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Republican Senator Introduces Bill Which Would Tax Internet Purchases

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Sep 8, 2005
Under tyranny in Midwest
Republican Senator Introduces Bill Which Would Tax Internet Purchases

(Washington, DC) - If you are one of the millions of people who purchases airplane tickets online or buys items through online sites like eBay or Amazon.com, you might have to start paying sales taxes on your purchases.

"U.S. Senator Mike Enzi, R-Wyo., introduced legislation [on May 22] that would level the playing field for all in-store, catalog and online retailers so each has the same sales tax responsibilities," states Senator Enzi's website.

While Enzi insists the bill "would not increase taxes," the Sales Tax Fairness and Simplification Act would open the door for states to charge sales tax on Internet sales. In contrast to his statement, a recent C-Net article states that Enzi warned that other taxes may zoom upward if his "mandatory sales tax collection" bill isn't passed.

"Are we implicitly blessing a situation where states are forced to raise other taxes, such as income or property taxes, to offset the growing loss of sales tax revenue?" Enzi is reported to have said.

Enzi's arguments about leveling the playing field have several fundamental flaws. To begin, nothing prevents brick-and-mortar shops from maintaining online presences -- where generally no sales taxes would apply. An alternate solution, available to the states, is to follow the lead of Alaska, Delaware, Montana, New Hampshire and Oregon by eliminating the sales tax for brick-and-mortar operations. Instead, Enzi wishes to stifle a hundred billion dollar a year and rapidly growing sector of the American economy. The most obvious flaw is that government, at all levels, could concentrate on reducing spending as opposed to increasing taxes.

"This is yet another GOP tax increase to help pay for the Republican addiction to massive government spending," said Libertarian Party Political Director Stephen Gordon, whose efforts helped kill a major Republican tax increase proposal in Alabama. "One would think that the Republicans, following the 2006 election results, would have learned to keep big government programs off the table."

Like most Americans, the Libertarian Party opposes the ever increasing level of government spending. Like most Americans, the Libertarian Party opposes the taxation of Internet transactions at a local, state and federal level. Unlike the Republican and Democratic parties, the Libertarian Party promotes smaller government, lower taxes and more freedom.

So much for this party:rolleyes:
My only incentive for buying online in most cases is to avoid sales tax... I end up paying shipping instead.

For example: I buy $200 worth of stuff at Cabelas.com. I could go to the store here in town, drive over there, spend $8 on gas doing so, and $16 on sales tax for that stuff, and get my gear same day.

Or, I can go online, buy the same $200 worth of stuff, pay $15-$20 shipping, and get the stuff in 3-5 days.

If I have to pay the sales tax on that stuff, I don't buy it online.

I would never buy another thing from Amazon, Ebay, NewEgg or any other online merchant, and I probably spend between $1500 and $2000 a year on various online purchases right now.

Shrink the government, you pigs. Welfare, Medicare, Social Security, Department of Education. Whack 'em.
"This is yet another GOP tax increase to help pay for the Republican addiction to massive government spending," said Libertarian Party Political Director Stephen Gordon, whose efforts helped kill a major Republican tax increase proposal in Alabama. "One would think that the Republicans, following the 2006 election results, would have learned to keep big government programs off the table."

My sentiments exactly. The small "L" in the libertarian side of me gets a little bigger every time I read something like this, and thusly, the decision between GOP and third party gets a little more obvious.

"Are we implicitly blessing a situation where states are forced to raise other taxes, such as income or property taxes, to offset the growing loss of sales tax revenue?" Enzi is reported to have said.

North Dakota hasn't had to, nor will we. Here's a novel idea, Senator: If you're state's having problems raising revenue, go ahead and levy whatever new taxes your people want. I feel for Wyoming's problems, but they are not mine; I did not cause them, and it is not my responsibility to remedy them.

I try not to brag, one of the best parts of the ND Constitution is that it requires us to have a static balanced budget and the legislature must finish us in the black at the conclusion of each biennial session. If you've got a gee-whiz social program to throw out there, good for you, but you damn well better have a funding source for it. Some days I'm glad I live in a flyover state.
Republicans and Democrats alike will run away from this like the plague.

Tax on internet sales isn't happening.

Really, do you want us to start dragging out wacky quotes from Libertarians over the years?
This bird's from Wyoming?

What's all this stuff I hear about Wyomingites being independent folks and just want to be left alone, etc?

How'd they manage to elect this geek?

This sort of thing has been proposed and even introduced over and over again over the years. Maybe some year it will even happen. But not now!

Can't see how you get people to vote for it. Talk about something which would be used against you in an election!

Unless you have extra money laying around that you'd like the government to spend for you, vote this guy out.

Do it for the children.
This kind of legislation would make states that don't charge sales tax infinitely more popular for internet-only businesses.

I wonder how many of the states realize that these companies don't have a lot in the way of brick-and-mortar permanence and could easily pack up and move to a more friendly state in order to keep their internet sales cheap.
Got a link for this article or another verifiable source?

Either way the Republicans are not friends to the people any more than the Democrats.

I would rather have a government ran by Democrats who will at least spend the tax money at home, like nationalized healthcare, than to have a Republican government spend the money abroad to wage war against Iraq.
GoRon asks:

Really, do you want us to start dragging out wacky quotes from Libertarians over the years?

Go ahead. I'd take a big 'ol dose of wackiness over big government intrusion any day of the week.

This article is no surprise. I've been telling people for years there is no difference between the two parties anymore. None. They have morphed into one big joke, winking at each other behind the scenes as they convince the masses there are two choices.

Wake up people.
Aside from increased government plunder of us, I am offended by the spin that this is not "an increase in taxes" but rather just collecting existing taxes.

Again, the politicians take us for idiots.
Unless I need something same-day, I always buy online.

It goes far deeper than just tax vs shipping. You save money because it is cheaper to operate a warehouse with a bunch of sloppy looking guys punching away at a computer and putting stuff in shipping boxes vs having to run a giant air conditioned store, fill it with attractively pacakged merchandise and staff it with polite salespeople. Securing a warehouse against theft is far easier than secucring a retail location against shoplifting. Getting rid of the retail midddleman is a huge economic benefit for everyone.

Burdening the internet with taxes would torpedo a huge section of the economy and raise the cost of living for a lot of people. Better to just let states remove the tax on local merchants if it is that important to them.
Cosmoline, that reminds me of a rule John Stossel mentioned during a speech I saw last summer. If the 20/20 anchor had the chance to be king of America for a day, he "would impose the Stossel rule of congressional lawmaking: For every bill passed, 2 must be repealed."
I am so sick of being trampled by RINOS!!! :fire:
The party change form is on my desk waiting to be mailed. :scrutiny:
After 33 years of being a Republican, I've had enough!! :barf:
I'm now a conservative independent!! :cool:
As far as I'm concerned, the blood bath the RINOS took at the polls in '06 was just the down payment!! :evil:

For those of you from Arizona, it's time to flush the Johns!! ;)
Once they gain control of a small piece of the internet, they will not be satisfied until they control it all. The purpose is always to start small and win the battle by gaining a small foothold, once that happens, what comes to mind is; 1984 Ministry of Truth, Thought Police, Animal Farm.

Elitists rhetoric; "the pigs impose more and more controls on them while reserving privileges for themselves."
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