Shooting "activity" you forgot that you enjoyed?

Most of the activities I enjoy doing but don’t, are because I generally enjoyed them with and in some cases just because of others that enjoyed the activities with me.

You get the right group of folks playing together and you can have great fellowship. It’s not always easy though and if it’s not fun, it’s not fun.
Had my own place out in the country. Deer and turkey hunting all around. My own range. Shoot what I want, when I want. I could shoot my rifle in any direction and not worry what I would hit. Never thought about guns for killing anything but game.
Got old, hard for me to keep it up. Had to downsize, move nearer to town.
Now, range, black guns, people all around. Sure takes the good out of good times.
I did a bit of slow, fun stuff yesterday, I took some 15 foot BB gun targets and shot one shot at each bull at 5 yards with my Ruger Mk IV and CZ Shadow 2. Just trying to find a bit of consistency, which I really do lack. (My hat is off to you bullseye shooters!!!) Grip, sight picture, trigger squeeze, follow through, they are all on display when trying to hit these 5/8” blacks.

As usual, I fired some that were great, then cancelled them out with some that weren’t. For whatever reason, shot 4 of 5 was my Achilles heel. On both 9mm and .22 targets, #4 was the one shot that went awry. I start to think I can run the table after three and…chunk!!

2 shots each 9mm. Both lower flyers were 4th shots..

One .22. Went backwards, upper Flyer was 4th.

I need to focus ahead more on my upcoming shot and quit looking backwards at the hits I made. I think I will go back to the range and work on that today for an hour or so.

Stay safe.
I don't own any black powder weapons, so maybe that's what I'm missing. I shoot skeet, 5-Stand and Sporting Clays a few times a year, and I take a rifle or two to the range several times a year, and I shoot a mix of revolvers and semiautos regularly. I also reload for the handguns and rifles. I don't miss much, except the targets.:rofl: