Proud to be a gun free home.

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You got tht right Juna.

I work in and used to live in a big college town. Burglaries, theft of unattended property and simple assaults were a way of life when I lived there.

Now, serious assaults, robberies at knife and gunpoint and shootings are more the order of the day. Convenience store robberies are very common. Rapes and sexual assaults are much more common as of late.

During the day, campus and town are VERY safe. I feel no need to carry and am not permitted to carry while at work, but on the rare occasions I go to town at night, Mr 9mm comes along for the ride.

The whole liberal, lets love everyone, we'd all be safer if we banned guns mentality is very prevalent there. I guess that's why crime rates in the college town are steadliy rising but all the outlying little podunk redneck towns where everyone is armed still have very little crime.
So, for most of the 'faithful' here, isn't puting up a "Gun Free Zone" (or equivalent) like hunting over bait?

Exactly! If I put up a "Gun Free Zone" sign, I'm afraid they'll charge me with entrapment.
This could give a guy ideas... If you post a gun free victim zone sign... And then just kind of wait for someone to show.... :evil:

You could always take the sign down before the meat wagon shows up...

I'm kidding...
According to that GunFacts sheet, the likelihood of a burglary ending in the burglar getting shot by the homeowvner is equal to that of the burglar getting caught by police. (1.6%, or so.)

Burglary is not the same as home invasion. Someone breaking into an unoccupied home is unlikely to be shot by a homeowner that isn't there.

I would also like to point out that odds of being shot and odds of facing an armed homeowner are not the same thing; what is the percentage of homeowners chasing off thugs with a gun or firing and missing? I'd bet much higher than 1.6%.
I agree with those who say they wouldn't care to advertise the presence of guns in their home either. That could get you burgelerized even quicker.

Keep the bad guys guessin', I say.
Attention Felons: This house is safe to enter as it is not protected by a Winchester security system. Don't mind the people inside if present--they'll just be huddled in a corner fearing for their lives and screaming at a 911 operator.

Nothing deters a break in quite like an NRA sticker in window. Just makes them ask, how sure are we that house is empty...ya know there's another nice one down the street...
Not a safe assumption at all. When I was in college, there were far more robberies, burglaries, thefts, and rapes on campus and in the surrounding neighborhoods for the size of the area than there are in the urban area I live in now. Fewer murders by far, but much more of the other crimes listed above.

College students are easy targets--always on cell phones or ipods, leaving doors unlocked, leaving windows open, stumbling around drunk, going out late at night, not aware of their surroundings, etc. You'd be amazed how few people lock their doors on a college campus. Plus, even if one person does, his/her roommates are just as likely to leave it unlocked when they leave.
"By and large" means the majority which means "a greater likelihood" not "absolute assumption"... unless you're trying to say "the majority of those who attended school are victims of crime" which is patently false. Further, as you point out, the majority of those crimes are the theft of material goods that rarely allow for the legal intervention of lethal force.

Whether or not you can find examples of crime rising or crimes where it would have been better for the victim to have had a gun has no bearing on the fact that most people's experience- especially that of a anti you're trying to talk to- is of campus being safe. If you try to speak in other terms, it's probably not going to be grounded in their personal experience or even reality necessarily.
i've asked that of several anti-gun lib snobs before.
usually they just get annoyed, but not a single one of them has put their money where their mouth is and done the deed....huh, go figure.

and i use the same thing for anti-death penalty and pro-criminal crowd. i frequently ask them to sponsor a murderer/rapist, allow the con to come live in their home for a year or two while they look for a job and try to be "rehabilitated" back into society. you know, let a murderer come live 24/7 in your nice liberal (gunfree) household with access to their belongings and children.
funny, none of them have ever taken up that offer either. instead they get mad and try to change the subject.
again, never want to put their money where their big mouths are.
GunInUrPocketorRuhappy2Cme: i'm sure these same liberals will be wetting their pants and wishing for firearms if, god forbid, something does happen to their homes.
Sort of like the old joke:

“What is the definition of a conservative?”
“A liberal that has been mugged.”
People are already advertising their longing to be a victim at work with the cute little no gun signs.
Great sign! I like the part that says "Violators Will Be Prosecuted'...And how do they intend to enforce that?
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