Pink Pistols - Sacramento area chapter

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Mar 26, 2003
The Sacramento Valley chapter of the Pink Pistols is celebrating its official launch on Saturday, May 31st. We will be meeting at the Open Book in Sacramento, CA (910 21st St.) at 10 AM for coffee & pastries, and then heading to the Yolo Sportsman's Association afterwards.

The Pink Pistols is a national organization founded to promote defensive firearms skills among the gay/lesbian/transgender, etc. population. To learn more about the national group, check out For more information about the local chapter, e-mail [email protected].

Please join us for our opening shoot - all are welcome, regardless of sexual orientation or shooting experience - just be friendly!
Pink Pistols is about as GLBTetc. as JPFO is Jewish...which is to say it is a good organizational format and its other chapters have attracted all sort of people. The main benefit of the name is that it gives a heartburn to some members of the media.
Cool. Congratulations on starting a new chapter. The right to keep and bear arms is for everyone as far as I'm concerned.

Ok, I'm done stating the obvious. Good luck!:)
I hope ALL gun owners in that area can show their support; these guys are an asset to the RKBA movement. The movement has taken some serious blows under the Clinton regime and if we are to survive we must adapt to modern times.
Pink Pistols is about as GLBTetc. as JPFO is Jewish...which is to say it is a good organizational format and its other chapters have attracted all sort of people.
Especially the Northern Virginia chapter. I think (according to the unofficial survey taken on the PP yahoo mailing list) that NoVA has the highest "dilution", so to speak. Up until recently, the chapter was run by a guy who is about as straight as it's possible to be. I'd say that I was a 'token straight guy' in the NoVA group, except that I think the split in that chapter is about 50% straight, 50% other. I'm not actually sure what the numbers are, because everyone there is a shooter, and pro-RKBA, and that's what is important.

I hope it's a great success. Now if there were only more minorities visibly getting involved in shooting, we'd really begin to build some momentum that the mainstream media couldn't ignore. geegee

Thanks to those of you who have expressed good wishes to our new chapter. Please feel free to pass the info on to anyone you know who may be interested in participating.

Trisha asked if we would be doing IDPA style matches - in fact I hope to introduce our Pink Pistols chapter members to a couple of the local IDPA matches, which are put on by great folks. I've thought about trying to set up a Pink Pistols IDPA match, but for now I think we would do better to integrate with the existing matches. There is just too much expertise there to ignore. If there is interest when we get going, I will probably put on a couple of workshops to introduce new people to the IDPA format, though.
dpsychs, that's great news! I volunteer as an instructor for the PinkPistols here in San Francisco; we have a range day (well evening actually) at least once a month, the last two times we had reporters from the Bay Guardian and NBC Channel 11 news.

I guess they're still getting over the novelty of gays with guns.

Best of luck to you all.

Here's the link to the Sacramento Action Pistol web page.

Lots of info on match schedules. I occasionally shoot with the USPSA and IDPA clubs that shoot out at Ione.

BTW there's a 3-gun match on the 25th of this month . If you've never done 3-gun you REALLY REALLY need to try it. Dont miss out cause they only do 1 or 2 of these a year locally.
DS, welcome to The High Road. Best with the chapter.

Wish I were closer so I could help...wait...California...wish y'all were closer, so I could help! :D

Hello D.

I emailed you a while back.

I'm sorry we lost touch, but I'm glad to see you made it here!

I will try to make it to your meeting!

As the others have said-- outstanding. Here's to hoping that your matches and events are so successful, that even the marginalizers will want to throw in with you in the shooting.
SF Pink Pistol matches

Hey QuarterBoreGunner,

I'm thinking that once we get our Sac chapter up and running, we'd like to come "crash" a match with the SF chapter - meet the members of our sister group, and see what we can learn from them.

Do you think anyone would mind that? Do they put out match notices electronically?

BTW, did the Guardian article come out yet? I'd love to see what they're writing!

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dpsych- no the article has not come out yet as far as I know. I'll try and post an e-copy of it when it does.

A meet sounds great; I'll see when the next range night is scheduled for and let you know. The city chapter is pretty casual and, yes they do have a e-mailing list. And I don't think anyone would mind. I'm forwarding your e-mail address to Tom, who handles the mailing list.
Doubt I can make the Sacramento party, but I would be interested in supporting SF Bay clubs. Where are the SF group shooting, is a schedule posted? Any East Bay Plans? I live in San Ramon and shoot at Chabot, Richmond and sometimes Concord (USI) ranges.

Guy B. Meredith
What a change!

This is really interesting. Quite a change, the responses to this postings, from the letters we got when I wrote the first (I think) article on the Pink Pistols in the national firearms media. That was in Guns & Ammo a couple of years ago. It made the editors nervous, and we got a few letters giving us a hard time.

I'm glad to see the positive responses here.

Say, maybe Missouri can get their right to carry law past its governor if there were Pink Pistol chaptes in St. Louis, Columbia, and Kansas City. I think it would work.
Speaking of minority RKBA groups, anyone aware of any African-American or Hispanic groups focused around gun rights? It would be nice to see the RKBA movement spread to incorporate ALL Americans.
The Second Amendment Advocates at the UC Davis Law School, would be very interested in having a member from your group come to the law school and speak. This would occur once the law school starts again in August.

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