So is the price of firearms and ammos really gonna sky rocket?

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The dealers are the only ones who will profit from all this panic buying. I will have to laugh if nothing comes of it.

This country's on the verge of totally melt down thanks to ...the existing "crew" so don't sweat the gun stuff until things like the econ, global warming, our failing foreign policy, our grumbling infrastructure, our broken education system, our neglected military, the vanishing act on the middle class, two wars and a partridge in a pear tree...are back to our standards. Cuz they ain't right now!
For every year it took to screw it up it'll take 3 for the next gang to fix.
So by all means, panic's good for the econ!:)

Hi all, I am new here.
I think there was already a price hike up and a gun shortage scare long before the election results. it all boils down to "out of my cold dead hands" I hope that we the people would see someone trying to take away our guns. I also hope that we the people understand that we had this fight before and won. gun prices are subject to market conditions just like silver and gold. my self, i can only afford silver. the price of silver has gone up. you used to be able to get a single shot 12 gauge for 89 bucks new and 40 to 50 used. now i see them at the gun show for 140 used. I would like to run out and buy all the guns, but I found out a long time ago I only have 2 hands. I think in most situations if one man cant solve his problem with a .45 a 12 gauge and a .308 than he has a lot of ground to cover as fast as he can if he wants to live. there is no need to stock up on ammo unless you target shoot every day or you are expecting a zombie invasion. if the s.h.t.f. I am pretty sure I can walk in to any store of farm house and find a cache of .22, .45, 12ga, or .308
ammo has a shelf life and is heavy. too many guns invite problems and the Burden of moving them or guarding them. even if they try to ban all guns just think of how many jobs they created for the out of work machinist with a garage. it is far to late for a gun ban and it will never work.
For the gun ban, people are afraid that they can take them from us. This is doubtful....although they can stop the manufacture and importation of ammunition and certain firearms, such as the failed bill a couple years ago 10-22.

There are too many guns, legal and illegal out there. They also know that if you disarm America, only the bad guys will have guns.
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