Quickload queston

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Sep 2, 2008
Southeast Missouri
This weekend I loaded some 10mm with hornady 180g hp-xtp bullets and Accurate #9, according to Hornady 7th edition, should be able to go up to 14.4 gr. OAL 1.260. After I loaded them I checked Quickload, (I know I should have checked first). Quickload shows this as a 125.8% fill and a max pressure of over 90,000 psi. I don't think this is correct, it might have been at most slightly compressed but I don't think 125%. Lee second edition list max at 14.5g (compressed) and OAL 1.250. I hate to pull the bullets but I'm not sure I want to fire them.

Quickload has been a great reference and has saved me time/money in the past but one of these references is way off, or I'm overlooking something major.
Is Quickload wrong or am I doing something wrong?
Fire them cautiously? or dump'em?
QL does things like this with straightwalled cartridges. Go with the manual.
I have noted the same thing with my quikload and 10mm. Sometimes it just goes into left field with compressed loads. It does quite well up to a bit of compression.

I would work up the load over a chrono following Hornady's recommendation and stop when I got the their velocity (corrected for barrel length differences) or case head expansion, whichever comes first.
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Thanks for the responses,
918v; I guess I haven't really used it much for pistol loads since I have those worked up. Its good to know.
Peter; sounds like good advice.
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