Police Officer Tasers Restrained Suspect To Get Urine Sample

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lol..yeah..good thing they didnt want a stool sample as well.

he couldnt(or wouldnt) go so someone decides hey..we'll stick a cath in and then we'll get it.would make anyone thats has even the remotest idea what that means to wanna get the heck outta there.Id imagine it would be very painful if the guy was awake.

I agree with the earlier post,chill out and give the guy some water,nature will take its course.people tend to co-operate much more when they arent being filled with anxiety.
sick people think they have a right to do things to others because they have a badge or a policy.

badges and policies tend to attract sick people.
Some Food For Thought:

The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.

It can't possibly be any more personal than one's precious bodily fluids.

But hey, since he's just a junkie, 1A doesn't really apply, because {insert mangled court precedents here}
It never fails - every day it seems that I have to forcably restrain myself from grabbing an enfield, bucket of tar, bag of feathers, and length of rope and taking matters into my own hands.

What sickens me even more is that some people, even some on this board, defend this barbaric act simply because he defied a government mandate (not to use some drugs).
Perhaps it will be you next time. Ever consider that?

Considering that I don't do drugs, I wouldn't ever worry about having to deal with that type of situation. Most people know that for every action there is a reaction. Its simple, he acted and now he has to deal with the reaction. I don't condone what that officer did to the kid but I don't wine and cry for people that fail to think before they act.
Who says this guy does drugs? The cop who tasered him?

"Have you been drinking, Mr. Darkmind?"

"Just a glass of wine with dinner."

"We'll need a urine sample, since you've admitted taking alcohol"

hospital protocol calls for urine samples whenever patients say they have taken drugs or alcohol.
Considering that I don't do drugs, I wouldn't ever worry about having to deal with that type of situation.
Ahhh, the naivety of the innocent man. Perhaps you remember learning about a little poem. It starts off something like this...

When they came for the communists, I said nothing since I'm not a communist....

The only urine sample anybody but my physician is gonna get from me is a TASTE TEST! :cuss:
Who says this guy does drugs? The cop who tasered him?

Antonio Wheeler, 18, was arrested Friday on a drug charge and taken to an emergency room after telling officers he had consumed cocaine, police said.

He acted and now he has to deal with the reaction, it's that simple.

"Have you been drinking, Mr. Darkmind?"
"Just a glass of wine with dinner."
"We'll need a urine sample, since you've admitted taking alcohol"

um ok, thats why I think before I act. Meaning I don't drink and then drive.
Drink and drive? 1 glass of wine 4 hours ago?

"Are you on any drugs, Mr. Darkmind?"

"Well, I'm taking percocet for a toothache."

"Right this way sir, we'll need a sample"

If the story is accurate, the man was tortured by the cop, plain and simple. If you don't see that, or don't care, no sense in going farther.

First They Came for the Jews
First they came for the Jews
and I did not speak out
because I was not a Jew.
Then they came for the Communists
and I did not speak out
because I was not a Communist.
Then they came for the trade unionists
and I did not speak out
because I was not a trade unionist.
Then they came for me
and there was no one left
to speak out for me.
Pastor Martin Niemöller

Carpettbagger has it.

Darkmind: It's not what you've done, it's what they want want to do to you.

You'll be compliant, of course, or else.

I've seen people in 5pt restraint take large meaty chunks out of people, more than once.

I'm not saying anything like this happened, but you asked the question.

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Wheeler acknowledged that he aggressively resisted efforts to insert the catheter because he was scared it would hurt.

Uhm... If someone was trying to jam a catheter into me against my wishes, I'd thrash around a lot myself. Regardless of circumstances.

I see a civil suit coming, rightfully so.
What its going to come down to is one key point: was the officer acting to restrain the man from escaping or assaulting someone, or to coerce him into giving the urine sample? If it was the former, it might be good tasering. If it is the latter, it almost certainly is not. The alleged fact that the suspect was restrained to the hospital bed makes the first proposition somewhat unlikely (though not impossible- I've seen prisoners break restraints).

As always, it depends. However, this one sure doesn't look good at face value.


PS AZRickD, have a site for the Tucson case?
Considering that I don't do drugs, I wouldn't ever worry about having to deal with that type of situation.

Doesn't matter if you do drugs or not. It only matters if the cops think you're on drugs. All it takes is one snitch looking to buy time off a sentence by fingering some poor schmuck.....
Two points to add here:

1. The officer could have obtained a search warrant. In my experiences (and I've written dozens of these), such a warrant can authorize either a urine or blood sample. Also in my experience, once a person is presented with the warrant and the options of urine or blood, the sample is provided without further issue. And, it is fully compliant with the Fourth Amendment.

2. I hate to see Tazers abused in this and other ways. I see Tazers as another very useful tool for law enforcement, another rung on the ladder of force that may allow an officer to avoid using a firearm. Those who complain about the dangers of the Tazer would surely find the electrical shock preferable to a bullet.
Nurses insert catheters into uncooperative and outright violent patients each and every day. Why was there a need to Taser this guy? He is fully restrained, all they need is a tube a KY and a frim grip. If they are feeling paranoid they could have the officers, security, or other medical personel on hand to supliment the restraints. I really can't imagine a situation where a taser is an appropriate tool here.

I've seen people in 5pt restraint take lage meaty chunks out of people, more than once.

I would STRONGLY urge some retraining with whoever is involved in these situations. The only way this could possibly happen is with with improperly applied/maintained restraints or due to a greivous error on the part of the someone involved in the patients care. When dealing with patients like this (and they are dealt with EVERY SINGLE DAY in dang near every hospital in the country) it is the healthcare worker's responsibility to ensure the safety of themselves and their coworkers. When a patient is violent it is considered a part of their condition and failing to properly manage that violence is a failure of care.
A top level powerlifter (1000lb squatter) that used to post on the same forum as I do once managed to take way too much morphine (constant pain some of these guys, not that this justifies it). Had to be hospitalised and they had to get some damn strong restraints to hold him down. I've seen videos of him squatting, and I can well believe that he could tear himself out of restraints, even shortly after a near fatal dose of morphine.

Not really relevant to this thread other than the discussion about restraints. Someone with their inhibitory mechanisms shut down (maybe on PCP) is capable of insane strength.
1. The officer could have obtained a search warrant. In my experiences (and I've written dozens of these), such a warrant can authorize either a urine or blood sample. Also in my experience, once a person is presented with the warrant and the options of urine or blood, the sample is provided without further issue. And, it is fully compliant with the Fourth Amendment.

Personally, I don't find the use of one amendment (4th) to violate another amendment (9th) to be compliant with anything in the Constitution (even in the case of someone doing something you don't like).
No matter the website, 90% of the threads involving "taser" generate some of the most irrelevant and offensive posts of all. Both sides of the arguments work hard at finding a Low Road.


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