Reading Gun Magazines In Public?

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I can sometimes be rather anti-social. I find that reading a gun related mag. KInda filters out the people I would rather not talk to in the first place, although it has sparked quite a few nice conversations with other gunners.:D
I'm not ashamed to be a gunny... but I don't want the office workers next door to think I'm some kind of psycho...

I think that sums up my concerns. Not necessarily any people I work with, but people in general.

Maybe I do need to relax a little.
More comfortable buying porn

Not long ago, my wife was at the bookstore and decided to pick up a gun magazine for me. (Yep, she's that wonderful.) She was browsing the small selection (this is Chicago after all) and a fellow standing nearby asked her, "Hey, are you looking for a gun magazine?" Somewhat taken aback, she replied, "Yes..." He thought that was great and expressed as much. She told him about me and he said he didn't think there were any other normal folks around who like guns too. He added that he'd feel more comfortable buying porn in this area than a gun magazine! What a world, what a world...
The next time you know you will be sitting in a waiting room, take a gun mag in with you to read. When your done waiting, leave the mag on the table with the other mags. A good way to spread the hobby/sport.
I enjoy reading gun mags in public view. It's reading trash like People or Entertainment Weekly that I'd be ashamed of.

Somebody wrote a letter to American Rifleman a few years back, right after 11 Sept. He said he was perusing the magazine on an airplane and a woman told him it made her feel safer to know that one of the good guys was on board.
I'd like people's opinion on whether they do - or should - read gun magazines in public on the chance that some anti-gun person notices and gives you grief. I ride public transit and, like many people, read to pass the time while I'm travelling. But I'm hesitant to read any type of gun magazine because people are packed so close together, especially during rush hour. Am I being paranoid?

no offence but I just think questions like these are not helping us "in the fight of ideas" and educating the public. I have may encounters with strangers and one learns alot about the thinking out there. Gun Mags can be a starter to de-media-izing gunowners and gur Rights. I dont know just my thoughts....
I always read gun mags in public. I have no problem, and if someone has a problem, im always ready to confront them openly. If it turns into a Pro-2A, Anti-2A debate, then oh well. Im prepared, and i dont let radical liberals on trains tell me what to read.
EVERY day at lunch. Usually if I eat at any restaurant and I'm not with company.

Anybody who gives me "grief" only does it once! :D

People either don't care, are friendly, or keep their objections to themselves.

Today at lunch in the diner of the building next door, a guy asked me about the basketball(?, I hate sports) player who fired a shot into the air. I explained why that's a bad idea, and how if you didn't feel threatened enough to shoot a person, you shouldn't be shooting in public AT ALL. The guy who runs the diner brings in his old gun magazines. He's a bow, handgun and blackpowder deer hunter. Every year he has a party for his regular customers. He always has venison, often worked into Ethiopian recipes. His family are Italians from Ethiopia.
I generally don't read any magazines in public, but when I go past a newstand or bookstore, I always stop and flip through a couple of gun magazines just to make the point in public. It's not something to be ashamed of, so we should make it public when we can.
I don't read gun/knife/tactical/combat magazines, but that's because (a) I tend to get my info from enthusiast forums on the web, and (b) Don't want to walk around looking like a mall-ninja wannabe :eek: w/ the latest issue of Tactical Thingamajig tucked under my arm.

Seems that whenever people make comments about what I'm reading (gun related) they either assume I'm law enforcement, or in the military, depending on how long my hair is at the time.
I'm currently neither but it is sort of fun to play along with their assumptions by offering short cryptic answers to their questions.
Read a gun magazine? I'd rather take a nap. They strike me as about as classy and informative as the pulp fiction that circulated about the "Wild West".

Hanzo581 said: I used to read them at work in the break room during lunch, I would get the comment every now and again "geez, hope you don't come in here with a gun one day shooting"

Wink at 'em and say tomorrow's Wednesday. I'm expecting my copy of "The Blade " to arrive by then. Would you rather I stop by and see you then?

No, this isn't a knife magazine . . .
I frequent a local Barnes and Nobles\Starbucks. My wife and I go there just about every Sunday. She likes to go browse around, I get a coffee and read the gun/knife/car magazines. I have gotten some strange looks, but they usually come from "soccer mom" types but they never said anything to me. Few weeks ago I was reading a knife magazine article about pieces from Brian Tighe when a gentleman at the next table asked if I liked Tighe's work. We talked and turns out he owns several and it was a very pleasant discussion. My hobbies are what they are. Guns, knives, and cars. I've never felt the need to hide it or be ashamed of anything.
i just care so little about what someone else might think that i never gave it a thought until just now.

i had to fly from chicago to d.c. back to chicago earlier this year... in the crowded airport and very crowded plane, i read several gun mags. didn't have any problems, didn't expect to, and wouldn't have cared much if someone did have a problem w/ me reading gun rags.
I have all of my online shopping purchases sent to my office, since I live in an apartment and nobody can accept the deliveries. One time I had 1000 rounds of 5.56 sent there, and it was just shipped in the labeled factory box from Winchester.

The shipping receiver guy lugged it over to my office and said "Hey man, be sure to warn me before you shoot up the place". I told him I’d kill him last. :D

MidwayUSA likes to end all of my catalogues there too. A lot of people have a hard time handling that, I like to leave them out on my desk and watch them squirm.
Only wasting time on this thread while the systems are down at my overnight job. When work starts up, or on days off, I don't even "waste" time coming to this board. :neener:
I enjoy reading gun rags. I like to look at the pretty pictures, and have learned to read between the lines of the reviews.

I read them at Barnes and Noble, Borders, wherever. Not once has anyone said anything. That will be an interesting day.

I buy ones that have an article I want to keep for whatever reason and one time there were four of them I wanted. When my wife was done with her shopping I gave them to her because she would be the one at the cash register.

It so happens that she has an educators discount at Barnes and Noble and was using it for her purchases. The clerk asked if the gun rags were for teaching kids and my wife, bless her, said "they sure are" and got the discount for them as well. That still makes me smile. I do wonder what the clerk thought of THAT.

And I have used them on occasion to make a point to my kids.
I only get odd looks when thumbing through them at the local bookstore. I don't know if they think I'm some sort of 'gangsta' looking for my next 'gat' or if they're just anti-gun in general. But at bars and restuarants, never a worry. If anything, I end up making new friends!
I read what ever I want to read. Gun mags in public, certainly. I even leave some at my Doctor's office, after I remove the address label, of course.
I have had more comments in airports while reading "Combat Handguns" or "Guns-N-Ammo" than when perusing a "Hustler" [ahem] magazine. ***

***I didn't buy a "Hustler", it was only the cover. Had it over "Combat Handguns" as a test. Seems that the sheeple are more disturbed over firearms than porn. Sheeeeeeshhhh What a 'Society' we have right now.....
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