Pre-ban Magazines

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May 12, 2008
I'm itching to get some pre-ban magazines for my Glock 20. Does anyone have any ideas where I could get them? Thanks.
Do you live in a state that has magazine capacity limits? If not, just wander down to your local gunstore and they'll be happy to sell you any magazine you want.
Unfortunately, I am in NY. So I could definitely use some help behind the lines! Thanks.
"Pre-Ban" went away when Congress let the stupid law fade away. You can take a trip to Colorado or Utah or Wyoming or Nevada or most anyplace west of Pennsylvania and buy any magazines you want.

Or wait until June and see how the Supreme court rules on the 2nd Amendment. I suspect many of the state laws will be challenged after that.
I'm with you on the Supreme Court ruling Tallyman... ideally, the 2nd Amendment's guarantees will be acknowledges are relating to individual freedoms. Then (once again in a perfect world), protecting those freedoms will fall under federal jurisdiction. Then there would be a uniform standard across the US and someone could have the same rights in Alaska as they do in Florida.

That has always worried me. If I can be trusted with a gun around a Massachusetts resident, why is it that I can't be trusted with a gun around a New York resident. There's just something wrong with that.

Be that as it may, for now I don't have a couple of tens of thousands of dollars lying around to sue New York State and New York City. And my patience is probably not going to hold out long enough to see the Supreme Court decision and then the subsequent suites play out.

As for buying in another state... good idea. Unfortunately, the way things work in NY, to my understanding, is that possession is a Class D felony. It doesn't matter if you buy it online, or in person at a gun show in Pennsylvania... once you bring it into New York State, you're in violation of the law.
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