R.I.P To a THR member

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I had been down that path before and thank God I was able to pull through. We all wish he had been able to do the same. I have had several friends commit suicide and it just sucks.
God only knows what he was going through and no man can judge another without living that person's life.
Whenever I hear about someone doing this I remind myself to be extra nice to those you know and don't know. Everything you do makes a difference whether it's good or bad. Make a decision to make a good difference in the world today. Tell your family you love them and pray you never have to go through this.
My condolences to his family.
You can be the most sane person in town and have someting happen,or see something so terrible,that you lose you grip on that sanity,and don't really understand what you are doing.

My deepest sympathies go out to his family and many friends.
Also just a reminder, Suicide is neither cowardly nor selfish. It was just the way he saw as an end to his problems. So please be kind when posting. You never know who will end up reading this thread. Nor do any of us know when we may be forced to walk a mile in those shoes.
This is sad. I very much enjoyed Frank's posts.

Depression is the worst kind of enemy -- there is no direct way to fight it, and for most people afflicted by it, there is no way to defeat it -- only a shaky strategy to cope, living one day at a time. I, like many others here I'm sure, struggle with depression on a daily basis. It is not fun, and it is not easy.

Everyone here holds views about suicide, and many of us will not agree with each other on the topic. That hardly matters, though, because this is neither the time nor the venue to air such a discussion. However, one thing that I do firmly believe on the topic is this: you cannot pass judgment on another person's situation or decisions... None of us truly knew what was troubling this man.

And sadly, now we probably never will.

My thoughts and prayers go out to his family. Frank, I hope you've found a measure of relief from your pain.

Wes :(
I almost took my life when I was 22. Now, I'm so glad I didn't.

Frank, I hope you found the peace you were looking for. Peace and healing to his family. :(

Words to express my sympathy to his Family escape me. When one finds the trials of life so complex and overbearing that this is their only option is Tragic.
I pray his family find the comfort they need in this time of great sorrow, and may he rest.
I am active at the SomethingAwful forum "The Firing Range". SomethingAwful at large is a comedy website but TFR is a very serious gun subforum. While there is some tomfoolery, sarcasm, and joking around, you'll notice that there's a 20 page thread about Frank.

Frank was always upbeat and positive in his posts, and even though his first days at TFR were a bit rough (he was posting 34 times a day sometimes), he was eventually universally accepted as the TFR "little brother". There wasn't so much as a hint of the depression that was eating away at him.

The world is a little less enjoyable without him around. I only wish he'd known how much he was liked. Maybe then he would have gotten some help before it was too late.
When I saw this last night, I was very bummed but tried to hold on to the fleeting idea that it was some sick internet joke. Alas, that was shot down this morning when I picked up the school paper. Right on the front page, left side margin...


Student dies in apparent suicide
After his friends reported him missing, police found his body later that evening

Police in the town of Carolina Beach found the body of an N.C. State student Sunday afternoon, according to police Detective Rollin Stone.

Frank Chen, a senior in biomedical engineering, allegedly shot himself, according to Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs Tom Stafford.

Chen wrote what appeared to be a suicide note in his LiveJournal page at 1 p.m. Sunday. Friends said they found out he was missing around that time.

"The past 14 months have been a more or less continuous withering away of my connections to my own life," the LiveJournal entry said. "At this point, I'm not sure of my own sanity anymore ... I don't feel like I'd be particularly missed, and I don't feel like anything in particular matters anyway. I'm replaceable."

As of Monday night, Chen had 70 comments to his post, with many people stating they wished his post was a joke and that he was not replaceable, despite what he wrote.

Stone said someone saw Chen's body at the beach and called 911. According to Stone, he is still investigating the case and cannot confirm it as a suicide.

"The family has been notified, but I cannot release any other information," Stone said.

Chen was known on The Wolf Web by his username "Stilleto," where he created a thread about his first pistol. He also made several references to the fact that he was a gun owner on his NCSU Web page.

According to Thaddeus Wolicki, a junior in polymer and color chemistry, he knew Chen since his freshman year and was Chen's roommate freshman and sophomore year.

According to Wolicki, Chen was "amazingly unselfish."

Wolicki said he found out about Chen's death Sunday evening.

"Unfortunately, I did not speak to him about specific problems he was having at N.C. State," Wolicki said.

Chen was involved in ballroom dancing at the University, according to Wolicki, and Chen's Myspace page also said that one of his hobbies was photography. Chen's final LiveJournal entry listed the link for all his pictures and the password to his online photo account.

Lauren Phillips, another friend of Chen's and a sophomore in color and polymer chemistry, said she knew Chen since 2002 when they both were attending the N.C. School of Science and Math. She found out he was missing when his roommate called on Sunday to see if she knew where he was, Phillips said.

"We just had no idea where he'd gone," she said.

Phillips said she did not think it was her place to say if Chen was having problems, but that the "very few who knew him knew he was this upset."

According to Phillips, Chen was a "one of the most selfless people" she knew and a "really good person."

And to those calling it a selfish act...you obviously haven't ever delt with depression, so keep your traps shut with your hateful, negative comments. :fire: :banghead: :fire:
It is horrible to think that he was so far down that he couldn't possibly get back up .. I saw another forum he posted on and I believe people were very rude to him on there .. not that it would be the only reason but some people are hurtful and do not understand the extent of their words ..

I hope he found peace
I got to say, this makes me really glad of the THR's higher road attitude. A lot of forums get aweful snarkey very easily. In part, I think it is just a facet of human nature to think one can elevate himself by pushing down another, but this is one of many facets of human nature we as civilized, thinking, reasonable people must strive against. Sounds like he was a member of a few different forum communities who weren't taking the higher road, and stuff like that on the internet just doesn't translate well, you can't read a person's face and see how well (or not) they are taking it. I am not saying this kind of thing drives a person to suicide, but for a person in a bad place, such behavior is surely not going to help matters, while a more welcoming and forgiving community might just give someone the opportunity to say enough to get that second opinion on the perminant solution to a temporary problem
A senior in Biomedical engineering? Gawd, he must have been brilliant. It's a shame to lose such a valuable human being when there are so many people these days who do nothing but bring pain to others, when Frank could have very well helped a lot of people.

Damn shame.
Psa 23: 1 The lord is my sheperd; I shall not want. Psa 23:2 He makteth me to lie down in green pastures: he leadeth me beside the still waters. Psa 23:3 He restoreth my soul: he leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for his name's sake. Psa 23:4 Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou [art] with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me. Psa 23:5 Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies: thou anointest my head with oil; my cup runneth over. Psa 23:6 Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life: and I will dwell in the house of the LORD for ever.

Godspeed my friend. May we all hope to join you in his glory.

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