RaceTrac fires employee after he gets robbed at gunpoint!!!

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Feb 4, 2010
I was just reading the Armed criminals shoot compliant victim post in strategies and tactics and it made me think of this. A guy that is dating one of my in-laws was working at a RaceTrac gas station in Georgia. He was working the night shift at this 24 hour gas station when 3 armed gangsters bust in with guns.

He gets a gun put to his head and hands over the money.

RaceTrac decides to fire him on the spot because he was 60 dollars over the maximum amount that is supposed to be in the cash register!!!

How rediculous do ya'll think this is?? I wish he could sue them just for being a-holes!

I personally choose to go to QT now over RaceTrac because I know this story. Hope ya'll do the same.
If he was 60 bucks over the max amount they allow cashiers to keep in their till, he wasn't doing his job. It sucks that he was robbed, and we're glad he's ok, but them's the breaks. Violate company rules, and they can fire you for it.

And yeah, this isn't really gun related.
Yeah I agree with the other guys. He wasn't doing his job. That rule is there for the purpose of minimalizing their loss in case of a robberie. I'd have fired him.
Need more info to decide. A customer could have just handed the kid $60 for a fillup a couple of minutes before the robbery and he had not had time to deposit it in the safe. Sometimes you get slammed with a lot of customers and have to decide whether to wait on customers, or make them wait while you follow procedures.

Common sense should prevail. I don't have enough information to say what was the right thing to do.
I think I'd give the guy a break on this one if I were them... but I'm not... unless I thought maybe he was in on it... or if I was already looking for a reason to get rid of him (maybe because he regularily breaks company policy and this time it bit him in "a double s"?)
Sometimes a clerk doesn't have time to follow the strictest protocol because doing so would (a) take his attention off the customer(s), and, (b) expose the contents of the register.

Taking attention off the customer(s) could be hazardous. Exposing the contents of the register could also be hazardous. In general, it's not a good idea to let others witness transfers of cash from one location to another, even if the amounts and distances involved are small.

Strict adherence to protocol could allow “inviting” observation. Waiting to make such transfers when no one is in the store is almost always the best idea.

The one responsible for the robbery is not the clerk. It's the guys who robbed him, who just as likely would have done so whether or not he had extra cash in the till.

So was it ridiculous to fire the clerk? Probably. But maybe he deserved to be fired for other reasons, too, and this was the last straw.
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