So this is what your supposed to do, because guns are inappropriate.

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jbrown50 said:
Obviously the author meant this to be more satirical than anything else.

You would think so, but after looking at some of the replies by the author to comments on the gizmodo page, I'm not so sure. I am confident the author was being fairly serious, which is the scary part.
Firearms are cheaper and a better deterrent against an occupied home invasion. Alarms can be cut and circumvented. Its hard to argue with a 12ga loaded with 00 or #4 buck.

*Rips open shirt: Nerd magic* Batman DID carry a gun back in the 60's and 70's comics but stopped carrying it because of political waves of the country against illegal guns. Looking at the old comics they are reminiscent of Colt.
I like areosol deterents myself. Ive once watched a rather idiotic person spray starter fluid over a lighter. Sure it will light your home on fire, but it doesnt seem that there are any better non gun solutions. Maybe keep a can of muriotic acid to throw it in a intruders face. How come in a effort to claim there are tools more as good as guns, people will make themselves look like idiots and will rely on ineffective solutions that present more danger to themselves?
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