SHTF Shotgun.

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"Some of US are missing the point. Instead of a lone wolf approach to survivng whatever, we need to militia things up in an emergency and unite.

There's half a dozen houses within sight of my front door that have guns, and most of those folks are trustworthy to guard them if the govt is not.

Shotguns are incredible weapons used within their range limits. Forming part of fire teams using them and rifles for longer, more surgical strikes, shotguns would help control areas until things returned to what passes for normal."

Great point. A lot of the guns I have, I bought with the idea of outfitting a small tactical unit (made of family / friends and neighbors). Part practicality, and part because the little boy inside me still thinks SWAT/Recon/Seal teams are the cooolest.
Some of US are missing the point. Instead of a lone wolf approach to survivng whatever, we need to militia things up in an emergency and unite.


I live 1.5 miles from my Mother and Father in law and 1 mile from my brother and sister in law (brother in law is LEO). In any serious SHTF emergency we would all bug out to mother and father in law's house. Between my arsenal, his and my brother-in-law's we could pretty well take care of ourselves there until normalcy returns. Also 2 teenage nephews in the mix that are already fairly competent with both rifles and shotguns.
I got a 20" barrel for my 870 Wingmaster a couple months ago...Mostly for slugs, but also for a beating around the woods gun and whatever else "needs shootin"(pretty much HD or SHTF). I don't have a bunch of crap hanging off it, just a butt stock shell holder that I may, or may not take off. I have a shotgun shell belt, but its not on the gun, and isn't always in the same spot... So i decided to try the butt stock shell holder out.
the idea of the SHTF scenario, if only for a mental excercise, is to prepare yourself for the unlikely (I hope) possibilities.
You have a lot of options using a shotgun, slug, buck, smaller shot, even less-lethal and rock salt sort of stuff (belive me, it works, - ounch!). But the shotgun has a limited range, even with slugs, that can be topped with a rifle, It and the ammunition tend to be heavy, and most of them not being magazine fed, they can be slow to reload. Shotguns are not the "Death ray" movies portray them as. But as Bob Olinger (Billy the kid victim) would attest, in the right circumstance, nothing else will do the job so well.
Shotguns can be visually intimidating, and as to the "rack rack" that supposedly make harden felons turn to puppies, I can't speak to that, but you've gotta arm it anyway. The "fan of shot" makes aiming easier in stress situations, and the utility of the shotgun makes it more user friendly to less experienced shooters.
Wyatt Earp's posse, in 1881-2 supposedly carried rifles and shotguns on their horses (greater tactical flexibility) I like the earlier comment that life is a long 3-gun match. The shotgun can, and should be an indespensable part of that.
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