Sick of dogs.. what to carry?

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My Mother is a vet, so I have picked up a few tricks.

For instance, If a dog, especially a pit-bull is trying to bite you, punch it straight down the throat, It's jaw structure won't allow it to bite you (and it will choke until it passes out if you punched deep enough).
My Mother is a vet, so I have picked up a few tricks.

For instance, If a dog, especially a pit-bull is trying to bite you, punch it straight down the throat, It's jaw structure won't allow it to bite you (and it will choke until it passes out if you punched deep enough).

You go first, and show us how it's done! Better yet, make a video and put it on YouTube.
I agree with floppy d. Worked for me. Also, you could carry a kubaton, maybe on your keys. It seems small, but I've seen a guy drop a dog with a strike to the head with one. Or you could even use your Diad.
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You are supposed to push your arm towards the dog's throat because it tends to make them try to spit it out. Just hope they haven't eaten for a while...
You go first, and show us how it's done! Better yet, make a video and put it on YouTube.

It's not something you do for fun, and wouldn't suggest it unless you had no choice.

But, if your helping vets vaccinate lots of dogs at an all day vaccine clinic, your bound to get some use out of that and some other tricks we have learned.

Among other things I've learned: When vaccinating pigs, bring your gun muffs, they can cause hearing damage when they squeal (pigs are wimps).
Stick with the dog treats and USPS OC spray, but add a stick/multicell Maglight as backup. Just stop moving when a dog starts making noise, dig out the doggie treats from where you carry them on your belt (you should carry them so you can access them immediately) and toss one to the furry troublemaker. If they pick it up and scarf it down, toss another and give a cluck or whistle so they get a sound from you to associate with it. That includes dogs making a fuss inside their fenced area. They'll start to associate you with the goodies and go from making a fuss to tail wagging. Of course, keep the OC spray in your other hand the whole time just in case.
Also, you could carry a kubaton, maybe on your keys. It seems small, but I've seen a guy drop a dog with a strike to the head with one. Or you could even use your Diad

I like the Kubaton idea, that has the added plus of being effective against attackers of the human variety as well, if you know where and how to use it.

I don't know about using the Diad as a weapon, it may break, leaving you with nothing to complete the days work.
conwict: I get what you're saying about "speaking dog," but trust me - there ARE dogs out there that will advance on you with no fear and no warning and will bite you in a bad place. I'm not trying to make you afraid...but just because you've been able to get out of being bitten by abused/mistreated dogs who were being forced into playing "attack dog" doesn't mean that a dog that has been trained to have prey drive toward humans, or does naturally, won't ruin your day.

A dog is like a man with a knife. It helps if you can talk your way out, but just because you talked your way out once doesn't mean there isn't another one out there who wouldn't sever your carotid as soon as look at you. I really mean it about the knife part, too. A dog's jaw is a dangerous weapon. Be especially wary of Molossers who feel you have overstepped.

Not familar with what ever "Molossers" means.. more loosers? Dunno prolly wrong...

I maintain that the dog i will fear has not yet been born. So far any bad dog including trained police dogs have all backed down. I got caught up in a Anti nam ralley in Beantown once, was arrested and escaped anyway, when that dog was sent to collect my tail. It didn't, but getting the cursed cuffs cut off was a problem, but not much.

When dogs fight and I have no idea who owns which, as usually there are atleast 2 people fretting about it at the times I just wade in and dish out the minimum to both dogs as i can reach them and force the stop. This action gets me bitten, you can bank on that, but I just don't care. In fact at that instant it doesn't even hurt.

I don't sue, I just go get hydrogen peroxide and dump the bottle in the wounds. In the days that pass sometimes i get one hell of a infection anyway. So what.

These same dogs would abandon the hunt if they were solo and not pre-engaged in a fight between each other. I do what I do. And would not be bitten if I didn't ask for it by wading into the fight.

That stupid horse i had and I chased a black bear momma right up and over a moutain in Jackson NH. I was working as maint for a B&B.

I told fish and game that if they didn't do something about these 2 marauding bears that 1, children would become victims, as about 40 chickens and some 20 turkey had. F&G just barely managed to catch baby bear. Momma Bear was my problem... geeze the things I will do to earn a buck huh?

So far in life there is just one critter I have backed off of. Living in a more rural place than I do now and this is rural, my 78 year old neigbor about 1.5 miles away called one early evening. He said come get this cat off my porch and out of my garbage.

It was Oct of the year and I figgured it was a house cat some summer cottage campers had left behind like many of them do. So I went to get the cat and had planned to bring it home and make a pet of it. I hopped in my truck and off I went.

When I got there the door was open to the enclosed porch and I popped right up the 3 steps and went in, when I stopped in my tracks!

This cat was 9 feet long and it turned at me and hissed! I was blocking the only way out but not for very long! :D

That old man came to his window to peek out and he was laffin his a$$ off at me! :evil:

Oh! Maybe i should start my own thread.... :evil:
gripper , Hell will freeze over before I go to Nashua.. I just don't go south ifn' ever I can help it.. But anytime you get near the Kanc the offer is like wise.. East end that is. I live just about 15 miles south of the east entrance.

There is 2 dogs here who each think I belong to them, but they are not mine. I rent a small room with my wife in a house we share with the LL who was a friend of my wifes and has become a friend of mine.

There is a field were camping can be had if you can stand 'primitive'.
alaskanativeson , Nice Spruce.. 2 nice dogs and the woman? SO, wife?

I get the idea you are not near that tree... prolly a good thing since it isn't good knife handles anyway..
I don't know about using the Diad as a weapon, it may break, leaving you with nothing to complete the days work.

Those things are surprisingly tough, they are made to be dropped and generally beaten up. Using it as a weapon would be better than nothing, but I'm going to order some spray and carry some treats... that probably is the best route. The sjambok looks like it would work perfectly, but Im not sure how I'd carry it concealed, I'm a pretty small guy.
Get a cattle prod, shouldn't take but one time, they will stay away from you after that.
Ultrasonic dog deterrents and citronella sprays don't work.

These are used for training, and if a dog has encountered them before, they'll ignore them.

Even if they haven't encountered it before, it isn't debilitating and a dog can override the effect if they are in attack or fight mode.

Two German Shepherds both about 2 in the picture, now both 5 1/2. My wife Shauna is the one between them, good luck to anyone trying to harm her. Not luck to succeed, but luck to survive the brown one (Strider) not destroying you before the black one (Tinni) eats you. To anyone but a bad guy Strider's the sweetest thing in the world (other than Shauna.)

Molossers are a type of dog. Not a breed, but a type. Mastiffs, Newfies, Rotties, St. Bernards, Greater Swiss Mountain dogs, Anatolian Shepherds, several of the large, heavy-boned dogs are Molossers. Often they have stronger than average protection and/or guarding tendencies.
I had a buddy who had a Mastiff. That was a fun dog to rough house with out doors.. he was right at my upper limits to play with. I could ride him a little, and then he tried to ride me alot... I was all torn up, but just in play and covered in slobber.

That dog tore my shirt, and my jeans just in play, but I didn't care as i wear pretty much rags as it is.

Made my danes seem a meduim size. I don't know of all the dogs on your list.. I don't know what these 2 are at all. Greater Swiss Mountain dogs, Anatolian Shepherds.

One morning in the shower I heard all hell break loose, and I had just let my dane out and just got wet. Living so rural I didn't expect any part of the problem to be connected to any humans at the hour, and the sounds seemed urgent, so i went out as I was. nada thing..

Um... First thing I saw was my dane in a fight with another kind of dog i didn't know what it was. Turned out to be a irish wolfhound...

I didn't notice the leather lead right away, but did once 'things were settled'...

What a sight huh, me naked covered in blood some mine, some my dogs, and some of the other dogs, and then there was this girl!

I yelled at my own dog to get back in the cottage, I followed him and I didn't see any need to tell that girl not to come back. ya know what? she never ever did either!

Oh yeah what about that spruce tree? :D
I've heard you can thread the shorter sjambok through belt loops or even behind the back and out both sleeves.

mac, I do hear you. Here's what I think. Instinctually, different animals have different drives to protect, guard, defend, attack, based on what you are doing. You are probably a good guy who simply doesn't P.O. animals by the way he acts. But if you were to break into someone's house when a driven dog was home, or attack the owner, or do something that clearly set the animal off, it would attack.

Since you don't do things like that you're less likely to get hurt by a dog. Not completely unlikely, but less likely.

I urge everyone to treat unfamiliar dogs in most situations with firmness and suspicion, like unfamiliar people. They are at least as dangerous as a person if they choose to be. There are situations where you don't need to be as on guard, but I do want people to know that a dog can kill you as easy as a person with a knife.
I like to show the dogs some respect, while still maintaining that I am dominant.
This shows them that I am not a threat, while not allowing them to try to assert dominance over me.

However, when the dog is being aggressive, don't back down to quickly, and whatever you do, don't run away!
If you want to avoid confrontation, try to back away without looking away from the dog.

I had an experience with a dog while I was armed.
It was growling and showing it's teeth.
I had my shotgun with me, (Remington 870)
and all I did was pump the shotgun.

Turns out that "OH CRAP" thing that works on burglars, also works on dogs.

He knew that I ment business and went the other way.
The spruce was in my front yard while I was living in Utah finishing my B.S. in Teaching. I realized my ages were off. Both dogs were around one. The pic was taken Summer of 2005 before I left to come back up to Alaska.

armslist mentioned tasers. I know they have some that are specifically made for large animals, but would the tasers designed for humans work on dogs?
There are several reported cases of police officers using their human use tasers instead of shooting dogs.

It works, but there are a few things to keep in mind:

1. You only get one shot if you use the remote prongs. (and you have to pay for the replacement of the prong module)

2. If either one of the prongs missed, It won't work.

3. After the zap is over, they will probably be very angry, and start attacking again. (Notice how the bull reacted in this video:

4. You will have to remove the prongs from the dog afterward, which sometimes involves making a small incision as many models have a small barb on the prongs.

Because of this, I don't think that a taser would be practical.
conwict , Well ya got a point there. I don't make much habit to go about breaking in to much of anything. Last time i did it was my own trailer and the locks had seized closed.

My first dane had been 'attack trained' by a fool, and i had to un-do all that non-sence. The dog was simply dangerous to everyone includung me.

To do that I peopleized that dog, and took him everywhere, taught him to swim which I later regretted at times. The only part I was unable to fix was that whip of a tail.

I had one good friend and a brother at the time who could be with that dog with out me also being there.

My poor friend had the bad habit to leave his door open and he slept on a water bed. I had the best fun sicking the dog on him, where the dog would pounce on Jimmy in bed and then the dog would stick his silky muzzel in Jimmy's ear or on his neck, and Jimmy screamed sumpthin fierce ! :D

Same dog saved my life a few times as i got robbed on a bad night in Miami. I just got jilted and went to a bar to cry in my beers.. I spent my last buck and got robbed leaving.. 6 to one and i was un-armed and they were not.

So I made up a lie and released my dane to good effect. Thing was had those guys just not been afraid the dog would have been pretty moot.

All 6 ran like the devil his own self was hot on their trail, and when the dog came back he wasn't very bloodied either, just a few little bites I expect.

I delt with that dog when it was at it's worst and then I did fear it but I didn't let it know I did.

That tale is I won this dog in a bet in x-mass time 76 in Brown City Mi. That dog was outside 24/7 on a 1/2 chain 10 feet long, all it had was a bucket of ice and a 4x4 of plywood in the L of a house. The guy had 2 and sold one, then he sold this one, but the buyer showed up at dinner and laid his money down. 2 red necks.. In second the buyer returned and scooped his money holding his bloodied neck...

I had been spending my own money to feed both dogs and had won a bet over a old Doge truck with positive ground that couldn't be paid, and so i took claim to the dog there and then.

In summer clothing I fixed snowmachines with borrowed tools and bought a Ford gallexy 500 for cheap and loaded that dog me and my girl of the day into that wreched car and drove it back almost to Miami. I had gone with the guys brother who i worked with and he needed to stay with family, in hard times.

I had ply wood between me and the back seat where that dog was. That dog even protected me then but not because I had any controll, but just because he was bad. i had varouse road problems on the way south and didn't have coin for tolls in Fla. So I took the inland road passing Rayford Prison.

I picked up a hitch hiker and asked if he had any money and his reply was That's my question to you! he was sorta surprised.. he said he just got out of the joint for armed robbery too, My kinda guy. Reel Honest I knew where he wanted to go, where he had been and why, and I had this big nasty problem in the back seat. (gotta love that right?)

So I cut the guy a deal. He couldn't get anything I didn't have, and he couldn't get to where he wanted to go with out me. He couldn't even get the dog out of the car himself.. I was set and his was purse easy.

The deal was, i got with in 3 city blocks and the car was his. I was glad to get rid of it that easy.

I think for me it would take more than 1 dog and they would need to be hunting me before I became scared.

Next time some piece of scum tries to rob you, without flinching, tell them:

"I like your style, how would you like to come where the real money is made?"

My dad taught me that trick!
Please Save Milk Bones For Emergency Use

When we got out little, big mouth, Golden she sounded off on the UPS guy.
He offered her a Milk Bone & she was very happy.
That was 7 years ago & since then she has jumped into ever panel van she has come accross - UPS -FedEx - Postal - The plumber - . . .
Wish he had just smacked her with the package - or sprayed her.
An act of kindness might yet kill her.
My dad used to walk long distances for excercise in our little hick town where there are three dogs for every occupant of a residence. he took a 2 and half ft two by four and wittled a handle on one end so that it would fit in his hand. He even drilled a hole through the handle and put a strip of leather through it for a belt loop. It is inexpensive and very effective. Since you deliver packages just have it looped onto your dolly and then noone will notice it until you take out the dog. I used it a time or two riding my bike. One good strike to the cranial vault of a pit bull and they keep coming, but slower and with less motivation.
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