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I used to have several. I like the grip frames and hammers the best and have used them to rebuild about a dozen regular new and OM .357 blackhawks for my self and others.
I inherited a super blackhawk 44 magnum that had a scope on it and what is probably the longest barrel option. I don't know a whole lot about it admittedly but it is a real shooter. It is a dream with 44 special loads out to 100. I intend on getting better with it and maybe taking a doe with it next year.
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Since I don’t have a Super Blackhawk, other than the caliber and squared off trigger guard what are the differences between a .44 Mag Super Blackhawk and my .41 Mag Blackhawk?


Stay safe.
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Since I don’t have a Super Blackhawk, other than the caliber and squared off trigger guard what are the differences between a .44 Mag Super Blackhawk and my .41 Mag Blackhawk?


Stay safe.
I don't think there are any real mechanical or structural differences. The hammer and grip frame fit on any Blackhawk model. On the right is an old model Single Six, middle is a NM Blackhawk, left is a NM Super Blackhawk.

The BH's come with aluminum grip frames to reduce cost and weight while the long-barrel SBH's come with steel grip frames to counter-weigh the longer barrels and reduce felt recoil. I have seen SBH hammers and steel grip frames on standard NM Blackhawks and I have also seen aluminum Bisley grip frames and Bisley hammers on NM Super Blackhawks. That latter combo is a little weird to me but, to each their own.
Since I don’t have a Super Blackhawk, other than the caliber and squared off trigger guard what are the differences between a .44 Mag Super Blackhawk and my .41 Mag Blackhawk?


Stay safe.

Assuming your BH is a blued model (I don't believe I've ever seen a stainless .41 mag version) the grip frame is indeed aluminum alloy. The other major difference is the hammer design.


Above is my SBH, after the Bisley grip frame installation, but without the standard BH hammer and Power Custom main pin it now has.

Below is my .41 Mag BH, using the stock grip frame and hammer from from the SBH above it.
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