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Petition to pass H.R. 450 and Repeal the NFA


Jun 3, 2023
In light of the recent pistol brace ban, I have concluded that the only way for the Second Amendment to stand truly uninfringed is the total repeal of the National Firearms Act. A bill for that purpose has already been introduced in the House, but it does not appear that it has progressed any further than its introduction. To draw more attention to this bill in hopes of furthering it, I have created a petition on ConservativeChange.org. Any supporters of the Constitution still left in this country should sign this petition and encourage others to do the same. It can be found here:


In the words of Thomas Jefferson,"Whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness."

God Bless America!!!
They did close the registry on civilian transferable machineguns May 19, 1986 though, when Reagan signed the Firearm Owners Protection Act.

Keep up your enthusiasm, for when it’s actually something that the Senate and POTUS would even consider.
I have concluded that the only way for the Second Amendment to stand truly uninfringed is the total repeal of the National Firearms Act.
Agreed, but it's going to take more than petitions to accomplish that.

There are two ways it can happen:
1. A Supreme Court decision declares it unconstitutional.
2. A deal is reached by giving up something else.

Neither of these is likely in the current climate.
Agreed, but it's going to take more than petitions to accomplish that.

There are two ways it can happen:
1. A Supreme Court decision declares it unconstitutional.
2. A deal is reached by giving up something else.

Neither of these is likely in the current climate.

I agree that petitions aren't enough, but the purpose of mine is to draw more attention and support to H.R. 450 while it has yet to be voted on. Even though it has a very low chance of being passed, that chance is increased the more people know about it. Even if H.R. 450 isn't passed, a similar bill may be passed later if this one gets enough support. I doubt that many people have even heard of it given its lack of publicity since introduction.