Rebecca Peters, IANSA 'Americans are paranoid'

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How dare Americans be so paranoid as to think the UN could hold a meeting that could affect our God given rights? That could never happen. The thought is so absurd! Heck they might as well hold it on our day of INDEPENDENCE!
I hope that if there is any sort of "global ban" enough Americans are left to stand up and say "We do not recognize your authority. We did not elect you and you do not represent us. It hasn't been so long that we have forgotten how to fight for our sovereignty. Molon Labe!"
July 4th conference

I think that the 4th of July is the perfect day for a conference that would protect the world. In fact we should have the UN's involvement in it in a big way. I propose we begin a new organization that's sole purpose is to do away with one of the greatest dangers to modern society. We can call it the DtUN or Disban the UN. The 4th of July would the the perfect kick of day. Think of all the money that would be available to be used for disadvantaged people's around the globe if the funds given to run the UN were appropriated. (We could even start a give a gun to a disadvantaged youth program.) Teaching them proper gun safety, and the responsible use of a weapon to protect their family from criminals and rougue governments alike. It is time for us to start this, and if Koffi is truly interested in making the world a better place then he will turn in his gavel, and all of the money that he and his family have skimmed from the Oil for food till and go back to where ever it is he came from.
how about this for a quote?

"I think that eventually, Rebecca Peters will have the decency to expire and be joined by her good friends Fidel Castro, Joseph Stalin, Mao ZeDong, Pol Pot, Felix Derzhinski, Nicholai Ceaocescu, Eric Honaker and Abby Hoffman, amoung others. This will leave the world a better and happier place, populated by self reliant and honest people, who have not the neurotic compulsion to exercise arbitrary control every other person around them."

ProficientRifleman, 2006
John-Melb said:
Hey Beccy, I am an AUSTRALIAN gun owner, I've seen the opposite of the 'paranoia" you criticise.

Well since ole Beccy is the one who paid off the cop or soldier who actually killed those people in Port Arthur (no, I don't believe Martin Bryant had anything to do with it) to trigger that opposite of the paranoia she criticizes, I don't think she's going to listen to you. :neener:
Thankyou for bringing that up, Zundfolge. While there is no evidence directly linking Peters to Port Arthur, a retarded man with poor hand eye coordination doing something that only specops, and a handfull of IPSC shooters could pull off is rediculous.

If you've ever heard of Executive Outcomes, I think you have one possible culprit. Of course, the fact that the Aussie government destroyed the place where the shooting happened, and then sealed the records of the case for I think 50 years also should be a big "something's wrong" sign.

I think the only reason we haven't had a similar "impossible" shooting in the U.S. is that if an rkba guy dug deep enough, and discovered a link here, IANSA's gig would be up.

Frankly, I think the NRA should get an inverstigative reporter on it. See if Becky or any of her peers ever payed a large sum of money to Executive Outcomes, or Blackwater, etc. If we were able to discover a conspiracy (and something really fishy happened), well lets just say, VINDICATED!
Rebecca Peters?

"Rebecca Peters, IANSA 'Americans are paranoid'


“I think that eventually, Americans will realize that their obsession with arming themselves in fear, in a paranoid belief that they're going to be able to stave off the ills of the world through owning guns, through turning every house into an arsenal, eventually Americans will go away from that.”

Rebecca Peters
International Action Network on Small Arms"

Sure we're paranoid.....makes my conscience rest easier when I buy a new gun :evil:

Anyways, my home isn't an arsenal.....when I go to work in the morning, I can still close the door behind me without it being blocked by firearms :D

(NOTE: Bet this babe doesn't visit TEXAS anytime soon!)
I think that eventually, Rebecca Peters will have the decency to expire and be joined by her good friends Fidel Castro, Joseph Stalin, Mao ZeDong, Pol Pot, Felix Derzhinski, Nicholai Ceaocescu, Eric Honaker and Abby Hoffman, amoung others.

Castro is still alive, bro ;)
Peters and her ilk need to apply a label to us in order to break us down. Just as those who oppose illegal immigration are labelled as racist, they use a prejorative to silence us as gun owners. They need to do this because they need to turn the tide of pubic opinion against us and they have no factual basis with which to pursue their plans.

Call me all of the names that you want 'Becca....I'll keep working on my "arsenal":rolleyes: :rolleyes:

With good reason (and volumes of examples in the history books).

How many times within the last 230 years have foreign nationals arrived to this country with the sole purpose of waging a war against it?

Not even to mention domestic criminal action.

How many times has this country's armed citizenry been obliged to provide an armed response?

A people have the right and obligation to defend their home against those who would attempt to violently destroy it.
My reply:

I think that eventually, IANSA will realize that their obsession with disarming innocent people due to their irrational fears, their paranoid belief that they're going to be able to stave off the ills of the world through stealing guns from the law abiding, through turning every country into a cesspool of crime, eventually IANSA and Rebecca Peters will go away from that.

Gareth Adamson
Pro-gun Brit
The Moral High Road against Gun Banners

(okay, maybe the last bit's a bit too far, but what the smeg.)
The strangest thing about Rebecca Peters is that no matter how hard you look, you can't find many details about her online.

It is almost as if other than her anti gun efforts, she almost doesn't exist.

Really strange.

Talking of the Peters-LaPierre debate a while back, NRA was selling dvd's thereof, Ms. Peters, when asked about what hunters, shooters and such might do when, as she obviously intended, guns were forbidden to non governmental actors, she breatyhlessly offered that they might find something else with which to occupy themselves. The foregoing is not an exact quote, but carries the sense of her thinking, and her comments.

I find the arrogance of this broad beyond imagination or acceptance. As to Australia, from whence she sprung, while some tell me that Foster's is great beer, I'm not a beer drinker, and wool is nice for clothes, I guess that nobody is perfect.

Freud made some interesting observations regarding those who suffer firearms fobia, as in irrational hatred or fear thereof, as memory serves.
If they are afraid of armed civilians, I think it shows their ultimate intent. The RKBA was mostly about making sure we can dethrone and replace governement if they stop representing us (Thomas Jefferson felt it should happen quite often).
Let's send Becky to Darfur where she can preach peace and love. Then The Beckster can make an appearances somewhere in Anbar Province. I am sure there are plenty of folks in those places that have ever so much to say to this paragon of peace and virtue!:rolleyes: :neener:
Just because I'm paranoid doesn't mean they aren't out to get me. (Groucho Marx?)

Also, we are only being paranoid until that which we fear happens, then we are prepared.

Her response is the usual.On you knees slave for if you cannot reject or replace the government you are a slave no more no less.I am also an Australian who had to hand in my firearms because the Government didnt trust me and no one can tell me why I should trust them

Re what appears to be your paraphrase of the IANSA/Peters line, well said sir, well said.

Re the gun confiscations/surrenders/turn-ins that bedeviled Australia, they are/were actions taken by elected governments, feel free to correct me if I'm wrong.

Having said that, re the government(s) that accomplished this deviltry, did they campaign on the basis of promising such action if elected, or did they say one thing, then do another, or did they, after being elected, when confronted with the actions of a madman, simply fold before the onslaught of hysteria, as sad to note, the United States House of Representatives and Senate have themselves done? Just curious.
I hope she doesn't hold her breath... :evil:
I hope she does.:evil: :evil:
She would look good in purple.

On Port Arthur:
the Aussie government destroyed the place where the shooting happened,
and then sealed the records of the case for I think 50 years

Hmmmm, the Waco site was bulldoozed after the fire by the FBI
which the Texas Rangers still call destruction of crime scene evidence.
After the 75 year seal was off, it turns out that the 1920 British
Firearms Act closed door debates were about fear of a workers revolt,
not fear of crime. Parallel universe or bizarro coincidence?

Rebecca, we are paranoid because you really are plotting against us.
You want do do to America what you did to Australia. No thanks.
The strangest thing about Rebecca Peters is that no matter how hard you look, you can't find many details about her online.

wouldn't be surprised pro-lib GOOGLE (aka, Al Gore's :barf: retirement/presidential fund) or YAHOO are "editing" the content...oops, sorry, my vast right-wing conspiracy thinkin' is actin' up again...
Paraniod or Defenseless

Paraniod or Defenseless

Paraniod or Defenseless Hmmmmmm... tough one.:banghead:

OK, I'm paranoid. :neener:
I have downloaded the IANSA EDITED transcript of the gun debate.
Since my cable is out, tonight I may watch my DVD of the Great Gun
Debate between Rebecca Peters and Wayne LaPierre at Kings College
Library London 2004, and take notes of differences. If I do, I will post.

Rebecca Peters, Internaionl Action Network on Small Arms IANSA
I think that eventually, Americans will realize that their
obsession with arming themselves in fear, in a paranoid belief
that they're going to be able to stave off the ills of the
world through owning guns, through turning every house into an
arsenal, eventually Americans will go away from that.

G36-UK said:
I think that eventually, IANSA will realize that their obsession
with disarming innocent people due to their irrational fears,
their paranoid belief that they're going to be able to stave
off the ills of the world through stealing guns from the law
abiding, through turning every country into a cesspool of crime,
eventually IANSA and Rebecca Peters will go away from that.

Thank you G35-UK for a VERY High Road response.

As for the low road response from John-Melb remember that
John has witnessed the destruction of 640,000 legally owned
and registered firearms taken from law-abiding owners,
often guns that were family heirlooms, gift from parent or
grandparent to child. Rebecca Peters engineered that
destruction and danced gleefully on the scrap heap.
If that happened to the gun my stepdad left me, I would say worse.

I would like to ask one question on Rebecca Peters and the
horse she rode in on: was that the White, Red, Black or
Pale Horse of the Apocalypse?
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