Pink Pistols

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Mar 9, 2006
Every once in a while there is an article in the capitalist press about shooters that ain't too bad. This is one of those. It deals with the group "The Pink Pistols". They have been around for a number of years beginning after the torture and murder of Matthew Sheppard in Wyoming back in 1998. They have grown some since the Orlando night club massacre.

So, "Pick on someone your own caliber".

Be sure to watch the video as well.

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I've been aware of the Pink Pistols for quite some time and applaud any group that understands, promotes, and defends the 2nd Amendment, and the reality is that that demographic is at greater risk of violence.

I love the hypocrisy of Gays against Guns, in their statement "...people who carry firearms in public are at greater risk of being hurt and that the Pink Pistols’ push to arm the LGBT community is a misguided campaign based on emotion rather than facts."

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Anyone who is in a demographic that is more vulnerable, or more likely to be targeted should take greater care to protect themselves.

I used to be "young & strong & straight & true" and as such wasn't a good potential target. But as I get older, bent, and slower I know that I am more of a target so I am more diligent in my EDC. I'm glad that at least some in the LGBT community recognize reality & exercise their 2A rights.
I like that they are forthright in defending the 2nd Amendment and the right to defense in general. They aren't afraid to argue for it. They don't apologize for it. They have a reason to exist and they state that from the git. They have fun at the range. It's a rare article that treats shooters seriously and shows them winning an argument with liberals on this question.
Personally I don't care about sexual orientation or anything like that as it doesn't affect me. I'm in favor of more folks being legally armed regardless. If you belong to a more at risk group, protect yourself.
I once read an article that explained that it is every citizen's DUTY to go legally armed. Its premise was that if a large portion of people were armed, mass shootings would be squelched at the onset and would probably not even be considered. Whereas the law doesn't say that we must use deadly force to protect "others", it allows it. And the average human would not idly stand by and watch someone's life taken. If most people carried, most bad guys would not prey on the helpless.
Anyone who is in a demographic that is more vulnerable, or more likely to be targeted should take greater care to protect themselves.

I used to be "young & strong & straight & true" and as such wasn't a good potential target. But as I get older, bent, and slower I know that I am more of a target so I am more diligent in my EDC. I'm glad that at least some in the LGBT community recognize reality & exercise their 2A rights.
Ditto for me on both thoughts. I'm not going to out dance some of the criminals anymore. It's good to see the LGBT community stand up and organize for their 2nd Amendment rights. We need every pro gun voter/supporter we can get. If the over 300 million gun owners would stand together, no one could take away our rights.
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