Pretend to be an ''anti'' ... could you?

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the measure of how good of a pursuasive arguer you are is how well you could argue for the other side.

Personally, i have so much of the "other sides" rhetoric memorized i can and have on occasion pretended to be an anti to test some pro gunners skills.
You's just acting!

Clubsoda has a good point here. When politicians practice for a debate, one of their own campaign team usually plays the opponent.

Same concept.

Actually, I bet many of us could come up with better arguments than they usually present. ;)
I tried it once and it got me highly irregular, And I swore I'd never do it again
--Jimmy Buffett "God's Own Drunk"

I couldn't be an anti, even for a day. It's physically impossible for me to walk around with my head up my a**.
I sign up for every anti-program I can. As Homer Bundy! I love having them pay to send me all of their propaganda, especially those nice pre-postage paid envelopes. My Christmas mailings were virtually free this year and all of MY relatives appreciated the antis paying the postage.
It's physically impossible for me to walk around with my head up my a**.
That's because you lack the one feature that the antis have -- a little window in their bellybutton; rose colored, I might add.
When I was young and single, I pretended to be a liberal quite often, because quite frankly, liberal chicks put out!

Now that I'm older, married and becoming somewhat of a cermugeon, I doubt I could pull it off ... not even for sex.
jimpeel :
How'd I do?
Very scary indeed Sir!!
Humm maybe cant your head and blank stare a bit more...but dang that was good! Now go get your anti paid for box lunch, and soda. You can grab that other *ahem* empty box...oh want run to the mall parking lot? I hear they have more gun locks to give away...;)
Sure as long as i dont have to give up my guns. Cause for Beth i pretended to be a down skier. For Jill i pretended I liked Nascar, for Diane i pretended to like opera. With enogh incentive i could pretend I was never going to buy another gun...well i guess there are limits to my acting ability.
I've never come out and told anyone I was pro gun when there's an anti discussion going on. I play it cool and ask for explinations. By the time their done answering my questions for my own "education" they tend to have learned a bit ;)

A few times when asked directly I have admitted to being Liberitarian :D
It saddens me that many on this thread take their opponents so lightly. Anti-gunners can be very intelligent, and can present a good credible argument for their beliefs. Preaching to the choir may not tax your mind but it doesn't win any converts either. After all its the intelligent, hardworking types that hold the influence, not the types with the biggest smile or the most confidence.

Past gun control and the banning of firearms only proves that half-hearted attempts don't work, we just need to apply sincere and powerful gun control measures. A half bucket of water might not put out the fire, but a firehose will.
Must say tele' .. as thread starter ... I for one do NOT under-rate these people. As more than one have said .. they are VERY intelligent - and shrewd (sneaky?) too. Main difference is in their seeming inability to see logic ... they have a gross ''perspective'' problem.

My difficulty in trying to ''pretend'' would be mostly that the whole anti position is so anathema to me that ...... I really do not think I could act it out successfully.

I would (and have ) been the ''quiet'' observer when in amongst these people ... listen a lot ... and try and ask questions when appropriate - to try and make em think - properly!! Sometimes that helps.
In my experience, it takes just as much intelligence and experience to promote an issue as it does to condemn one. The most deadly anti-gunner would be a former pro-gunner, glad I can't think of any right now.
Highschool level debate/critical thinking classes teach you how to take on a position that you may not believe in, research it, and present arguments supporting it. I would hope that memebers here are up to such a challenge.

That is true....but maybe start by sometihing different...try writing an essay pro chocolate and then refute evry single part of it ! Being an anti should not be any harder..just talk stupid things! It demands no brain skill at all...

edited to add: P95Carry, there are many different "intelligences" (don´t know the english word for it), and there is a book that shows that even if a person is great at math, his "linguistic" or "logical" or "sensitive" intelligence may not be high or developed at all.

Maybe they are just "freedomly stupid", or as I like to call them: "Constitutionally challenged"
I'd like to think we could all pretend to be an anti.

Reminds me of that episode of Star Trek [NERD ALERT] :): (not exact quotes, either)

"Mirror, Mirror" - the one with the evil Enterprise and the evil crew from the alternate universe.

Kirk: But how did you know they were from the mirror universe?

Spock: Civilized men can pretend to be barbarians, but barbarians cannot pretend to be civilized.
I'll second clubsoda22.

Your own opinion is worth more if you can present a good solid argument for the other side. You need to understand the paradigms, fears, and axioms of the opposition before you can truly effectively refute them, precisely because those fundamentals are why the resulting views are held.
Which is more difficult....for an intelligent person to appear to be incredibly dumb, or a dumb person to appear to be intelligent?
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