Remington 1740: My Project Begins.

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No offence but...LOL...That thing looks like something you would see Elmer Fudd chasing Daffy Duck with. :D But to each his own, I look forward to seeing the finished product. :)
And the thread lives!

Next IPSC match at the local club they will hold a shotgun side-match with only slugs. I asked the president of the club what it would be like if I used it, and he said he'd let me shoot with it. :)
I've Now Seen Everything!

You, Deer Hunter, are certifiably insane.

And a truly wonderful insanity it is!! :evil: :D

Oh, hope you don't mind:

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Even though I'm a long time regular on these boards I missed this entirely until Lawdog linked it on his blog just now.

Now that's just awesome. Great work.
I was linked?

Hah! I was! Great stuff!

Bog, nice link to that plane. I'd like to see the specs on it and watch it fly one day.

For an update on the 1740, right now it's sitting in my safe awaiting my next range trip. I'm going to go out and buy a few boxes of slugs so I can work with shooting and reloading for an IPSC match coming up. The chapter I frequent usually does a small side-match for fun. Last time it was a big carbine match (in which my Saiga kicked some major butt), and this next time the match director said he'd have a shotgun/slug match. I asked if I could use it and he said sure!
Just one caveat, though . . .

Deerhunter said:
And I plan on taking this gun hunting with me. It'll take a few ducks, maybe a dove or two. And I'll drag it into the woods with me this fall and hopefully come back with a white-tail. Why not?
Well, as much as I admire your concept and your handiwork, I'd be uneasy, thinking of you hunting either ducks or dove with this firearm.

Please remember the federal law conerning hunting migratory birds - - One restriction is that your shotgun must not hold more than three shells. I'd be willing to bet that your project gun would be ruled to be ONE gun. Your having effectively combined them into one unit, especially with one stock, indicates this is no longer TWO 870s, but ONE gun. Only three shells in the entire assembly? - - - That would take away a lot of the fun.

It would be legal enough to hunt quail with it, though. They are not migratory, and, when a covey bursts up, in all directions, it might be fun to have plenty of shot in the air. :D

Now, I think it would be JUST the thing for hog hunting. You frequently see a good sized group (sounder??) of pigs of assorted sizes. If you set up a short range ambush on a game trail, you might bag several in one transaction. Some 72 double-aught, .33" buck shot, or a half-dozen one-ounce slugs in a single short burst would probably be sufficient. :rolleyes:

And there's no restriction on firearms used for taking white tail deer in Texas, other than, no rimfires and no machine guns.

I'm fascinated with your project, Deer Hunter. Good luck to you.


I consider it two fun firearms combined into one hilarious unit. With two receivers, it would be considered two guns in the ATF's eyes. But I do understand what you mean about the migratory birds. I don't hunt them with this gun. That spot is reserved for my Stoeger.

But for anything else down here, this gun is game for it! I've shot slugs and buckshot through the longer 28" barrels and they group very well. In fact, if I put what I want to shoot between the two beads when looking down sights, I can place the slugs very close together if I pulled the triggers at the same time.

However I'm sure that for most of the white-tail we have down here it would be a bit overkill.

And yes, I do plan on taking it hog hunting when I get the chance to go.
Well, the 1740 had its first taste of competition today.

After four pistol courses at my monthly IPSC match, we set up for a shotgun course. Everybody went to get their shotguns and placed them on the rack. Well I went to get mine and I got plenty of stares. A few guys knew about it and couldn't wait to see what it could do. A few others had never seen such blasphamy in their entire lives. Another group said it'd be perfect for a mad-max scenario.

The course of fire was pretty interesting, since we had to "breach" a door. The door looked like this.


It was spring loaded, so when that board broke, it flew open and you entered through it and began to engage targets. The targets were two poppers, two plates, and I think 6 or so clay pidgeons. You started with 6 rounds in your gun. In retrospect, I should have reloaded to max capacity when the buzzer sounded.

Anyway. I messed up when positioning my extra rounds. I had practiced with them simply in my pocket. Well I decided last minute to stuff them between my pants and my belt. Dumb mistake. I went to reload after breaching the door and my hand went straight for the pocket. That made me lose some seconds.

I cannot reload a shotgun very fast. I had never been timed on this kind of shooting before, so I was nervous and made a few mistakes. But I did hit all the targets on the first round, and I only got a "no-hit" on one clay because it was behind a barrel. I couldn't even see it from where I was.

Even though it wasn't a perfect run, I still got out of there faster than some guys. It took a few of the guys 6 rounds to get through the door! I blasted through it with one trigger pull, but it was held on by a small bit of wood. One blast from the right barrel and it was done for.

It was a very fun little side-match. I had to leave after I shot because back home there was a very large dog in my house that I'm sure had to use the restroom.

One thing I thought was interesting was the amount of malfunctions some people had with their shotguns. Mine didn't have one hiccup! I was so proud. Everyone cheered me on, and then promptly hushed when both barrels went off at the door. :D
you're crazy....the good kind...

You are awesome. That is the craziest/coolest frickin gun I have ever seen!

Grats on trying it at the IPSC, sounds like you blew em away with both barrels... Sorry for the crappy pun. my screwed up sense of humor I guess.
You are definitely crazy - just awesome.

You could put a 500 on the right side, a BPS in the middle, and a left hand 870 on the left, and then call it the Mossbrownington B1370S.

Oh my lawdie have mercy - somebody has GOT to do that! That's too good of an idea to leave on the design table. Any volunteers? :D :D

Samarai Penguin, I have my new desktop background; thanks! :)
That is extremely cool! Thanks for sharing with us.

Larry, I think a Saiga-12 with a PG shotgun mounted underneath the fore-end would be incredibly cool. You could shoot slugs in the Saiga, and buck (or special purpose) in the underbarrel.

Next project, use Ithica M37s....bottom ejecting so you can put full side-saddles on them, and they have no disconnector, so you can hold the trigger down and fire them merely by pumping the action. However, that might be difficult to do with both barrels at once....

Awesome creation.
I have a suggestion, and I odn't know if you've thought about it at all.

Why not hand make a butt stock that is wide where it connects with the guns, but tapers to a normal width?

Just a suggestion/

that was my original plan, but I have no tools to attempt it. While brainstorming I came up the the idea of a PGO and a modified full stock. It works fairly well and gives a good balance to the gun (for a 16 pound gun, that is). If I can find the right wood and possibly the tools I could think about doing that. However, tapering it to make it useable would hurt the rigidity. I'd have to design a new shape for the stock before I decided on anything.

I will need to get some more videos soon. Perhaps next week sometime I can shoot a vew videos.

Mossbrownington B1370S.

I'm game. :)

I still have my 28" barrels for it, so one day I'll have some video of me busting clays. Just for Dave.
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