SHTF Survival Test

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Feb 25, 2005
Houston, Texas
Hey guys, I made a long and well-thought out (I think so, at least) SHTF Survival test on this website. Anyways, take it and post your results! Off to bed for me...


NOTE: There is some adult content on this website. The link takes you straight to the test, but there may be some questionable advertisements on the site. As long as you don't browse around the site, you shouldn't see anything offensive. I apologize for not mentioning it earlier.
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"You scored higher than 99% on Survival"

Lets hope I never have to say: "Follow me everyone! According to a quiz I took on line once, I'm more than 99% likely to survive." :p
I don't think that was deliberate. This is the same site that hosted the Zombie Survival Test a while back.
Eventually you come across some items. A .45 handgun with 8 bullets, a 9mm handgun with 13 bullets, three bottles of water, two cans of beans, one bulletproof vest, and a map of the local area, outlining key locations. Assume you have no food, and no weapons. You take:
The .45 handgun, 8 bullets, and the bulletproof vest
The two cans of beans and three bottles of water
The map, the 9mm handgun, and 13 bullets
Three bottles of water and the map

Ummmm, ok, where is the option for all of the above? :confused:

82-94%- You would survive for certain. You're one tough trooper.
Compared to those of my age and gender I got a 99% - weird - I'd have thought more older folks would be survivors what with more sense, experience, resources and all.
are you sure u guys got 99%? Because there is something that has 99%, but thats not your score...your score is the thing in black bold letters when you scroll up the page :) So i doubt you guys got 99%
Ugh - I could hardly finish that test... Couldn't see myself so limited in an unlimited world - there are always more options. (But I did, 86%)

IMO, it was the man in the situation and what he could and does do, not what kind of tools he had. And some of the questions, though they were weighted to seem appropriate for a 'survival' situation, would get you killed instead of safe. :rolleyes: Just can't cover it ALL in such a hypothetical...

Kinda fun though - keep 'em coming.
yeah, consider that version 1.0. There are many bugs that still need to be worked out :D
I'll probably make a longer, more in-depth one later. Any of you guys have any suggestions as to how I can make a better one?
I got an 88 percent, but I am uncomfortable with questions that require you to either become a parasite or essentially just lay down and die.

The test seems to reward those who are willing to kill anyone necessary in order to better their own position, regardless of right and wrong. What it overlooks are eventual repercussions (lynchings, etc.). Many people on this sight have put a great deal of effort into ensuring that they will be the person who has sufficient resources to get by if something happens. The only combat they are likely to face in an EOTWAWKI situation will be defensive in nature. It seems to me that those that will just go running around trying to kill everyone that has something they want will probably just end up getting shot.

You need to reward the guy who just wants to lay low, make strong contacts with his neighbors (because everyone has to sleep), and make like a porcupine while living in a sustainable way.
In real life I'd have taken the food, water AND the map.

I had to settle for the water and the map.
I played it and got an 85%..apparently, I'm much more of an uber-survivalist than most middle aged women. :)
My test tracked 1 variable How you compared to other people your age and gender:

You scored higher than 99% on Survival
Well, first off, first question.... we can only own ONE gun? How bout a response for "I own many guns"

#9. I want all the items! Sucks to choose.

Well.. I scored 84%. I guess I'll live in a SHTF situation. :D
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