Probation for unlawful use of a firearm...In Chicago!

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Dec 27, 2012
This is used as an example of why they want to out law my guns, mags and ammo?:banghead::banghead: This is why Chicago had over 500 murders last year. Why was he on the street? I'm guessing the gun was stolen, minor in possesion of a firearm, illegal carry without a permit, and threatening someone with a gun. But he plead down to unlawful use...

Chicago (CNN) -- The teenager who police say shot and killed Chicago honor student Hadiya Pendleton was on probation for unlawful use of a firearm, Police Superintendent Garry McCarthy said Monday night.
Her slaying -- the 42nd in the city this year -- also highlighted the problem of gun violence in Chicago. More than 500 people were fatally shot in 2012
... and I heard the guy on the news complaining that "if they had the new laws on the books that the State of Illinois wants .... blah, blah, blah. My question ... is it really NOT a felony in Illinois for a someone under 21 to be in possession of a firearm? What about the FEDERAL rap as a "prohibited person ... should be good for TEN YEARS!!!!! ... apparently it's another case of "we just can't prosecute everybody that breaks the law"!

I'm so mad I could spit bullets! As was said ... and they want to take MY GUNS?
Philly has the same problem. With an average of a murder per day, most gun crimes get probation. Most!? Even when they are caught committing a second gun crime while on probation for a previous gun crime. They still get probation!

Minors with guns = Probation
Stolen gun = Probation
Felon in possession of gun = Probation
Repeat gun offense = Probation
Use a gun to commit a crime = Probation
Combination of above = Probation

Gee... how do we reduce the pile of 500 bodies per year? Probation and more laws for lawful gun owners?
Why don't the big cities just ban outlaws. No outlaws, no crime. That ought to work, right?
The question should be asked: "Why is it that these urban governments absolutely refuse to take these obviously dangerous repeat offenders off the streets?"

These young men are murderers and gang members but they get the majority of their money by being drug runners and street dealers. That should tell you something about how widespread corruption is in these governments.
... and I heard the guy on the news complaining that "if they had the new laws on the books that the State of Illinois wants .... blah, blah, blah. My question ... is it really NOT a felony in Illinois for a someone under 21 to be in possession of a firearm? What about the FEDERAL rap as a "prohibited person ... should be good for TEN YEARS!!!!! ... apparently it's another case of "we just can't prosecute everybody that breaks the law"!

I'm so mad I could spit bullets! As was said ... and they want to take MY GUNS?
Don't start spitting bullets! Diane Feinstein may try to ban your high capacity mouth...
State of Union mention

The article in the link mentions that the girl's parents are in DC to attend the State of the Union. Don't have to watch that speech to know what to expect. They probably don't even realize they are props for the speech.
I don't have a whole lot of faith in the justice system to get much right. Not really surprising.
As long as there are guns to blame, it seems that nobody will look beyond "guns" to get to the root of the problem. So we are at an impasse you might say.
The prisons are full of guys who did nothing more than use dope, and most of you want to lock up the other 10 million US citizens who do so, and the other 20 million who have done so, to include George Bush, Jr.

Okay, who brought up the pot issue? I don't care that you use, and I don't see where "most of us do."
I thought we were talking guns..
Okay, who brought up the pot issue? I don't care that you use, and I don't see where "most of us do."
I thought we were talking guns..

The OP was talking about probation for a gun crime.

Full prisons = probation for more serious crimes than would otherwise be desirable. No?

At some point you need a way to set priorities and apparently some folks are tired of paying out the nose to incarcerate pot heads.

If every new law has a 99% compliance rate we could still fill up the prisons pretty quickly with a bunch of new laws.
Here in NC crime is not nearly as bad as other areas of the country. Yet, the county jails are expanding to hold state and federal prisoners until there is room in the penitentiary for them. The largest source of revenue other than property taxes for many NC counties comes from housing prisoners.
In NC and a lot of other states, over half of the prison admissions were probation revocations. NC's Justice Reinvestment Act makes it very hard to put someone in prison now in an attempt to save money on corrections. Texas and Kansas did it before NC. Also, misdemeanor offenses are now no longer supposed to go to the state prison system. They are to be held in county jails and paid for by the state.

Sad thing is states can't afford to house all the offenders so stuff gets plead down and they get probation, or a split sentence.

This idea is gaining popularity because it saves money. Places like Chicago or NY that have massive amounts of arrests and offenders can't lock everyone up. Even serious crimes get pled down and get probation.
The article in the link mentions that the girl's parents are in DC to attend the State of the Union. Don't have to watch that speech to know what to expect. They probably don't even realize they are props for the speech.
And he did. As predicted he even mentioned Hadiya; who was killed by a gang member out on probation from 2012 for a gun violation. Let's enforce before force.
The OP was talking about probation for a gun crime.

Full prisons = probation for more serious crimes than would otherwise be desirable. No?

At some point you need a way to set priorities and apparently some folks are tired of paying out the nose to incarcerate pot heads.

Yes, we are. And that, in a thread about gun crimes, was all that was necessary. To go off on a tangent about how "most of us" support keeping all them locked up, and the Bush reference, was outside the scope of the thread, unwarranted, and beneath the mission of THR.
Why federal? This is a state issue. Illinois/Chicago has a significant murder problem. What could possibly be a higher priortiy?
What could possibly be a higher priortiy?
Getting re-elected and making money while sounding like you're actually doing something useful, of course.

6 months prison time if your firearm is stolen and you don't report it? How many gang-banging ner-do-wells are going to follow THAT law? Or care about any carnage they wreak on the innocent?
I also could'nt agree moore ; ) I Forogt My quote


The article in the link mentions that the girl's parents are in DC to attend the State of the Union. Don't have to watch that speech to know what to expect. They probably don't even realize they are props for the speech.
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Lets not let the politicians over think this, the only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun. Since the good guys in The second city are disarmed, this stupidity will continue.

Keep writing, badgering and voting, whatever state your in.
One Chicago stat that I read said that there were 7500 Gun confiscations in the Windy City in 2012.
How does one interpret THAT?
At last count Philadelphia has over 6500 Un-Prosecuted Weapons Arrests on it's backlog/docket.
In May 2008 and Officer was gunned down by 3 Thugs who had between them 18 PRIOR Weapons Arrests for which they were NEVER charged.
Just WHEN are our "Authorities', "Leaders","Officials", and "Chairmen" going to realize where the problem is?
Maybe it's time we bring in public corporal punishment. Pull down your pants, assume the position, and get caned like they do in Singapore. Keeps the prison population from growing and adds public humiliation to your punishment.
I've noticed that these same cities with high murder rates have a revolving door on criminals who use guns. While they wage a war on the general publics right to own/posses guns legally. Philly, DC, Chicago, Detroit, etc.
Every one gives probation to criminals who get caught using guns, but attack the rights of citizens to buy and keep guns legally.

500 murders last year and they are letting gun crimes go with no jail time? It seems like they are creating this problem on purpose. The solution is obvious.
Like others have said, happens all the time in cities around the U.S. Criminals with long criminal records continue to get off or get little or no jail time for committing crimes with a gun. Instead of focusing on that, these city politicians and their friends in Congress and elsewhere want to demonize LEGAL gun owners with spotless records. :fire:
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