Quickest turnaround on a firearm?

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Mar 4, 2016
Saw this idea in another thread, and liked it.

What is the shortest time you have had a firearm before reselling it?

Mine was a S&W Sigma 9MM that I kept for less than 2 weeks. Bought it, sighted it in at the range, carried it once. I drew it while hunting, and my belt caught the magazine release. I had a single-shot pistol. I lost faith in carrying it for anything serious, and sold it with no regrets to this day.

How about the rest of you?
I bought a 1916 vintage S&W Model of 1905 from crappy pictures in an online auction, because it looked like it had a factory lanyard on it. I got it for a ridiculously low price (just under $300) - especially after I saw it. It was in nice condition. with what indeed was a factory lanyard, and was factory stamped with "Conservation Commission of New York" on the back strap and an inventory number (No. 19). The blue was over the stampings. It was part of a special order to S&W.

Less than a week after receiving it, I was on (of all things) the COLT forum and noticed someone had posted a plea asking if anyone had ever run across a NYCC Smith & Wesson revolver from the 19-teens. He was a retired LEO from New York State and he collected old revolvers from New York state agencies. He said that he had one "hole" in his collection...

I contacted him and we talked, and I sold it to him for the same price I had paid. I had it for no more than 2 weeks.


4 days. I bought a Glock 42 from a co worker for $150. Cleaned it, fired a magazine through it in my backyard, and sold it for twice the buying price to a college professor 4 days after buying it.

My wife beats that record. She had got a new phone and wanted to trade her old one for a gun. We arraigned a trade on Craigslist. Traded her old phone for a Kel-Tec P11 straight up in the morning. She didn't like the grip. We got lunch and sold it to a gun store that afternoon.
4 hours. A steyr AUG. $500 profit. Bought it off a guy that needed $, sold it to a guy that wanted it. I never did want it.
badkarmamib wrote:
What is the shortest time you have had a firearm before reselling it?

79 hours.

At approximately 2:00 p.m. on a Tuesday, I bought a Charter Arms AR-7 at the grand opening sale of a Wal Mart in Jonesboro, Arkansas where I was attending college. On Friday, I drove home. A good friend came out to see my new "toy" and we put about a box of CCI Stingers across the lake. I was disappointed with its clunky trigger but my friend fell in love with it. After we verified that would indeed float if dropped from a boat, at about 9:00 p.m., he offered me what I had paid for it. And I, suffering more than a little buyer's remorse, I decided I'd rather have the cash than the rifle.

About a year later, the friend had gotten married and was short of cash (like it seems all newlyweds). He asked me if I would like to buy back the AR-7. When he went and got it, it looked (and smelled) like it had spent the last year stored in an outhouse. I didn't ask for details, I paid him what he had paid me for it and took it back.

Much of the crinkly finish that had been applied to the receiver at the factory was gone, so I cleaned it up and used some Birchwood Casey stuff to blacken the aluminum and get it to where its appearance was "acceptable". I gave it to my girlfriend when she became my fiance and she would later use it to defend herself when someone tried to break into the house. It's been "her" gun ever since.
The quickest was one I bought at a match, really didn't want it but wanted to help the guy out. It went home from the match with another fellow that did want it.
3 days. Bought 2 national match ARs the Friday before the Clinton\Brady ban. sold one on Monday for what I paid for both.
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Buddy of mine has done that on more than one occasion. I find it amazing.
If people would offer me more than it was worth to me, which had better be quite a bit more than I just paid, I would be tempted to do the same. Unfortunately, my record of selling for more than paid, at this point, stands at 2 firearms.
My first deer rifle, a used Marlin 336 30-30. I had it for two years then sold it and bought a new Remington 742 because everyone in my family was using one of those. I regretted selling the 336 but own one now and hunt with it most days during deer season.
Everybody here might want to think of a couple things. I believe legally that you can sell firearms very occasionally out of a private collection. Buying one simply to resell at a profit in a relatively short time may constitute being a firearms dealer

Are you gonna get whacked? Most likely not. But if something you bought for resale ends up being involved in a crime, I don't want anything tying me in.

We've had several local guys busted by the ATF for dealing without a license. Just sayin'
redneck2 wrote:
Buying one simply to resell at a profit in a relatively short time may constitute being a firearms dealer

The ATF has repeatedly said that the question of whether casual sales cross the line into being a business is a facts and circumstances issue.

If you buy a gun with the intent to resell it for a profit, that is the very definition of being a dealer and the holding period or frequency of transactions becomes nearly meaningless.

But, if you buy a gun at a gun show and while carrying it around as you continue to browse are approached by someone named Joe who says, "Hey, I've been looking for one of those, I'll pay you $Y for it." and it turns out $Y is more than you bought it for, it's a casual sale and you're just lucky. Of course, if you reply to Joe and say, "Yeah, I knew this gun was popular so I bought it earlier today and have been carrying it around for the last five hours hoping to find someone who would pay me more than I had paid for it.", then you've just said your intent was to be a dealer in that gun and you're now eligible to go to prison.
Would have to say the quickest turnaround I have had with a gun would be one day. Went to the local gun show on Saturday, looking for a used S&W Model 10 for my home defense nightstand gun. Came across an older M&P with a 5" barrel and got it for a very nice price. Took it home and cleaned it up and decided it was just a little too unwieldy with that barrel length. Went back to the gun show the next day and traded it even up for a wartime M&P that was in great shape. Not a Victory Model but more than likely was used by a security guard at a bank or some defense plant.

I was browsing at the LGS and found a S&W 5906 turn in for less than $200 at the time. Turns out that they had a shelf of them out back. I went through them and picked the two with the best triggers in the lot and purchased them on the spot. Took them home and a buddy stopped by as I was about to try them out. He shot them as well and offered to buy one on the spot. I sold him the more blemished one for what I had in it. After thinking about the more than fair price of them that evening I went back the next day and purchased two more. I still have all three.:) So I owned it for about three hours.
Huglu O/U 12 GA.

Saw it at Cabela's, thought it was gorgeous. I was into trap shooting at the time, and had to have it. Finally, when my birthday rolled around, I managed to save enough for it.
After I bought it, took it out shooting, and the recoil was horrendous on my face. I hold a tight cheekweld and the shotgun wasn't forgiving. I was so used to my Browning A5, and had never shot an O/U.

About a couple months later, gun show was coming up and I wanted an AK. So, I was fine selling it off.

Also had an Astra 400, bought it for $100, never really cared for it or shot it, and sold it to a co-worker for $150 about 2 weeks later.
The only firearm I ever sold was the first handgun I purchased, right when I turned 21 - a S&W SW40VE for $279. two and a half years and thousands of rounds later, sold it back to the same LGS for $225
I have sold or traded a few within a week. I've done some combo trades where I've relisted one of the guns. And sometimes something more interesting pops up on the classifieds.
Bought a S&W Shield .45 a month and a half ago, had it less than than a week before it, a Glock 19, a Springfield TRP, $5000 cash, and two dozen eggs bought me a hot rodded '81 Chevy C10 shortbed. I definitely got the better end of the deal.:D
I didn't even get one home once. I bought a mint Sig 226 Elite Stainless for an insanely cheap price. It had been fired, but was perfect. The store had 8 Sigs, all stainless steel, and I got the last one. While I was filling out the paperwork, the regulars started talking about it and said another regular would really love that gun. Right after I paid for the transfer, he comes in and I ended up making $250 for owning a gun for about 2 minutes. I kind of wish I had kept it now, as it's one of the guns on my want list.
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Less than an hour.

I arranged to buy an AR with a very nice upper and an undesirable (to me) lower. I knew a guy who wanted a cheap lower, so I had him meet me right after I bought the rifle. I kept the upper. Sold the lower.
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