Please help! Good guy arrested in Ohio

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Well put, grampster, and I wasn't targeting anyone specifically re: stupid, I remembered seeing that word used more than once in the previous pages and it got my attention.

Re: Mr. Jordan's lack of discretion: What if he left the guns out on purpose? What if he, even unconsciously, was prodding the law to arrest him?

The way I see it, it makes no difference. He either made a mistake and got caught, or he made a stand and is taking the fight to them.

Either way, he gets my donation and my support.

- Gabe

Judging from the tone of Ian's posts which are keeping us up on the situation, It doesn't sound like Hunter was seeking a confrontation. It appears he has been shaken to the core as a result. If he were deliberately attempting to challenge the Ohio laws, I think he would be much more confrontational...and it doesn't appear to be the case, I don't think.

However, to fight every single one of these things all over the country and start throwing money around like that, I think that is foolish. Unless his case goes to the Supreme Court, nothing will have changed. Most likely the only way he is going to beat the charges is on a technicality or on a plea bargain. What does that do for all of our rights? Nothing, absolutely nothing. People will still get arrested in Ohio for illegally carrying a concealed weapon. You all will get fired up and spend more of your money to protect HIS right to keep and bear arms and still nothing will change.

Hey, you don't have to help.

As for me,


Somewhere buried in the THR thread concerning Jeff Jordan someone voiced the sentiment along the lines of "we're going to go broke fighting every individual case that comes up, it's better to be selective and fund the cases that are likely to effect wide change for everyone".

I disagree, for a number of reasons. The first is that this sort of precedent setting, wide reaching case is supported by the NRA Civil Defense Fund.

The NRA Civil Rights Defense Fund was established by the NRA Board of Directors in 1978 to become involved in court cases establishing legal precedents in favor of gun owners.

To accomplish this, the Fund provides legal and financial assistance to selected individuals and organizations defending their right to keep and bear arms.

In other words, if your case of isn't of golden virtue and isn't likely to help gun owners collectively, you're pretty much ???? out of luck as far as the NRA is concerned.

What this teaches the statist bastards is that they can get away with all the nickel and dime weapons charges they can bring against marginal everyday folks.

The other main reason I disagree with this sentiment is that while our .gov has concentrated vast wealth with which which to prosecute this sort of unconstitutional nonsense, We, The People, by definition, have more.

I propose we all spend some of it opposing these bastards at every single turn.

Can you imagine a world in which each and everytime an honest Joe Normal is busted on a bull????, unconstitutional gun charge thousands of other honest folks spring up out of the woodwork and fill his legal defense coffer?

I can.

How long do you think this sort of thing will go on? I don't know, but it's high time we found out.

The bull???? ends here, and it ends now.

I'm not a rich man, but I've got some discretionary cash, and I can't think of a better way to spend it.

From this day forward, for as long as I am able to do so, I, the geekWithA.45, will contribute $50 to the legal defense fund of each and every honest American who, absent actual criminality and harm, is arrested and charged with violations of any unconstitutional gun law. (And believe you me, most of them are unconstitutional.)

Busted for CCW without a permit? $50. Busted with gun that's too big/small/scary/holds too many bullets? $50. Paperwork not in order? $50. Didn't pack your range bag in accordance with regulations? $50. Stopped for milk on the way home from the range? $50. Defended your life with an unregistered handgun? $50. Forgot to register? $50. And on, and on, and on.

This isn't gonna work if we all don't get on the bandwagon, and I don't want to be the only ???????/sucker out there pooping out the bucks left and right, so.....pony up, god damnit!

Let's take these bastards on.
Let's just see who has more resolve.
Let's just see who's pile of gold runs out first.
Let's just see who has more gumption, more tenacity, and more guts.

Let's just see who the last man standing really is.

I'm betting my fortune, my honor, and perhaps someday my life that it'll be We The People.

What about you?

To date:
So far, I'm out $200, and there's at least two more I've heard of that I'll contribute to if I can find contact info.
GeekWithA.45: That was beutiful. I am with you, but there is no way I can afford 50$ each at this time. :(

I am young and plan to fight these stupid laws until we win, or I die.
Let's just see who the last man standing really is.
I'm betting my fortune, my honor, and perhaps someday my life that it'll be We The People.

It's our money they'd use to fight us. Unlikely they will run out anytime soon.

Sounds like you're dreaming of a fair and honest fight. It isn't. These cases never get to trial due to the outright vicious threats the state intimidates people with. I gave money to Jeff in the hopes he would fight it since this appears to be a fight he has been preparing for but just because he is right does not mean he will win. A jury gets their instruction from the judge. They will be instructed to determine if the law under which he is charged was broken. No more, no less. They will not be allowed to consider the legitimacy of that law.

I'll be saving 50's for his appeal and hope it's not required. I think he has a great case.
I'm not dreaming of a fair an honest fight. I'm simply stating that it is better to oppose the statists in any way possible, rather than simply let them carry on at will, which seems to be what's going on now.

Reality being what it is, I probably won't be able to sustain $50/event much longer, but that's OK. Even if I have to drop all the way back to $5, at least I'm doing something. $10 from a thousand people buys someone a decent lawyer, ya know, and it also opposes a factor that our enemies count on, that people will do a cost/benefit calculation and capitulate.

As for using our own money to fight us, that is a rant of a whole different cloth. If we are ever to truly regain control of our .gov, the IRS will need to be dismembered.

In the meantime, contemplate the fact that even with all the revenues that are raised, WE STILL HAVE MORE, otherwise, they wouldn't keep coming back to us for money, now would they?
payday is tomorrow

I'll be donating $50 tomorrow after I get paid. I'd rather spend money now to try to win this war the easy way.

Statist folks like mildalaska ( your wife has much more sense than you do, you should listen to her.... ) are making this decision very easy for me.

Those folks who insist he deserved what he got for failing to obey federal tyranny are on the path that will force them to make some very unpleasant decisions years from now:

Between accepting unarmed slavery, fighting to the death, or fleeing this country.
Latest on the Jeff "Hunter" Jordan CCW case in Ohio:

Hey everybody, I just got off the phone with Hunter after talking with him
at length. The very short version is that he's accepted a very good plea
deal, which in turn was finalized earlier today by the Ohio courts.
Although Hunter remains somewhat disgruntled on a theoretical basis with the
practical necessity of taking a misdemeanor plea, he is very much aware that
the deal is a good one and he's quite pleased (from a practical perspective)
to no longer be facing legal jeopardy in Ohio. He specifically asked me to
pass on his heartfelt thanks to all of the people here who supported him
during his legal ordeal.

Now he just faces getting his life back together after all this.
I'm Helping

Though currently unemployed here in Phoenix, my check for $20.00 is in a stamped envelope and will be dropped off at the postoffice on Monday along with some resumes.
Jeffrey L "the Hunter" Jordan writes...

Jeffrey L "the Hunter" Jordan writes:

"Statement - distribute as widely as possible"

As you may well have heard by now, my lawyers and I concluded a plea
bargain with the Ashland county prosecutor's office Friday 8/21. The
reason that this is the first you have heard of it is complete secrecy
was part of the deal, for reasons which completely escape me. Be that as
it may, everything went off without a hitch. The settlement included no
jail time (well, technically a suspended sentence), a year's
unsupervised probation, a $500 fine, and $300-odd dollars in court
costs. *All* of my seized property is to be returned; specifically
including my pistols, ammo, rifle, swords, and electronics.

So that there is no misunderstanding on this, everyone should be aware
that I consider this settlement at best a damn fine fighting retreat,
not a victory. The vitally important philosophical and legal points
involved in the case are going to go unstated. From a personal and
practical standpoint this is a very good result, but from a long-term
viewpoint of preserving freedom this is a far less than optimal outcome.
But I have a pretty strong aversion to ignoring the advice of people I
am paying large sums of money for their expertise, and the *unanimous*
opinion of the legal team was to accept this deal. This is by no means
the end of the legal struggle, but it *does* mark the end of my own
personal jeopardy.

Let me take this opportunity to as publicly as possible thank my lawyer
Jim Brightbill for all his hard work, and congratulate him on securing
such a favorable deal. It has been a long slog through a lot of twists
and turns, but we made it. Let me also thank the other members of the
legal team; I am only going to mention my sister Brenda by name because
I haven't cleared mentioning the other 5 with them. The thanks are no
less heartfelt for being safely anonymous. And she deserves special
mention as the one who was there for me when I had only 1 phone call to
try to begin fighting back in a very bad situation. She and the rest of
my family and close friends have given me the emotional support that is
so essential in a situation like this, and there is no way I can ever
thank them enough.

Carl Bussjaeger deserves special mention for his tireless work in
speaking out when I was muzzled. It's been frustrating at times, brother
knight, but you hung in there and never gave up, even when the only
answer I could give you was "I can't talk about that". Special thanks to
all my friends both old and new, who went out of their way to offer
every sort of support imaginable - from JR & EC who took me out to
dinner, movies, and banana splits more times than you can believe, to DB
& ES who called periodically to make sure I was holding up and keep me
posted on what the activist community was doing, EL, JL, & SC for all
your behind-the-scenes work, Louis James & Sunni Maravillosa for
dropping everything to kick things off back when this all started,
FreeMatt & Charlie for scaring the hell out of me in my hotel room that
night, "Mama" Sue for both publicity and personal support, all the
members of LRT & TCF who jumped in whenever needed, and Angel Shamaya,
Aaron Zelman, and Claire Wolfe for consistent and principled support and
advice throughout this ordeal.

I am going to attempt to individually mention all the fine organizations
that rallied to my side. FMN, JPFO, ISIL, FIJA, KABA, GO-NH, GOA, AFA,
LRT, RRND, TPoL, TCF, the Mental Militia, FSP, FSW, and likely dozens of
others I am forgetting. One of the great strengths of the freedom
movement is that we all pull together when the chips are down, and my
case certainly exemplifies that spirit.

Last, and most especially, I want to thank all those people who didn't
know me before this all started who understood the important principles
involved, and opened their hearts and helped out in every way
imaginable. The financial support has kept me alive, and I even yet
can't talk about just how effective your letters and commentary has been
- keep it up, gang. You deserve the kudos for getting us to this first
important milestone in this particular skirmish of the war for freedom.
I personally promise you that the team that has been assembled to
spearhead the "Free Hunter" effort is only beginning to produce results.
We're not yet finished talking with Verizon, and there are a lot of
other possibilities for action that we're exploring.

Jeffrey L "the Hunter" Jordan
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