Shutting down Wal-Mart gun sales

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Everytime I think of The People's Republic of Kalifornistan I think of this quote:

"If you have ten thousand regulations you destroy all respect for the law."
- Winston Churchill
Winston Churchill told the Brits the truth about Germany for years but didn't get any respect until Hitler bombed the heck out of them. :scrutiny:

He didn't get any repect aftwards either, as he lost the next election. :uhoh:
500 violations!!!! I wonder what that was composed of. If they were not following the law then they do need to be held accountable. Of course the 500 violations could all be irrelevant and minor. Although selling to a felon is NOT a minor offense and the store should be held liable. I doubt their suspended sales will last more than a few weeks.
I don't doubt the 500 violations . California probably has rules against children under 18 viewing firearms. This is how you get laws broken. Pass so many that it is impossible to breathe without breaking some law or rule.
Although selling to a felon is NOT a minor offense and the store should be held liable.

Unless of course the store had no idea (NICS came back clean or something similar) that the felon was a felon. If the store screwed something up then certainly go after them. If the govt screwed up then the store shouldn't be punished (except of course in CA. where logic and govt. are mutually exclusive. :banghead: ).

If they were not following the law then they do need to be held accountable. Of course the 500 violations could all be irrelevant and minor. Although selling to a felon is NOT a minor offense and the store should be held liable.

Uh, ahem. Wal Mart gun customer and felon here. I don't agree.

Just remember, when the NRA starts blabbing about enforcing the laws on the books, that the laws on the books are all about keeping guns from people who obey laws.
Look at the story... It's a suspention, pending training for employees... Not a termination.

They will prolly resume sales of firearms and will continue sales of ammo.
From the linked article:

Wal-Mart spokesman Tom Williams said Friday the company will begin new employee training in state firearms law early next week.

"We need to do a better job and that's what we're going to do," he said.

Williams said store employees involved in the offenses will not be terminated.

There's the problem.

Why shouldn't these employees be terminated for violating the law? It's not as if Wal-Mart lets the floor stockers sell guns.

The counter employees who sell firearms are supposed to be aware of the laws. If they're unaware, that's a training issue that is the company's fault. If they were aware of the laws and violated them anyway, that should result in termination of employment and possible arrest.
Look at the story... It's a suspention, pending training for employees... Not a termination.

Don't hold your breath. Remember guns are kinda like your virginity, once it's gone, it doesn't come back.

Wal-Mart, at least in California, can now track its sales to see how much profit is lost due to lack of gun sales. It can then decide whether or not to resume sales.

If the lack of sales doesn't do permanent damage to the bottom line (and I doubt it will, more people buy most household goods at WM, than shooters/sportsmen buying guns), then they can permanently end sales.

They can then curry favor from liberal politicans, saying they dropped gun sales. This would also work for most liberal buyers also.

Then they can tell sportsmen/shooters how they tried but the government forced them to comply with those pesky firearms laws, and because of the actions of employees (remember UPS), not criminals, they can sadly no longer sell firearms.

Not saying this is going to happen, just saying that the possibility does, indeed, exist.
My local Wally Mart handles gun transactions with much care, but I can see where they might go wrong with poor staffing and a great deal of floor traffic. It doesn't take much to run afoul of California regs.

Is Big 5 next?
California Is EVIL!

California Is EVIL!

Sums it up!

The current one party Leadership is VERY simular to current day Iraq or Nazi Germany!

No questioning of the govenment is allowed.

The Liberal Democratic party may be dieing, but it can still wield 100% power in it's remaining strong holds, Mainly California and no where else.

After Iraq the US Army needs to free California.

From Berkely Communists.
swampgator - Retail managers constantly look at sales figures by product and category. They discontinue product lines and entire departments all the time and don't need an excuse. Look at what Circuit City did with their household appliances - washers, refrigerators, dishwashers, etc. - eliminated all of them.


They discontinue product lines and entire departments all the time and don't need an excuse.

My point exactly kinda. If a retail giant can benefit politically from something like discontinuing gun sales, don't for a second, believe they won't.
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