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Resident captures home invader..Suspect blames victims.

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The problem is not...

that the criminal thinks it is the victim's fault, they're criminals they think in odd patterns. The problem is that other ordinary citizens seem to think that way.

This becomes a problem because those ordinary citizens think...just give them what they want, don't fight back, no reason to have a firearm, you'll just make it worse by resisting.

These ordinary citizens then proceed to try to pass laws ensuring we are disarmed and have to conform to their mentality.

This becomes a problem because those ordinary citizens think...just give them what they want, don't fight back, no reason to have a firearm, you'll just make it worse by resisting.

Reminds me of highschool.

My freshman year the school adopted a zero tolerance violence policy.
No self defense allowed.
The student handbook stated that anyone caught fighting back would be expelled or sent to the "alternative school" along with the original attacker.
The handbook suggested running away or tucking your head and assuming the fetal position until the attack ceased.

People like our criminal friend Burden have learned to bank on this kind of behavior.
I'm going through a terrible situation because of all these charges I'm facing.

this sounds a lot like when Willie Nelson was convicted of tax evasion and so he cut a new album and used all the proceeds to pay for his back taxes and court fees ETC. :fire:

Stuff like this makes me sick. It seems as though a large prtion of America's population has this attitude of entitlement. Where do people get off thinking that they are entitled to whatever they want when they want it and then if it is denied to them they make the denier out to be the bad guy and themselves to be the victem. God flrbid they take responsibility for their ow actions and say "I screwed up. Sorry." :banghead:
The difference is...

that when Willie had problems caused by his neglect in paying taxes he turned to his legal, legitimate job, produced a new record, earned the money and paid it off. As far as I can tell not a single person was forced to buy that album. He was very up front about what he was doing and each and every consumer had the choice of supporting what he was doing or walking away.

"It is obvious by his prior record that all attempts at rehabilitation have failed," Jesperson said. "I'm sorry to say that all that is left to do is warehouse Mr. Burden."

I'm reminded of an older book, by Robin Cook, I think, where "warehoused" folk were used as organ donors.
I'm kinda liking that idea. :evil:
All you homeowners pay attention to Mr. Burden...

People like him WANT you to solve all their problems. So when they break into YOUR house, make sure that they don't leave until you've solved ALL their problems. :D

AnthonyRSS said:
I'm not the only one here that wishes people like this were shot and killed whilst in the midst of their acts, am I?

go back up to post #17 to see my sugestion!
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