Placing the blame on the VT shootings

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Sep 7, 2006
Democratic Peoples Republic of Illinois
We all knew when we first heard about the tragedy at Virginia Tech that gun control advocates would exploit the incident for their cause. Over the last few days we have heard them crow about how what they perceive as lax gun laws allowed this to happen. The fact is that not one of the 20,000 plus gun laws in this country worked to prevent this tragedy. Will 20,001 change things in the future? The answer to that question in my opinion is no. Heres food for thought on the issue. In the 1980s and prior incidents of mass violence here in America were few and far between. Mass school shootings are a fairly recent occurance, and seem to be happening at closer intervals as time goes on, despite gun laws being far more restrictive than they were 20, 30, or 40 years ago.

As I was watching the video released by NBC made by the gunman between shootings Monday it hit me what one root cause may be. Around the clock media explotation of these tragic events. By airing the killers video, by releasing his screen plays, showing his photo every 5 minutes, and playing video coverage of the aftermath at every possible chance we have given these sick murderers exactly what they want.....instant fame. I fear that given the pattern other school shootings follow a copy cat will soon rise up and seek to recreate this tragedy with their own name and face attached.
In a era of YouTube, Myspace, endless message boards, and countless celebrity gossip based T.V shows we have become a society obsesed with fame. From Brittany shaving her head on "E", to the latest idiot gluing fire crackers on his chest for a YouTube video we see that people will attempt to garner recognition at any cost. It only seems logical to conclude that in the mind of a twisted would be killer seeking attention and living in a culture that romanticizes massacres such as Columbine, going on a shooting rampage is a good way of making your name known.

Now I do not blame the media 100% for what happened at VT. Guns certianly made the days event possible, but guns could have prevented it as well had just one student or staff member been armed and trained to use their weapon effectively. The parents of the killer who should have seen some indicator of mental illness in their son could have prevented it by seeking help for their son. The staff at Virginia Tech had multiple documented cases where the killer showed disturbing behavior. They could have intervened or expelled this student from classes. The police in my opinion did not do enough upon arrival at the scene to minimize casualties. But in the end it is my view that the media, and our culture of instant fame, and gratification provided the inspiration. Of course don't look to the media to ever point the finger at themselves.
I agree that the continued effort to study the video "to find out what was in his mind, why he did this terrible thing" a complete waste of time. He was documented as a severely disturbed mental case well before the incident. Action was not taken, and he went through with this terrible act. 'Nough said about his motivation...forget about it!

Now's the time to try to find out why the university administration, who supposedly had all their faculties (Sorry about the pun!), allowed this incident to be as bad as it was.
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