Schumer: Miers lacks votes for confirmation

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Lone_Gunman said:
If she does what Roberts did, she will simply avoid answering questions that are controversial, saying she does not want to give her opinion now on an issue that may come up before the court.

We know little more about Roberts now than we did before the hearings. I suspect we will still not have much information about Miers when her hearings are over.

Unless a candidate could either show a record as a stict constructionist judge, or very definitively convince me she is a strict constructionist during a hearing, I would not vote to confirm if I was on the Senate.

Personally, I would prefer to see a long record of stict constructionism, rather than a few hours of lip service during a hearing.

The substance is not ours to know. It doesn't prove anything or reliably forecast future rulings, although I don't know that it is likely for a liberal to turn conservative. Only form matters. Stealth candidates are all you will get as long as the Senate wants to politicize the process. It will stay that way until or unless Congress gets off their butts and addresses the question of abortion and how it is tearing up the country..
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