So where are we now?

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Jan 2, 2008
Southcentral Pennsylvania
Ok, Election over, worse case scenario realized. Mass panic buying, Quiet on DC Front (for now), Panic buying subsiding. Where are we headed? Will the Administration wait until the Cap & Trade and Healthcare fight is over to strike? Are they held at bay by the blue dog dems from the South and West? What will be the spark to ignite the next round of Panic in the Shooting Community?
Our next press is for incorporation.

After the Heller decision, the numerous state sovereignty bills, and a few warning letters from pro-2A Dems, this administration might have been rocked back onto its heels regarding a strike at the 2A.

But don't, for one second, think that they don't want to strike.
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The SCOTUS will probably be the next cause.

Don't panic do something about it. Band together and slap the Second Amendment on yor wrist!
--Shameless Plug
There are a lot more gun owners and people applying for their CWP. I was doing the numbers for my Tax paperwork(my mom is a CPA and helped me get a Tax number for my sole propietorship as an NRA certified pistol instructor), and I realized I had done over 180 students. By the end of this month it will be over 200(just over). Most of them were newbs who didn't own guns before hand. Granted I live in Florida, so the South is the south, there were a bunch of immigrants(got their Green Card and other necessaries to buy from my FFL guy) from England(11), Australia(7), South Africa(9) and I'm only looking at more legal immigrants(they tell their buddies still stuck in their countries and I'm getting phone calls from overseas, and am tossing out recommendations on immigration attorneys I know[they were students of mine]). But I didn't get many Yankees, the occassional New Yorker but I didn't get any Chicago folk.

So we, the gun owning public, essentially sezied the initiative. And a lot of my fellow law school students who voted for Obama went out and bought Aks and ARs through my FFL guy, so go figure. Kind of a bad idea to go after your supporters property, but then again there are a lot more poor, uneducated, stupid, useless constituents than intelligent, gun owning, well-off constituents, so it's still a toss up. I just keep buying ammo through my FFL guy cheaper than the local gun shops. And I'm setting up to grab a few more Mosins, Tokarevs, and .22lr rifles and pistols. I learned my lesson, where I can get a deal, have the money, I'm stocking up. I'm turning out reloads every week(only a few dozen rounds at a time) for myself in .45 ACP(bough a 5k pack of large pistol primers off a fellow hoarder who had financial trouble for thirty bucks, among other insundries), 9mm, .38 Special, .357 Magnum, .223, .30-30. Brass hunting is rare but then again I take my students out to private properties, I put down tarps(in the interest of protecting the enviornment wink wink) and collect all manner of brass. As long as I toss the property owners $5 a head, keep the berms operable, and toss the home owners a bulk pack of .22lr(both older gentleman who like plinking) each time I go out there, ti's all good.

I may be over buying but it's cheaper and healthier than seeing a shrink and doping myself with prozac.
I believe that you can rest assured that the storm is coming. My proof is Obama's track record of lying. He said no new taxes for people that make under $250K. That's not going to happen. Look at Cap and Trade. Who's going to pay for the "National Health Care?" He Criticized Bush for spending.. What's this fool doing.. Spend, spend, spend. National defense is being weakened day by day because of the finger pointing going on between the House and the CIA. So again, you can bet something radical is going to happen with our Second Amendment Rights.

This Administration does the opposite of what makes sense. I am waiting for the whole US system to collapse. He ignores Constitutional Law and makes up the rules as he goes. My final word is .. Obama makes Bush look like a saint.


Build a fire for a man and keep him warm for a night. Set him on fire and keep him warm for the rest of his life.
Say one thing on policy. Do another.

I think I'm seeing a pattern.

One upside I see is that Jimmy Carter is probably the main reason Ronald Reagan got elected. :D

OK, I'm an optimist when it comes to the USA. We have a system designed by geniuses specifically so it can be run by fools.

Obama wont try to ban guns... He will just nationalize ownership somehow so that the feds end up owning all them!
Some kind of 11th hour sneak attack. Rubberstamp by sycophants in Congress. Our side will be caught off guard as usual and go for "compromise." Joe
We consider the OP's question as though we expect some great big attack some day, a huge frontal assault against the second amendment and our gun ownership rights.

That's exactly the confrontation they will avoid.

Instead, the next 2 or 3 decades will be pockmarked by teeny tiny little rules and regulations and restrictions and limitations, each of which by itself makes absolutely no difference to gun ownership. But the whole of which will change the picture of gun ownership forever. And we'll all stand on the front line facing the expected attack and poised to repel it, while the teeny tiny nibbles go on behind us unnoticed until there is no ground beneath us upon which to stand.
I think they got the message that its political suicide to go for our guns, politicians are like dirty diapers. Ya gotta change them everytime or they become as severe as a rash!
I have mixed feelings about this issue. I feel that he is not going after the second amendment at this time because (1.) he has much more serious "problems" and would be criticized for tackling this issue while our economy is swirling around in the toilet, and (2.) if he is elected for a second term, he doesn't have to worry about his own re-election and will be free to pursue his own agenda. :what: (3.) He will go after this issue when he has a "golden" opportunity. He will wait until some nut does something truly evil with a firearm and will utilize such a situation to suit his agenda.

I hate to contribue to absurd firearm and ammunition prices further, but he will push this issue when it is advantageous to him. It would be a mistake to think he is not clever.
ants - good post. I think that is the most likely scenario. I don't see anything drastic happening with this administration, nor perhaps the next, but you are right, constant erosion by small victories and subliminal attempts to change peoples attitudes is their best game.
Obama is not interested in subtle persuasion and gradual change of public opinion. Only the most naive cannot see that a ban will come.
The Obama is working on a several new ways to restrict our right to own guns; Judge Sonia Sotomoyor and a Federal law is in the works that would remove the states rights to issue any type of gun permit. All gun permits would be issued by the Federal government. Another office would be created to manage the permits at the Federal level.
Federal law is in the works that would remove the states rights to issue any type of gun permit. All gun permits would be issued by the Federal government. Another office would be created to manage the permits at the Federal level.

And any scrap of proof is.............?
LRaccuracy said:
So again, you can bet something radical is going to happen with our Second Amendment Rights.

No doubt. We need to do all that is necessary to protect the right and the amendment that protects it. To us, the RKBA needs to be viewed as one of those rights that contain power we need to survive and be free as if there is no government securing that for us. The RKBA and the Second Amendment need to be that hornets nest you dare not mess with. Get close and you get stung.


It is way past time we in this country got back to arming ourselves the way our Founding Fathers so wisely saw fit to insure us the impunity to do so in the Constitution. B.E.Wood
There should be far better things to do than sit around and pontificate about possible events that have not yet occurred, and which all of the talking in the world will not change.

In fact, I know there is. Start by joining or donating to a RKBA advocacy organization, take new shooters to the range, and in general be a good ambassador for the gunnie community.

But we ain't a'gonna spend any more time on THR gazing angrily into a murky crystal ball.
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