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Back when Walthers were made in Germany (or maybe France) and our rulers passed a law against "Saturday Night Specials" the original PPK was too small to be imported, as measured in height from sight to butt. So Walther came up with the PPK/S which is the PPK barrel and slide on a PP butt. It holds one more round and uses slab instead of wraparound grips.
OK now I'm more confused.............. I have a Walther (Interarms) PPK made in the U.S.A. Is this more rarer than the PPK/S? Capacity is 6 + 1 The gun and the magazine are both marked 9mm Kurz/.380 ACP I bought it used back about 1988, now a days all I see for sale are PPK/S
When Interarms had a contractor tool up to make Walthers in the USA, they started out with the PPK/S and later added the PPK. I suspect the PPK really is less common as you see.
I once spoke to the US contractor at a trade show and suggested he get Interarms to have him build the PPK-L lightweight, but he showed no interest.
Steve H said:
OK now I'm more confused.............. I have a Walther (Interarms) PPK made in the U.S.A.
Because it is made in the USA, the ban on its importation is not in play.

denfoote said:
I was told once that the "S" stood for Scheisekopfen!!!
I've got a pretty good idea what that means in English ... ;)
Nothing can I say, that others have not. Just want to give a thumbs up to my PPK (S&W made). My favorite handgun (yes, it finally surpassed the 1911), shoots excellent with Remington 88gr JHP, and VERY comfortable to carry around all day.
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