Phoenix Crossroads Gunshow

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Dec 25, 2002
Valley of the Scum, AZ
Since I'm stuck here with the flu and a 103.7 fever please tell me what's happening at the show this weekend. I look forward to this one most of the year and now I cannot be there. :(

But if my fever drops to around 102 or so tomorrow, and I can get past the wife, I'm there! :what: :what: :what:

Thanks for the reports.
I will be there too and will give a full report on all of the great guns I couldn't afford to buy. :D Hope you get to feeling better. Take care, Mike
Im passing on this show. Too much going on down here this weekend. That and its too close to Christmas to blow mucho moneys on myself.

Spending mucho moneys on myself is the reason I try to hit this one every year. That, and all the nifty Class 3 stuff to drool over. I don't want the wife and kiddies to get all my secret stash that I've saved up for during the past year. After all, I do live on more than new underwear, socks, bookstore giftcards and a steering wheel cover this time of year, which is about my usual take for the season. And I do shop for Christmas at the show, all kinds of nifty stuff for the family.

Alas, I did not make it this year. The mind is willing, but the body is still almost completely shut down with this flu.
Went to the Crossroads together with MikeJ. Had a great time, saw many guns, holsters, ammo and ate Beef Jerky just as predicted. One part of the show was just class III stuff - neat.

Oh and Christmas came early this year: A nice S&W Model 65-5 followed me home :)
The Tucson show comes this weekend... and I don't work Saturday, so guess where I will be! :D

I already purchased all the Christmas stuff for my wife, so now it is time to spend my overtime money on something at this show if I like it!
the up coming Tucson gun show is put on by "Arizona Arms", it's not too good of a show, i know several dealers who will not attend that show, one reason is that they do not allow MiWall to sell ammo there......, but, i'll still go.................
They don't allow Miwall to sell ammo there? :( Why not? That sucks...

Well, at least I wasn't "planning" on buying ammo, but whenever I walk by the Miwall tables, I pick up something... guess I won't do that this time.
phoenix show

As a Newbie, I attended my first gunshow at "Crossroads" in 2001: one War Surplus vendor was selling boxes that looked identical to "Hamburger Helper": on closer inspection, the Smilie Hand was hovering over a bowl full of animal body was "Road Kill Helper"....I bought a box and slid it into my wife's kitchen cupboard. Cracked me up! She wasn't amused:mad:
Talk a about weird stuff for sale. One table actually had a little figurine of a guy that was bend over and was farting soap bubbles. That thing was so stupid you just had to stop and look!

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