Samuel L. Jackson...supports gun ownership?!

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When the vast majority of one part believe one mostly congruent set of values, and the vast majority of another part also believe another set, you can't really look at the handful of exceptions and say "see, there really is no right or left". There is a right and left. Most people who blong to one party or the other believe most of the stuff on that party's platform. Not everything of course, but most.

As for Jackson, I truly hope he is a supporter of the 2A. But that video doesn't really address whether he is a "guns for me but not for you" type, or a true supporter.

Even Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi think they are worthy of protection with guns. Not the rest of us though.
Well, it's good that everybody cares here. But the only discussion you'll hear about this topic -- the only discussion you'll hear -- is right here and on other similar gun boards and forums. It's not around American's dinner tables, with people thoughtfully weighing in with words like, "You know, I saw ol' Samuel L. Jackson on TV last night, and he was pro-gun, and I guess now that I've heard that ol' Samuel L. is pro-gun, I'm pro-gun, too."

Ain't gonna happen, folks. Sorry. The people who are pro-gun are pro-gun already. The people who are anti-gun are anti-gun, regardless of this and what other movie stars have to say. And the people who are undecided are not going to make up their minds on this issue by watching late-night TV.

But hey, good for Samuel L. Jackson regardless.
Well, it's good that everybody cares here. But the only discussion you'll hear about this topic -- the only discussion you'll hear -- is right here and on other similar gun boards and forums. It's not around American's dinner tables, with people thoughtfully weighing in with words like, "You know, I saw ol' Samuel L. Jackson on TV last night, and he was pro-gun, and I guess now that I've heard that ol' Samuel L. is pro-gun, I'm pro-gun, too."

Ain't gonna happen, folks. Sorry. The people who are pro-gun are pro-gun already. The people who are anti-gun are anti-gun, regardless of this and what other movie stars have to say. And the people who are undecided are not going to make up their minds on this issue by watching late-night TV.
I think you're fighting with a straw man. I'm pretty sure nobody thinks that reasonably intelligent people are going to change their minds on any serious issue based on a celebrity endorsement. But it's a point in our favor, for anyone who primarily associates guns with criminals. This is one person who pretty much everyone has heard of, who has spoken positively about self-defense and gun ownership. There's no need for most people to sit around discussing this or even thinking that much about it. It's just a fact that's in their brains now. It's one point, and it's a point for us. This is a long-term struggle. Every point counts.
This is one person who pretty much everyone has heard of, who has spoken positively about self-defense and gun ownership. There's no need for most people to sit around discussing this or even thinking that much about it. It's just a fact that's in their brains now. It's one point, and it's a point for us. This is a long-term struggle. Every point counts.

A big +1.
Hunter S. Thompson

Not sure why Conan seemed so averse to guns. Didn't he go out with Hunter Thompson shooting all manner of weapons? And drinking whiskey!
Can't find the video's been pulled from Youtube.
Wish he would've gone into specifics about what model he had, but I can understand in him being on that show why he wouldn't give Conan the Ted Nugent treatment. :) Either way good for him, no matter who cares what he says.
Feedthehogs said: f you have 500k or more, a donation to the Bush library, as did many for Clinton before he left office, will pardon your felony convictions.

Do you have any proof of this allegation?

He could have had his rights restored as others have said. Either way, it is ignorant to paint this as a liberal/conservative issue. Some gun owners are liberals as well as some anti-gunners are Republican. Look at the GOP of Illinois.
searcher451 said:
Do we really believe that people are going to listen to a movie actor on TV and adopt his stance on firearms, or politics in general, or the state of the world, or the U.S. economy, or virtually anything else? Not going to happen, folks -- it's not going to happen.


The Late Charlton Heston
The Late President Ronald Reagan
Governor Arnie Schwarzenegger
Governor Jesse Venturea

all actors...someone had to listen to them to get elected and liked them enough to keep them in office. Just sayin' :rolleyes:
The US doesn't have an aristocracy. For some reason, Americans have had a tendency to inflate the true worth/value/etc of titled landowners. Maybe it's all the romantic-era literature. I dunno.
When movie stars came around, they took the place of the aristocrats we didn't have. JP Morgan? Rich guy, smart guy - and plug ugly. Same goes for several of the others. But the movie stars? They're a lot easier on the eyes (except for Gary Busey). They're rich. They became a sort of aristocracy as a consequence. Their lives are exciting. Oh, she's getting married! Oh, she's getting a divorce! Oh, she's going to rehab again!
I won't speculate as to why we like the idea of a wild, crazed, loony, drug-addled aristocracy. Maybe folks just like to feel moral superiority. That would explain the Spears/Lohan/Hilton phenomenon.
Anyways. Movie stars get more facetime on the media than, say, the NRA spokesman. SLJ's a Democrat and an Obama supporter. Maybe folks who hold similar views might reconsider gun control just for a second. I dunno... but it can't be bad.

FWIW, Cary Grant made similar statements back in the day. I don't expect a sea change of popular opinion due to Samuel L's remarks, but every bit helps.
Kudos to SLJ, and may his planes ever be free of snakes.
I'll second a complete disagreement with post # 35. I'd bet that there are MILLIONS of people that spend more time with their TVs than their families each weekday.

Wrap your head around this fact for a second. People who were born in 1990 are going to be voting this time around. Gullable, ignorant, and impressionable boys and girls included.

Angelina Jolie's baby's birth affected dozens of millions of people. The fact that our Bill of Rights was almost biled upon... didn't even come up on the radar.

We need all the help we can get. ESPECIALLY from high-profile individuals. It would be nice if every American was pro-active and aware of their rights, especially the loss of them, but they simply are not.
Seems I've struck a nerve with my opinion. What's the name of this web site? Oh yes, The High Road.
If I weren't pro gun, I wouldn't be here.
And I still don't care what ANYONE thinks.
So, bloviate away.
It's entertaining.
Hey, its a good thing, perhaps we can get him to speak to colleges about personal reponsablity in defending yourself, belive me, a lot of college kids will come out in droves to see Sameul L jackson, but if you get a former world leader, 30 folks will show up.
Define "left wing" and "right wing". Those terms don't mean anything anymore and are part of the reason we have trouble electing leaders with values we really want. I wish we could go further and do away with the two-party system, or at least redefine what "republican" and "Democrat" really mean.
On the "political spectrum," there are questionaires that will tell you what your political number is; 40 being far left (liberal) and 0 being far right (conservative). I'm not sure which came first, but the spectrum and "left and right" are just tools to help describe the differences in politics. Good luck getting rid of the two party system btw, NO politician wants to increase the amount of competition.

When movie stars came around, they took the place of the aristocrats we didn't have.
That is an awesome observation, well done; nail on the head. This explains why the lives of celebrities is so interesting for some people.

As far a SLJ goes, he wasn't exactly telling Conan how he as an American has a right to defend himself with a gun and that every American should, only that he does. This may be an eye opener for some people, but I'd be willing to bet it had little effect. Now, if he had brought a sign and a petition for Conan and the audience to sign, that would have been different.
Conan's reaction to a "black man with a gun" was typical of a liberal who wont take the responsibilty of protecting his family himself.
your kidding me. he owns a gun and hes a felon, i am a stay at home mom and only get a target practice permit. ha!
i knew i should have become an actress instead of a nurse. lmao!
Something many here are overlooking is that although he may own a gun, he may still be anti-gun. Don't all the bigwig anti-gun leaders have guns? They often have better guns than pro-gun folks. Diane Feinstein has a CCW and carries a S&W revolver, and did a straw purchase for her son who couldn't pass the background check. They know better than anybody that a gun is the best last defense - and that's exactly why they don't want us to have them. You don't think that if all guns were banned they couldn't still get them, and avoid prosecution (like all the felon stars in hollywood have done)?

I'm not saying that SL Jackson is anti-gun, I'm just saying that the fact he claims to own a gun is not proof that he isn't a gun-banner.
What kind of bizarro world does Conan O'Brien live in where someone owning a gun is hard to believe?
Massachusetts. He interned for Barney Frank as an undergrad.

Of course, he's going to be afraid of guns.
Given how long ago that was and the political nature of the crime I'm sure the state has restored his rights by now. Everybody was taking deans hostage back then.

Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha:what::what::):):)

Can't do nothing but laugh myself silly over this one!

Good one!

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