. Resistances aren't successful because of guns. Call me when you have a fleet of privately owned F-22's and a billion dollar armament budget.

Incorrect, East Timor defeated Indonesia's army almost wholely with firearms (few heavy weapons were used from what I understand). There are more insurgencies that have won in the past with more heavy weapons. But that's just academic. Moving on more hypothetically,

Wake up. Americans will not fight to protect their FREEDOM. They will only do what it takes to protect their COMFORT and LUXURY.

Yes, most people won't risk their lives, but that's the way it always worked in any insurgency. And when you consider that two guys in DC were on the verge of making the government cave before they were caught, you can see how few people are needed to cause serious problems for the U.S. government.

MKH100 said:
Sean Dempsey is right.

Look at the way they emasculated gun owners in Calofornia. I know they didn't ban all guns there. But the way certain segments have been treated is horrible ! Google the treatment of 50 cal owners out there......they have been raided, imprisoned, forced to defend themselves in court. Not one has fired a shot, gunowners are NOT leaving California in droves.....they are adjusting to the new rules sent down by papa sugar

Some did leave, but the point is, there was an easy outlet--most any of the other 49 states, for the really angry people. In the case of a federal ban, backs will be to the wall.
I'll concede that as a good point creeping "Some did leave, but the point is, there was an easy outlet--most any of the other 49 states, for the really angry people. In the case of a federal ban, backs will be to the wall."

I like to hope you are right. The original point was that we should do all we can to win the "soft war" NOW, so we dont have to fight a real one...EVER. I am a student of history, look around the world and tell me where war does not and has not ever existed. There will be a shooting war in America, will we see it, our kids, our grandkids? Our duty is to protect the heritage, preserve the rights. My point was that if your plan to preserving your rights consists solely of "from my cold dead hands" then you are simply planning to fail.

There is no particular reason to worry. They now have the rope they can hang themselves with ...

Which reminds me of Baghdad Bob, Saddam Hussain's information minister in 2003, who used to make remarkably similar claims such as:

The Americans are not there. They're not in Baghdad. There are no troops there. Never. They're not at all."​

They can penetrate our borders but they cannot reach Baghdad. They will try to pull our army and troops out but we are well aware of their plans and they will fail.​

The Americans are not there. They're not in Baghdad. There are no troops there. Never. They're not at all.​

The cost of property along the banks of the Nile River has gone sky high, which must be why many people choose to live in denial. :)

The Guy:

... maybe this "defeat" is what we needed to give us a good scare and a swift boot to the posterior to get going. I hope it works, because if it doesn't, I fear this Great Experiment will fall apart and to the wayside.​

Read the messages posted here and in other gun related forums both before and after the election. Many of the same people are saying just about the same things. Almost none has learned anything at all.

So many gun owners seem to have inordinate self-pride and self-concern, exaggerate the importance of their own experiences and feelings, believe in perfection, have little empathy for others, and claim to be altruistic but aren't. When the NRA begs for essential contributions, such people parade their contempuous self-justifications for refusing to support it. When the NRA asks them to support candidates or actions for their ultimate benefit, those people refuse and explain that they know more and better than the professionals.

They will not accept blame or criticism and seem incapable of learning from their mistakes. Such people continue to parrot irrational claims that the Republican Party was anti-gun and that George W. Bush wanted the assault weapons ban. They're actually joyful that the Democrats are in power because that shows the Republicans they didn't do right by gun owners.

They vote to send messages instead of voting in the best interests of gun owners generally and themselves in particular. And when they get slammed in the head by the awful consequences of what they've helped do to themselves, they retreat into denial or make grandiose statements such as "I'll take aim at their blue helmets!" and "Molon Labe!"

They insist upon making unrealistic demands and refuse to compromise, even though a strategy of "all or nothing" will always mean that they'll get nothing: they can't conceive of their effect on other people, who disagree with them but who also have rights and needs that must be accommodated cheerfully. And such people continue those behaviors even now, when it should be impossible to see that they are self-destructive.

These are the troops without whose concerted efforts there is no hope, but narcissistic personality disorder is rampant. If both the NRA and the Brady Campaign were on the stock market, investors could become wealthy by basing decisions to sell or buy on the messages here and in other gun-related forums.

I don't know if there are sufficient numbers of rational gun owners to overcome the disastrous effects of such people and start making friends instead of generating enemies. I most sincerely hope so.
I agree with Bart.

Join pro RKBA groups and write elected officials.

Then the ball is in their court.
Speaking of elections and organizing, etc.....

Here's a dismal scenario, likely it's been mentioned here before but I don't have time to read everything.....

The concerned, caring, feeling and thoughtful new Democratic Congress passes amnesty for the currently illegal aliens residing here.

Bingo! Instant, beholden new voting block of what...? Five, ten million grateful members.

I'll see your NRA voters and raise you a few million. Try to match that, gunnies.

Conservative politics becomes an instant thing of the past..... :mad:

:: Not that it has been manifested much recently anyway. ::
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