Ron Paul

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I will be supporting Ron Paul... but I have a bad feeling he won't make his way past the primaries unless he gets his name out there. We need to help. Tell people about him. Memorize his website. Know the issues and his stance.

He IS the man for our country. We need to help that happen. IF HE DOESN'T MAKE IT ONTO THE REPUBLICAN TICKET, WE WILL HAVE FAILED.
If you agree with him you could at least support him to the primaries.

I disagree with his stance on the war so Hunter will get my vote. I've got no problem with people voting for him in the primaries. My issue is with the general election.

And TV's aren't the only media outlet anymore. Look at the huge responses to the 1984 Hillary video on youtube. Even made the 'legitimate' news.

But he doesn't even have that. There aren't any Ron Paul videos making the rounds at youtube that I know of, but if so, certianly none with the mileage that the Hillary video has.

All he needs is word of mouth and a chance to speak at the primaries.

Not quite. He needs to be a household name, and there isn't a peep from the MSM.

You don't have to bash the guy and his supporters just because you think he doesn't have a chance. I will strongly support him and tell everyone I know about him along with emailing links of news stories for as long as he is in the race.

Haven't bashed anyone for holding their views, and I haven't bashed Paul for his stances. I have put his chances for winning even the primary in clear focus, whih has raised the hair of people with their fingers crossed.

However you seem to be one of the more reasonable people here. There have been plenty that have professed their steadfast support for Paul even when he will have lost the nomination. Thats just foolish.
We are all reasonable folk here. And yes you did start in with your bashing Paul on your now defunct 'flunky' thread. There was no call for that.

Paul's chances of winning general election to POTUS I put today at about 15,000 to 1. But since that is more than 18 months from now a lot can happen. We will see where he stands in two weeks time a little better after the first round of debates
Ron Paul is an excellent candidate

I'm amazed at how clear Ron Paul is when he discusses any political issue. He is an excellent candidate for President. How sad to see so very little publicity about him. I spoke to a friend (my friend is a strong Republican) about Paul, and he had never even heard of him. ??

As someone already mentioned, he is a regular contributor at

And I would agree, I have disagreed with very little he has written.

Here is a recent video interview:

Here is a link to his archived articles at

He is solid, an excellent communicator, and he absolutely understands what is wrong with our country.
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And yes you did start in with your bashing Paul on your now defunct 'flunky' thread. There was no call for that.

That says nothing about the man or his views, but everything about his political aspirations.
Concerning his position on the war, Paul sounds like a lib anti-war moonbat. I will not support him. He even brags on his web site about voting against the war. I am not confident that Paul would be willing to take the fight to our enemies. Hopefully Fred Thompson is better.
"a lib anti-war moonbat."? Go back to his site and read some more or work on your reading comprehension skills.

'He even brags on his web site about voting against the war. I am not confident that Paul would be willing to take the fight to our enemies.'

--- Gosh, I have not seen anyone bragging about voting for the war lately.... And which enemies are you talking about? He voted for going into Afganistan. And please I will wait while you go and fetch the declaration of war that Paul voted against in Congress. Oh wait... there wasn't one. But wait a second, in my copy of the Constitution it says only the Congress has the power to declare war? So what does this mean???

How about the 24 questions he asked on the floor of the house that were never answered and entirely prophetic?

Ron Paul actually also has service record as well as flight surgeon in the US Air Force. Fred has nothing. I will take Paul over every single RINO running.

If you wish to mount an attack on the high road bring breaching equipment like facts otherwise it will be hard go...

Just like with the Patriot Act the congress voted without giving it any meaningful thought.
Lib antiwar moonbat pothead kook for sure. Luckily, I haven't even seen him on the very long lists of Republicans. He won't even get a fraction of a pecentage point in the primaries, I'm sure.

He'll probably get great support from the militia fringe subset of the pothead subset (how big could that be???)... if his supporters remember to vote.
here are the facts my friends...

The war in Iraq was sold to us with false information.
False information???? I suppose those weapons of mass destruction simply disintegrated. And sure Sadam was not trying to advance his nuclear capabilities by going to Nigeria...we know that was not true because Ambassador Wilson was such a qualified investigator and he says there is no truth to it.

The area is more dangerous now than when we entered it.
It may be more dangerous there...but it is safer here.

We destroyed a regime hated by our direct enemies, the jihadists, and created thousands of new recruits for them.
If this war is done right we will kill them too...the world will be a better place.

This war has cost more than 3,000 American lives, thousands of seriously wounded, and hundreds of billions of dollars.
Freedom is costly.

We must have new leadership in the White House to ensure this never happens again.

These quotes are not from are from Mr. Paul.
It’s entirely hilarious and sad at the same time to see all the heckling and demeaning commentary by some posters against a candidate that "obviously posts no threat" or has "no chance of winning" in the GOP. So why the insecurity?

Good job resorting to the stereotypical liberal-style emotional name-calling “argumentative” style you so declare to stand up against.

Coming to some omnipresent conclusion based on one or two sound/ wonder we are stuck with the elected officials we have today. Some of you guys look out the window at a flat plot of land and automatically claim the Earth is flat.
Having read Mr. Paul's statement on the war I simply made the observation that his position is the same as the liberal wing of the Democrat party as well as most of the main stream media. Anyone who throws the "Bush lied...people die" mantra is a no started in my book.

The war in Iraq was sold to us with false information...This war has cost more than 3,000 American lives
It appears that Paul's statement on the war was correct. Where's the problem?

And yet...Ron Paul's policies on wars aligns to those of the Founding Fathers and the US Constitution. He made these predictions long before we even "kinda somewhat declared war" and its played out almost to the letter. You can verify these with various transcripts made available by LewRockwell and similar places.

Its this new diehard administration that has stated that it's actions are somehow upholding the wishes of the US Constitution while simultaneously putting a noose around the liberties of Americans in the name of security. The Democratic party is no better since whilst against the war, they have entirely different reasons in wanting to push global efforts like the UN and socialist agendas.
And yet...Ron Paul's policies on wars aligns to those of the Founding Fathers and the US Constitution.

Mr. Paul takes that approach to everything, he's the only politician that I know of that pays attention to that little piece of paper anymore.;)

He has my support, for sure.
I was a vehement supporter of the war for the longest time... but I am so sick of the rest of the world, and the people we are trying to help - it's time to leave.

Not just leave, but boot the UN and never answer a call for help again. F 'em.

Every time there's a conflict in some 3rd world dumpster we get begged to step in and save somebody, but when we ask for support we get the shaft, we get mocked, we are hated by people who only exist today thanks to tens of thousands of our own giving their lives.

These people we tried to help had the opportunity to start fresh, to make a new country without the lunacy of Saddam, and they responded by blowing us and each other up. Don't get me wrong, I'm glad Saddam is gone, and am glad we toppled his regime, but we should have just left and left these savages to slaughter each other.

We are spending billions in borrowed money to build a nation that will crumble as soon as we leave. Enough.
Ron Paul paid us a visit here in Arizona. He sent his contributors an email describing his experience:

April 3, 2007

Dear friend,

I arrived in Phoenix from Washington, DC Thursday evening March 29th and was delighted to be met by a large group of supporters at the airport toting signs and placards. Friday morning began early with a 6 a.m. interview by telephone on the Dave Williams radio show in Salt Lake City. I then went to the KFNX studio to appear on the Charles Goyette show and spent an hour on his program answering some great questions from listeners. All the lines were full throughout the show, and I’m sorry I couldn’t stay to take more calls.

The busy day continued. I was interviewed by reporters and editorial board members at the Arizona Republic; by a reporter for Channel 3 News; by Mike Sauceda at Channel 8 ; and by Jim Sharpe of the Clear Channel radio affiliates. The hosts asked a lot of direct questions about the future of our nation in the face of uncontrolled immigration, runaway entitlement spending, and our deadly, expensive no-win war in Iraq.

I also got to visit with many of our supporters and other folks who are interested in our campaign. State Senator Karen Johnson hosted a luncheon that included a number of elected officials and GOP state Chairman Randy Pullen. The room was packed and overflowing. In the evening, we had a very successful fundraiser and I was pleasantly surprised by the attendance of my friend Barry Goldwater, Jr., who said some kind words to those assembled.

On Saturday, we concluded this visit to Phoenix with a rally and visits with more enthusiastic supporters. I left Arizona energized by the support and excited about the growing momentum in our campaign. Our next trip will be in Iowa on April 11-12.

Please urge family and friends to join us by directing them to . Thank you for supporting our campaign!


Ron Paul
I hope Ron Paul does well.

I had read an article about how some folks, especially the powerbrokers, in the 'party' were trying to keep him from getting much publicity. He makes all the others look so bad because of his well-reasoned and sound positions that they can't afford the comparisons. He is the real deal.
And because he has something resembling principles and a belief system that doesnt change depending upon what the polls say.

And the scary thing (to them) is that people actually like the things he is saying. Having to do more than whine about the Democrats- having to actually constrain yourself within the bounds of the constitution- major pain!

The conservatives are more afraid of someone honest than of someone like obama or hillary that will ignore the constitution. As long as Ron Paul is in the spotlight, they are held to a much higher standard.

Bush hasnt vetoed a single bill so far. Ron Paul would probably set a record in the opposite direction.
Bush hasnt vetoed a single bill so far.

I thought there was one just a few months ago. Or was it that he was threatening to veto....

Ron Paul would probably set a record in the opposite direction.

I get the feeling he'd be kicking quite a few decisions back for the state's to decide for themselves, too.

Man, I'm really hoping Paul has a good run. Even if he doesn't quite win, if he can get enough votes, maybe it'll scare the rest of DC straight.
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