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question about impersonating a cop

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Would this poster by chance own a white crown vic or chevy caprice with plain jane hub caps? Perhaps accesorized with really cool lights in the back, a scanner on the dash and really deep tinted windows?

I always wondered who it was that bought those.
oo7 said this:

"You are involved in an altercation that requires you to subdue a violent individual. "

If I've been attacked by a violent individual do you really think that the weapon I carry is not going to get pulled and used. If I have to use a weapon there is a good chance that cuffs are not going to be needed and that I think pretty much goes for everyone else who has a Conceal Carry License.

and this:

"No, you can't just ignore it or call the cops, you have to act."

DUH. See response above.

I have to think this is another Police Officer wanna be who carrys cuffs.
I have been asked that a lot and most of it is because I cant carry a gun yet, I also have made 1 citizens arrest. When I was in a drycleaners that was being robbed.

Now this is a story waiting to be told! Just how did you effect this arrest?
EXPVIDEO - "I think tossing the cuffs and telling him to put them on is a half-way decent plan. (cuffing him yourself, without training, could get you killed)."

Tossing your 'cuffs to the bad guy is an EXTREMELY BAD PLAN!

You've just thrown him a "deadly weapon."

You say, "Okay, Mr. Bad Guy, put these steel bracelets on and the police will soon arrive and cart you off to jail."

Suppose the b.g. just grins at you, dangles them off the tip of his little pinky, and says, "Stuff 'em where the sun don't shine, buddy."

Now what?? Suppose he just turns around and walks away, carrying your $35.00 handcuffs with him.

Are you gonna blast him with your firearm?? You are?? Just try and explain that one to the cops, the D.A., and then the Prosecuting Attorney at your trial.

"Well, your Honor, I gave him my handcuffs and told him to put them on and we'd wait for the police. He wouldn't put them on and started to walk out of the house so I shot him a few times." Hellooooooo, San Quentin!

As for physically taking a bad guy into custody, cops train to do it, but even so, many cops have been killed while wrestling around with a b. g. because they could NOT get the bracelets on him in time.

If you are not a cop, you'd damned sure better stay out of the b.g's. "kill zone," 'cause there are plenty of b.gs. out there who are ready, willing, and able to kill you if you'll just give them the opportunity ... and get within their "kill zone."

About the time you start wrestling around with a b.g., trying to put a pair of 'cuffs or zip ties, or rope on him, you're very likely to suddenly find yourself up to your A$$ in alligators. :eek:

As for dressing "kinda like" a cop... why do you think that real cops put on their uniforms and take them off at in the station locker room??? 'Cause they do NOT want to be identified out on the street as an off duty cop.

Just my take.

How about getting rid of the hand cuffs turning in you amature radio license going to some mental hospital and getting some help.
When they release you (if they ever do) be shure get a life. Grow up and stop pretending to be something your not! Its whackers like you that give my hobbie a bad name!
Leanwolf, I'm just playing the devils advocate. I in no way condone what the origional poster suggested, and I don't carry or plan to carry handcuffs. Just trying to throw in a different point of view, since there are a lot of posts insulting everyone that carries handcuffs.

I don't know, maybe there is no place for them, but it might be nice to have a pair in your glovebox, just in case you do come across a situation you haven't thought of that for some reason requires them. Like rough sex :D
EXPVIDEO - "Like rough sex..."

Well, Expvideo, I hadn't thought of that. Might be a plan!! :)


But seriously, I think I might get a pair and put them in my glovebox. I wouldn't carry them with me, but you never know if/when you might need them; might as well have them around. I don't see a point in having them on me 24/7 though. i think the car glove box will work fine.
the police radio lookalike

You got it backwards. The HAMs had those types of radios way before the first cops had them and are responsible for inventing virtually all of the technology needed to make these devices work correctly. It's the cops who copied the HAMs and the technology they invented.

Most non-HAMs have no idea how innovative the HAM community has been over the years. For example, do you know who invented the ethernet protocols that we all use to connect to the internet? Hint is was originally called packet radio and was used for decades by HAMs before the internet even existed. One of the reasons that the FCC gives HAMs so much access to radio band width is because of the amount of technological innovation that has come from that community over the last 100 years.

I should also add that it is very common for HAMs to carry "HT" (Handy Talky) radios on their belt with an attached lapel speakermic and none of them consider this to be cop-like.
Alright you guys win. You all attached your self to the cuffs thing which rarely actually happens. But I have decided that they are gone, since perception is reality I proboly am better off ditching them. Also the day I dont take my ham with me will well be a sad day. Ham Radio is a passon of mine so dont get on me for that.
wow, I am surprised this topic is still going, if people were arrested for wearing what this guy wears everyone that was at the last gunshow I went to would be in jail :scrutiny:
To each his own. While I think a private citizen carrying cuffs is borderline "mall ninja" stuff, I really don't think they should be carried w/o proper training. I never knew the proper way to apply cuffs to a person until I went to FLETC. There's just so many ways they could be used against you if you don't know the proper way to put them on. Personally I don't see how a bad guy is going to let an unarmed person put cuffs on him/her to begin with. Even off duty, I believe unless YOUR life is in danger, it's better to just be a good witness. As far as the other attire, wear what's comfortable. I prefer not to look like a cop when off duty but some folks like to.
oo7 said:
By the way, I'd say the only way you would be impersonatiing LE is if you falsely state such to others. Since you said you don't do this, well, no worries then.
You posted the above in post #25 of this thread. Might I suggest that you go back and read #23 again ...
kd7nqb said:
Alright you guys win. You all attached your self to the cuffs thing which rarely actually happens. But I have decided that they are gone, since perception is reality I proboly am better off ditching them. Also the day I dont take my ham with me will well be a sad day. Ham Radio is a passon of mine so dont get on me for that.
Good plan. Leave the cuffs at home, and I don't see how anyone would realistically confuse you for a cop. Everything else is ok, but if you want to carry the cuffs, at least throw them in the cargo pocket, don't carry them around in a cuff case. Just my advice, do as you like.
"I often ride my mountain bike dressed in cargo pants and a black t-shirt with my HAM radio on my back running up to a lapel mic, add to that the knife that stays on my belt all the time and occasionally a basketweave handucuff case on my belt. Soon I will be adding a concealed firearm to this mix. (yea I know I am one step short of the batman utility bel) that point aside I already get asked "Are you a cop" more than I would expect. Most of this is harmless kids but I am wondering if I ever jepordize my legal standing by doing this. I certainly dont ever activly pretend to be a cop but my weekend hobbies occasionally resemble LEO's. Where is the line? I assume this is jurisdiction sensitive but wanted some general feedback."

"I have been asked that a lot and most of it is because I cant carry a gun yet, I also have made 1 citizens arrest. When I was in a drycleaners that was being robbed. The handcuffs rarely make it onto my EDC any more lately they hang out in my glove compartment."

I'm calling Shannagians, Your eyes are brown and I'm needing some hip waders. Your going to get yourself into a deep pile playing "wannabe bike cop." People who have a grandiose image of self-importance (eg. Carrying handcuffs w/o proper reason) sure as hell shouldn't be allowed to carry a firearm. What were they robbing the dry cleaners with, a snickers bar in a paper bag?
Bloddy wacker....... Don't get me wrong guys, I'm not anti-gun in ANY way, I own several and have a permit too. Just with the amount of people running around off their meds I just think there should be some screening for a carry permit..
The original intent of your question was to find out whether or not you were culpable if someone asked you if you were a cop and you said "yes".

It's quite obvious that you are trying to look and act like a LEO and were just wondering if saying such could land you in trouble. The answer is yes, absolutely.

Does the image give you some sense of authority or power? You need to evaluate why you're acting this way and put an immediate stop to it...not be wondering if going to the next step could land you in trouble. Stop watching cop shows, cop movies, or whatever is contributing to this fantasy life, and get on with it.

Save em for your girlfriends, not the neighborhoood punks.

Biker, I'm with you, some guy tries to cuff me and is not identifying themselves as a LEO, he's got a problem and best be contacting the police instead of physically confronting me. We'll both be discussing the finer details of reciprocal assault charges with the LEO's when they arrive to an assault call.

I have a CCW permit, you try and arrest me, you just might see the wrong end of it....think of it that way. The PNW has the highest rate of CCW in the nation, consider that fact also. You live in Portland kd7nqb, and so do I.

The police are plenty intimidating here already with three recent cases this summer/fall. Two of which you can easily see wrongful death suits coming. The Portland area police don't need any help in my opinion, if they do, it can be done by a call to 911 and not by getting directly involved. Go get your CCW permit, the training should open your eyes to what is acceptable action on the citizen's part.

You're putting yourself at risk a bit too much, please reconsider your position on these matters. Don't paint yourself into a corner is the biggest message I've gotten from this thread. And handcuffs on person seem to be wet paint on the floor blocking your exit. I feel more comfortable pulling a gun insuring my safety than trying to wrestle some Burnside meth head to the ground to put cuffs on him.

dragongoddess said this
oo7 said this:

"You are involved in an altercation that requires you to subdue a violent individual. "

If I've been attacked by a violent individual do you really think that the weapon I carry is not going to get pulled and used. If I have to use a weapon there is a good chance that cuffs are not going to be needed and that I think pretty much goes for everyone else who has a Conceal Carry License.

and this:
"No, you can't just ignore it or call the cops, you have to act."
DUH. See response above.

I have to think this is another Police Officer wanna be who carrys cuffs.

I don't expect a grandmother to be doing this to an adult male, no.
Use your imagination and come up with a scenario for yourself, a mentally unstable and violent child as the antagonist perhaps.

You missed this?
"You get the individual on his face, in a decent lock. But, this guy is still struggling."

"But are you going to bludgeon someone unconscience or shoot them when you have the means, opportunity and ability to properly restrain them?"

And this?
"But if you let him up, you feel he will continue on his original path of bedlam. In general, being a threat to himself and others.
He's Drunk. Persistent.
Not quite enough to warrant deadly force, but if he's up, he's hurting someone."

"I have to think this is another Police Officer wanna be who carrys cuffs."
Don't you mean Mall Ninja = wannabe = loser?
I know how to get 'em down and know how to cuff 'em.

Is deadly force your only option?
Again I blame my poor writing for this misunderstanding. My weekend hobbies include HAM radio and since I am currently out of shape I try and make it onto my bike once in a while. Given the dress that you guys have deemed as in appropriate some people attach "dude on a bike with **** on his belt" to LEO. Let me say this one more time, I dont want to be an LEO (mostly because I am fat) I dont seek out criminals so I can bust them. The folding knife and the radio are on my belt a lot. The cuffs are there every once in a while, I never really thougt through it just found them at a Mil surp store a while back and they are pretty nifty. I really respect the people who have objected to my HC carry because I may not be properly prepared to use them. I have a harder time with people who assume I am some sort of wanna be cop. I am seeing from you guys that cuffs are not really socially acceptable, although I wish things were different I guess I give into the PC patrol here. I also carry a CPR mask in my car and am CPR and AED trained but I have no intent of becoming a paramedic anytime soon.
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