rockriver 1911

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EXCELLENT! I may be singled out here but for years ive wanted a single stack, no frill polymer framed 191 that takes standard mag/parts . Could this finally be it?
Did you guys feel that rumble? I think it was from Col. Jeff Cooper and Gen George Patton rolling over in their respective graves.

Honestly, though, I'm guessing both would be saavy enough to recognize the technological improvements for what they are. I seem to recall reading a few compliments from Col. Cooper about the utilitarian nature of the Glock. As the years, and now decades have shown the reliability and versatility of polymers, both soldiers would welcome weapon improvements.

I'd love to shoot one of these and see if I need another 1911 in the family.
There have been a lot of posts, both pro and con, of these pistols on the 1911 forums. I would like to try one before rendering a comment.
Anyone know the weight? Is it lighter than an aluminum framed version? Other than weight, what advantages does it offer over a conventional 1911?
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