Scenario for 2008?

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Hillary has made it clear that she is an extreme left-wing socialist, all the way from her doctoral thesis right thru "It Takes A Village" and her tenure as 1st Lady. Her recent "conservative" leanings are, to anyone following her, a front - she's doing exactly what she needs to do, saying exactly what she needs to say, to win enough votes to become President. She has learned from the mistakes of her predecessors, and is not saying what she believes precisely because doing so will scare off voters.

Having observed her antics for years, she is indeed a flaming leftist. Gender has nothing to do with it.

Put simply: Hillary is a complete liar, saying ANYTHING to win. 40% of voters will vote for her blindly; she just needs to persuade 6% of voters to go her way - and those "moderates" are best swayed by conservative words (regardless of stark proof she doesn't believe anything "conservative" she says).

BTW: NOTHING she has ever said/done indicates the slightest support for the 2nd Amendment. Armed citizens historically tend to be a problem for would-be tyrants like her.
Hillary is the spiritual daughter of Saul Alinsky. Elect her and you will get Che in a pants suit.

from wikipedia:

Saul David Alinsky (January 30, 1909 Chicago, Illinois - June 12, 1972 Carmel, California) is generally considered the father of community organizing. A criminologist by training, Alinsky in the 1930s organized the Back of the Yards neighborhood in Chicago (made famous by Upton Sinclair's The Jungle). He went on to found the Industrial Areas Foundation while organizing the Woodlawn neighborhood, which trained organizers and assisted in the founding of community organizations around the country. In Rules for Radicals (his final work, published one year before his death), he addressed the 1960s generation of radicals, outlining his views on organizing for mass power. A young Hillary Clinton was a major admirer, writing her undergraduate thesis on his work and ideas.

Author of Reveille for Radicals, Alinsky encouraged controversy and conflict, often to the dismay of middle-class activists who otherwise would sponsor his activism. [1] Alinsky is often credited with laying the foundation for confrontational political tactics that dominated the 1960s [2], but late in his life he encouraged holders of stock in public corporations to lend their votes to "proxies" who would vote at annual stockholders meetings in favor of social justice. While his confrontational style took hold in American activism, for a while at least, his call to stock holders to share their power with disenfranchised working poor never took hold in U.S. progressive circles.

Alinsky was a ferocious critic of mainstream liberalism. A champion of radical propaganda tactics and propaganda techniques, Alinsky encouraged deception in organizational strategy.
...will this frustration fire up the Republican base in 2008 (a long time from now addmitedly) to the point that they will nominate an ultra-conservative along the lines of Pat Buchanon or Barry Goldwater?

And this conservative Republican nominee would be _____? That's the problem we Republicans face in 2008 - nobody around to pick up the conservative mantle. Here is what I believe will happen: the Republican nominee will be a moderate, guys like some of the ones whose posts I have read on this site will either vote for the Dem nominee or throw their vote away on a third party candidate, and the Democrats will take the White House in 2008. Very seldom do you get to vote for what you perceive as a good candidate; most times you have to hold your nose with one hand and pull the lever with the other.

What will happen in 2008?

It's already happening. The "Anyone But Bush" campaign is up and running, because it hasn't stopped. It'll spread to _any_ Republican running. Read half the posts on this board, ferchrissake. "Oh, whine, whine, not good enough, either vote for third party or moderate Democrat."

The Democratic Underground folks want us to vote third party. In fact, I'd be surprised if there weren't a few offices paid for by the Democrats that are staffed entirely with folks who do nothing but troll conservative message boards with that message.
Miss Hillary's major problem is she polarizes the populace. I believe the people are getting tired of politicians who do this (BushRove included), and will look for a uniter in 2008. Richardson might be able to do that for the Democrats, he doesn't appear to generate the hate that Hillary is capable of producing. McCain will be pitched as that person for the Republicans.
Like others have pointed out, if Bush doesn't find his footing and get back on track - the Republicans can kiss 2008 goodbye.

Agree with you that McCain will probably be the standard bearer for the Republicans in 2008. However, not sure that Richardson can woe the liberal Dem stalwarts who vote in the primaries. Hillary has been positioning herself in the center since becoming a Senator, because she knows that the left will support her in the primaries and she needs to appear to be seen as a moderate for the general election. Not sure that Richardson can move to the left to overtake her in the primaries, while still being percieved as a moderate.

Miss Hillary's major problem is she polarizes the populace.
What problem? So long as she gets 50.01% percent of the vote, she's happy. Considering only:
- 70% of eligible citizens are registered to vote
- about 50% of those actually show up to vote
- about 45% of those who vote will pick the Democrat no matter what
that leaves Hillary needing to sway a remarkably small number of people to choose her.
Polarized? so what? say the right words to 2% of the population and she's in.

There is NO CANDIDATE who can effectively govern the United States as we stand today. This is the result of cultural balkanization, growing moral fecklessness, and the spreading disease of vicarious living-cum-escapism. We may be in WW III, as Bush would aver, but most Americans are in denial or can't be bothered. Fifty years of spiritual self-disembowelment, at all levels, has left our body politic weak, confused, dismembered. What we do to regain our integrity and strength I leave to others to say. It may take a tragedy or two to wake us up.
Hillary has made it clear that she is an extreme left-wing socialist, all the way from her doctoral thesis right thru "It Takes A Village" and her tenure as 1st Lady. Her recent "conservative" leanings are, to anyone following her, a front - she's doing exactly what she needs to do, saying exactly what she needs to say, to win enough votes to become President. She has learned from the mistakes of her predecessors, and is not saying what she believes precisely because doing so will scare off voters. .

Probably why she has been taking a moderate to slighty conservative stance lately.

Having observed her antics for years, she is indeed a flaming leftist. Gender has nothing to do with it. .

Has lots to do with it, there are a lot of people out there, male and female that do not want a woman in charge. These people would come out in droves to vote.

Put simply: Hillary is a complete liar, saying ANYTHING to win. 40% of voters will vote for her blindly; she just needs to persuade 6% of voters to go her way - and those "moderates" are best swayed by conservative words (regardless of stark proof she doesn't believe anything "conservative" she says).

Every politician above a certain level will lie out their teeth to get elected.

BTW: NOTHING she has ever said/done indicates the slightest support for the 2nd Amendment. Armed citizens historically tend to be a problem for would-be tyrants like her.

I never did say she was, just I can't see her going out and perserving any gun rights, I can see her being very partisan on any form of gun control.

I also didn't say that I supported her in being president, I just stated she would probably make a good president, we don't have to agree 100% with someone to make a good president, some of our better presidents were not what we on the THR would consider a candidate of our choosing.

"Has lots to do with it, there are a lot of people out there, male and female that do not want a woman in charge. These people would come out in droves to vote."

As would the droves who would like nothing better than a woman.

Do you think Bush could beat Oprah?
Commie? Which style, old or new?


Hillary is not a communist, she is full of socialist ideas. Just making a correction.

Might I ask: Isn't a "socialist" just another term for "useful idiot"? IOW, when they get the socialism (communism) they want, some other "correct thinker" will decide they are no longer good for the collective.

PC Speak would be: "their ideas and ideals have failed to progress beyond the revolution."

IOW, it may be only a small satisfaction to the last of the Americans that the enablers of communism will not live long after patriots.

If the GOP puts another Good Ol' Boy up for President I might consider voting for the other party. I voted for W on both elections, I don't regret my choice but lately I have been pretty disenchanted with the course he has been taking.

Did it ever occur to you that George Bush might not be a "good ole boy"? Why not just go ask some "good ol' boys" their opinion?
Fifty years of spiritual self-disembowelment, at all levels, has left our body politic weak, confused, dismembered. What we do to regain our integrity and strength I leave to others to say. It may take a tragedy or two to wake us up.

Longeyes, once again, I'm afraid you may be right.
Ditto to what Waitone and Lone Gunman said up until the time Lone Gunman said he'd vote for Bill Richardson :barf: Whoever the Dems run you can bet the Republicans and their lapdogs will proclaim it to be 'the most important election in our lifetimes....blah, blah, yackety quack et nauseum'. I've been voting Republican for the last 37 years, out of which Republicans have occupied the Whitehouse, what, 24 of those 37 years? Now they've got the Whitehouse and BOTH houses of Congress and they still veer and pander to the left. They've run out of time, out of excuses. Republicans represent me better when they're out of power. I will either vote third party or not at all come 2008, unless there is a sharp and I mean 180 turnaround by the Republican party.

Ok. I'm done. :eek:
Did it ever occur to you that George Bush might not be a "good ole boy"? Why not just go ask some "good ol' boys" their opinion?

Not that he is the proverbal county thinking person, but the fact that he put his friends and campaign doners into higher govermental positions, I know all presidents are guilty of this a some level. If it wasn't for W's daddy he wouldn't have amounted to crap in his life.

And to put the record striaght I am a registed Republican, normally vote striaght ticket too, but I am kind of fed up at how my party and the other party has headed in the last couple of years.
And this conservative Republican nominee would be _____?

How about Mississippi Governor Haley Barbour? So long as the recovery of his state continues he may be able to use it as a springboard to higher office. I am not certain of his personal politics though. Does anyone know at least his positions on the RKBA?

Nepotism is a survival trait.

Not that he is the proverbal county thinking person, but the fact that he put his friends and campaign doners into higher govermental positions, I know all presidents are guilty of this a some level. If it wasn't for W's daddy he wouldn't have amounted to crap in his life.

Need I say more? :)

And to put the record striaght I am a registed Republican, normally vote striaght ticket too, but I am kind of fed up at how my party and the other party has headed in the last couple of years.

I admire your principles, my friend, but if you take a dump in one hand and hope for something better in your other hand...

We've entered. All hope is lost.
Yeah I know about the hand thing, but as much as I bitch and moan about everything, I am glad that I am an American and live here, beats the alternative.
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